Chapter 490: The best boy in the street (9)

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When Tang Jiao and Tian Feng were together, they hated Xu Zifan because of Tian Feng's legs, and the two of them murmured privately about how to harm Xu Zifan, but due to Xu Zifan's influence, they had no chance to do it.

This time, Tang Jiao watched Xu Zifan discount her sweetheart's legs and hated him to the extreme. When she heard Tian Feng's tragic voice on the phone, she seemed to have become a female soldier, fearless to avenge her sweetheart.

Shaohua heard the conversation between the two clearly, and as soon as Xu Zifan got the evidence, it let Xu Zifan listen to the conversation.

[Shaohua: Host, she must be trying to frame you up. 】

Xu Zifan smiled indifferently, 【I'm afraid she won't come, how can I send her in if she doesn't come? 】

Xu Zifan walked out of the villa and confessed to the servant with a calm face: "Take care of the eldest lady, don't hurt."

"Yes." The servants answered tremblingly, waiting for Xu Zifan to leave before daring to look up.

They all knew what Tang Jiao did shamelessly. No one thought it was wrong to hear Xu Zifan's name for Tang Jiao changing from "Jiaojiao" to "Miss". They knew how Tang Jiao hurt Xu Zifan again and again. , It's just self-inflicted.

Because Xu Zifan did not order Tang Jiao to be placed under house arrest, Tang Jiao got upset and unexpectedly discovered that no one was forcing her to control her. After a pleasant surprise, she ran out at night and waited for the servant to find out that the report was reported to Xu Zifan the next day. Tang Jiao had already received the amount. Xiao Dao also met with Uncle Qiu and Bald's men to create some false evidence.

Xu Zifan sent someone out to find Tang Jiao. He heard Zhou Hao say that Tang Jiao was waiting for him at his door. He seemed very haggard and miserable. He simply stayed in the hospital all day and didn't go home until late at night.

Tang Jiao was already waiting to be irritable. On this day, she made more than a dozen calls with Tian Feng to discuss how to frame Xu Zifan. She was afraid of missing Xu Zifan's home. She didn't even eat. She didn't rest for two days and one night. It was extremely uncomfortable. , I wanted to get angry when I saw Xu Zifan, or thought of the "good stuff" in the bag before reluctantly suppressing his anger, and squeezed out an ugly smile and said, "Zifan, why did you come back?"

"I'm with the foster father in the hospital." Xu Zifan replied coldly and opened the door.

Tang Jiao hurriedly followed behind him and entered the door, facing such a cold Xu Zifan for the first time, embarrassed and embarrassed not knowing what to say.

Xu Zifan threw the key on the coffee table and looked back at her, "Something?"

Tang Jiao bit her lip, lowered her head and said weakly, "I, my dad is angry, and I know it's wrong, can you help me plead? No, no, as long as you accompany me to see my dad tomorrow Yes, okay? I live here today and I will go to see Dad with you tomorrow."

Xu Zifan picked up the key again, "Go to sleep, I have something else, and I will call Zhou Hao to pick you up to the hospital tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Tang Jiao's heart was beating fast and she was excited. It would be more convenient for Xu Zifan to hide things when she was not at home.

Xu Zifan left altogether, drove the car on the street, smiled and said: [Shaohua has watched all the monitoring, make no mistakes. 】

[Shaohua: Don't worry, the host, there are no dead ends, all of them are taken. 】

Xu Zifan saw from the virtual screen that Tang Jiao had hidden something in his home. Tang Jiao had been held in the palm of his hand by the original owner since she was a child. She got used to it and couldn't see Xu Zifan's current transformation. She thought Xu Zifan had no defense against her, so when she wanted to retaliate against Xu Zifan, the first thing she thought of was this method.

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