Chapter 485: The best boy in the street (4)

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Tang Zhentian watched Xu Zifan grow up, and no one knew how much Xu Zifan protected Tang Jiao. Otherwise, he would not insist on going against his daughter's wishes and entrust her to Xu Zifan.

Now Tang Jiao said that Xu Zifan deliberately ignored her, he naturally would not believe it. But Xu Zifan's phone is turned off? This is quite unusual. For people like them, when did the cell phone turn off?

Tang Zhentian looked at Tang Jiao in fright and weakness, and still cried and cried, and didn't want to hear her. He waved his hand and asked the three wives to take the person back to the room for a checkup by the family doctor, and then sent someone to find out what happened. what's up.

Xu Zifan drank the spirit spring water at home to practice Chaos Jue, and soon he was refreshed and exhausted. He was found by knocking on the door, and Shaohua told him that Tang Zhentian's confidant and iron hand was outside the door.

Xu Zifan glanced at the layout of the room and tapped a few acupuncture points on his body with his spiritual power, and his face suddenly became pale and very haggard before he went to open the door.

Tieshou saw Xu Zifan's face and was taken aback, "Brother Fan, are you unwell?"

Xu Zifan rubbed his temples, turned and walked inside, and sat on the sofa, "It's okay, my head hurts, why are you here? My foster father is looking for me?"

Iron Hand followed up the door and saw seven or eight wine bottles scattered on the coffee table and carpet, and the ashtray was full of cigarette butts. He frowned suspiciously and didn't ask much, "Brother Fan, something has happened to the eldest lady, God is looking for you."

Xu Zifan looked at him immediately, "What happened to Jiaojiao?"

"Tian Feng forced the eldest to watch a horror movie overnight. The eldest was overwhelmed with nervous breakdown. The doctor gave me a tranquilizer and is now falling asleep."

"Tian Feng? How could it be?" Xu Zifan got up and walked out. After two steps, he lowered his head and saw that there was still alcohol on his clothes. He frowned and said, "Go drive first and I will get off immediately. By the way, ask someone to buy one. Cell phone, I dropped it in the bathtub."

"Yes, Brother Fan." Tie Shou exited the villa first and reported everything he had seen to Tang Zhentian outside.

Tang Zhentian knew it, no wonder Xu Zifan's phone turned off. It turned out that he fell into the bathtub drunk. It was an accident. But why do good drinking and smoking? There must be something else that he didn't know. Sitting in the study, Tang Zhentian thought about the recent situation of the gang.

Xu Zifan took a bath, changed his clothes and went out, urging Tie Shou to drive quickly. Obviously he attached great importance to his adoptive father and fiancee. He even murmured in the heart of Tie Shou. There is no better person in the world than Xu Zifan to Tang Jiao. If it were Xu Zifan Knowing that Tang Jiao can blame him for everything, I don't know what he would think.

When the car drove to Tang's house, when Xu Zifan got off the car, someone respectfully held the phone forward. He handed the phone card over and walked to the door. The person had already installed the card. As Xu Zifan walked to find the special ringtone that was set as Tang Jiao's ringtone, the servants and younger brother present could hear clearly, and had no doubt about Tang Jiao's status in his heart.

Xu Zifan picked up his mobile phone and walked up the stairs to invite a servant, "How is Jiaojiao?"

"Brother Fan, the eldest lady is sleeping, and the doctor gave her an infusion to supplement her nutrients, saying it's OK."

"Well, take good care of it, leave someone at the door, and warm her favorite food in the kitchen at any time, she needs to do what she needs when she wakes up."

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