Chapter 534: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (11)

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Lin Ruoshan is well aware of the benefits of gossip, and she bought a handsome **** with a lot of money. This person likes to drink heavily and often goes to the Lin's wine shop to buy and drink. Lin Ruoshan knows that his family has no permanent assets and is eager to marry a wife, and he is not like someone who is taking the right path. So Lin Ruoshan picked him, and this person responded in one fell swoop, ensuring that things were done properly.

Lin Ruoshan was wearing a drapery hat when she approached him. She deliberately lowered her voice to not let him know who she was. She only said that there would be a reward for ruining Lin Ruonan.

The **** teacher had just returned from a field escort, and after receiving Lin Ruoshan's bank note, he deliberately got drunk and rushed to look for him when there were most people in the cloth shop. When he saw Lin Ruonan, he showed a miserable expression.

"Ruo Nan...Ruo Nan..."

His strange appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention. Lin Ruonan frowned and saw him looking at her in pain and saying: "You are really here, you are really married behind me. We are. I clearly said that I would go to your house to propose marriage when I came back from the dart. I was beaten by the wind and rain, and I didn't dare to spend another copper plate. I managed to save fifty taels of silver as the beauties. When I came back, I heard that you were married. You... Why are you? Did they force you to switch? Don't be afraid, I'm back, no one can force you."

As the **** master said, he went to pull Lin Ruonan, everyone exclaimed, and Lin Ruonan also backed away in shock, "What are you doing? I don't know you!"

Xu Zifan stepped forward to block Lin Ruonan behind him, took the kettle next to him, and poured a pot of water on his head.

The Guardian panicked: "What are you doing? I'm here to find Ruonan, not you."

Xu Zifan stared sharply at the **** master and said: "Are you sober? If you are drunk and talking nonsense, you can say it clearly this time, but if you are sober and insist on saying what my wife has with you, I will tell you It's reasonable."

The **** met his eyes with a panic, and he almost turned and ran away, but when he thought of the silver promised by Lin Ruoshan, he gritted his teeth and said, "I am a little drunk when I let go, but the alcohol is so courageous, if not drunk, this I won't say anything embarrassing. Now that I've said it all, I'll have to ask more clearly, Ruo Nan, didn't you say let me save fifty taels of silver to marry you? You also said that if I don't save enough, this You eloped with me the next time you came back. Why did you marry in a blink of an eye? Do you have anything unspeakable? As long as you say, I will forgive you!"

Lin Ruonan's face was pale, and she clung to Xu Zifan's sleeves and sternly said, "Where is the rascal? She is framing me with empty mouth and white teeth. I have never seen you when I grew up, and I have never set up a lifelong private relationship with anyone. Who told you to harm me?"

The Guardian's eyes widened and excited, "You don't admit it? You pretend not to know me? I keep the token of love you gave me. Where is the false accusation? If you treat me like this, I will Show it to everyone and let everyone comment on it. I have suffered for you and come back to marry you with joy. How come you are so wronged?"

The dart master looks very good, but his face is stained with wind and frost when he walks the dart. At this time, he looks aggrieved and sad, which is really convincing. Moreover, he vowed to say that there was a token of love, which made the customers in the cloth shop a little bit puzzled. His eyes didn't live between him and Lin Ruonan, and there was a faint meaning to believe.

Xu Zifan calmly shook Lin Ruonan's hand, and said coldly: "No hurry, you can make sense wherever you have evidence, but the county grandfather is more authoritative to judge this matter."

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