Chapter 461: Eating and broadcasting the king's way (13)

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When Xu Zifan was hunting, by the way, Shaohua asked Shaohua to add some information to the black group of people, and announced that he was afraid of hardship and refused to film "Dead Island Survival". He is a little white face who cannot be carried on his shoulders. He will definitely become the biggest of this show. Failure. He also said that he was grumpy, uneducated, speechless, and acting inferior to children, etc. In short, he was black to death, but what was black was his ability.

Now the main culprit is that Xiaohua's remnant fan, who is irrational and must spread vigorously to catch any news that can smear him. The original owner had no chance to show himself before. No one really knew him. Netizens were naturally brought into the rhythm by the online comments, thinking that Xu Zifan was doing nothing but doing a lot of things. He was just a little white face who was not dedicated and wanted to take shortcuts.

There was a **** storm on the Internet, and passers-by were curious about who this star named Xu Zifan was, and why it aroused the anger of the public. There was no hot search for several days. This is to get him out of the entertainment circle, but people never show up. What's the use of scolding so much?

Xu Zifan put the fire on the Internet and left it alone, leaving Shaohua to monitor the trend of public opinion.

He hunted a pheasant and fished a brood of wild eggs by the way. I picked a lot of mushrooms and wild vegetables, and dug a sweet potato-like thing with a lot of starch. I dug more than 20, each of which has a palm-sized and generous portion.

Finally, he picked some natural seasonings, fizzed with water and returned to the camp.

Chen Zaimin and Yi Xiao have already made six small benches. Practice makes perfect and they are very strong. They are building the other half of the cabin. The entire frame was built the day before, but now it's just the roof and walls.

Song Yunjian went to get the vines and leaves, and came back to set up with them, but he was not familiar with them, and was anxious to keep up with the rhythm of the two. He made a few cuts in his hands, not serious, but it was easy to touch, and it hurts. It's not terrible, but it hurts and annoying.

Xu Zifan watched their progress and gave them water. Several people sat on a small bench to rest and talk and laugh. After a while, the three of them set up a small house, and he heated the chicken feathers with water and started to cook chicken stew with mushrooms.

The ingredients are incomplete, so Xu Zifan used a light and nutritious approach to maximize the fresh fragrance of the ingredients. He turned the fire into a small fire, simmered it slowly, and buried a circle of eggs beside the fire, roasting a total of twelve, two per person.

After finishing this, he went to explore the unexplored area of ​​the island. With time, he knew what was there without having to walk a lot, so he started at a distance of 400 meters from the edge of the island, always keeping this distance and walking in circles, and then moved 500 meters inward after walking around. The circle is much smaller, which saves a lot of time, and then another 500 meters walk in, the island is fully explored!

Now he has the most comprehensive map of the island, where foods and animals are clearly marked, and it can be said that he knows the island well.

He walked to the camp with satisfaction, picked a bunch of ripe bananas along the road, picked sweet and sour wild fruits, and went back to the camp at exactly one o'clock in the afternoon, and the chicken was stewed.

Song Yunjian said in surprise: "Youngest, you found a banana? All I saw before were all green."

"I also saw such a bunch of yellow ones. It's pretty good. You can eat it later." Xu Zifan smiled and glanced at the chicken in the pot. He threw a handful of wild vegetables and sour wild fruits in it. Finally, the large leaves were boring, and the fire was changed into a big fire.

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