Chapter 500: Can't afford this green plum (9)

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Xu Zifan turned off the virtual screen, not looking at Yue Lingling's despair. There is nothing wrong with liking someone, but someone like Yue Lingling is disgusting. If you love the pain, go to the pain.

He and Yu Sisi parked the car and went upstairs, and said concerned: "Are you all right? Are you still scared?"

Yu Sisi shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, you helped me again. I feel that you are my noble person. I'm so lucky."

Xu Zifan shook his head and laughed, "What noble man? Just by chance, you will put a wolf spray or something in your bag in the future. Be safe."

"Well, this is the first time I have encountered this kind of thing. I will place an order later." Yu Sisi looked at him with bright eyes and said, "I am particularly inspired now. Go back and draw pictures first. You should rest early, tomorrow I will I invite you to dinner."

"Okay, good night." Xu Zifan nodded at her and opened the door of his house.

"Good night." Yu Sisi couldn't wait to go home. She ran to the study without changing her clothes and quickly drew the design drawings. She was immersed in the creation and concentrated.

At that time, when she was most at a loss, Xu Zifan appeared in front of her like a hero and solved all the troubles. At that moment, she was thinking like a fountain of thoughts, and she had never been so inspired. She insisted on returning home, she could not wait. It's time to turn the inspiration in your mind into design drawings!

Light or heavy lines appeared on the drawings, quickly sketching out a few human figures, and then one set of fashionable and expensive clothes was drawn by her. They are all high-end dresses. The design is not complicated, but they are deeply attractive. Just looking at the clothes can make people think of the word "male god", just like the prince charming of thousands of girls.

This is how Yu Sisi felt most true to Xu Zifan at that time.

Yu Sisi finished drawing all the pictures and spread them out on the desk, showing a satisfied smile. She stretched her waist and looked up at the wall clock on the wall, and found that it was early morning, and she hurriedly packed up the design drawings to take a bath and sleep.

Without a dream, the negative emotions brought by that drunk had disappeared without a trace, and had no effect on her at all.

She got up early the next morning and made breakfast. With Xu Zifan, a good teacher, she can already cook a lot of basic meals, and she is a little in love with cooking. She asked Xu Zifan to have breakfast together, and then Xu Zifan taught her a new dish and a kind of therapeutic soup.

Xu Zifan took a picture of the cooked meal and posted it to Moments of friends with the text: [The new dish I tried today is delicious. 】

Yue Lingling waited outside the community all night and felt very uncomfortable. Seeing this photo made it even more uncomfortable. Yu Sisi didn't come out, they really lived together, so this dish was made by Xu Zifan for Yu Sisi? No wonder he suddenly fell in love with cooking recently, and he didn't contact her yet, because he had a new girlfriend.

Yu Sisi and Xu Zifan went in the night before and haven't come out at noon now. Yue Lingling couldn't help thinking about what they were doing inside. The more she thought about it, the more painful she became, but she couldn't go in for it, and she was almost mad. She couldn't bear this feeling of being out of control, couldn't bear the feeling of Xu Zifan and her drifting away, it was too painful.

After Xu Zifan and Yu Sisi had their lunch, Yu Sisi packed up the food and prepared to go to the hospital to see her grandma.

Shaohua suddenly reminded Xu Zifan, [Host, Yue Lingling is still at the door, will she follow Yu Sisi? 】

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