Chapter 550: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (27)

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Xu Zifan successfully participated in the test and won the first place in Huiyuan, five consecutive firsts. Several adults who read the papers were all impressed by him and specifically mentioned Xu Zifan's name to the emperor.

The emperor manages everything, and does not remember the past between Xu Zifan and Lin Ruoshan. At the beginning, the prefect was afraid that Lin Ruoshan's matter would hinder Xu Zifan. He also briefly mentioned about him without saying much. Therefore, the emperor read his answer Long Yan Dayue and said with a smile: "This son is not a thing in the pool. I have a talent, and this time I will take a good test of him."

During the palace examination, the emperor deliberately presented a difficult problem, which was the Jiangnan officialdom problem that was not solved by the previous emperor but is now being rectified. Candidates entering the hall are stupid when they see the questions. They don't understand these things deeply, and they don't dare to express their opinions at will. A carelessness will offend people and even make the emperor displeased. How to answer this?

Many people frowned, and some even broke out in a cold sweat. The emperor sat in the upper position and looked at them one by one, and had a certain understanding of the resilience and courage of each of them. When he saw Xu Zifan, he found that Xu Zifan was calm as usual, and he started to write after a moment of thinking.

The emperor couldn't help being curious, got up and walked to Xu Zifan's side, and watched him answer the questions with his hands behind his back.

The emperor is the first person in the world. It's the first time for the examinees to see him. Some examinees are nervous just because he walks by, let alone answering questions. Although some examinees can be calm, they are not very natural. , The body tightens subconsciously.

Only Xu Zifan, the emperor was meaningless to him, so even if the emperor stood by his side, he could answer the questions with ease and calmness. And his "business as usual", in the eyes of the emperor, is not surprising. Looking at the sentence he wrote again, the emperor thought for a moment, his eyes gradually showed approval and a smile appeared on his face.

This palace exam was undoubtedly very difficult for the candidates. Not only was the question too deep, the emperor also put great pressure on the scene, so the answers to the candidates were not satisfactory.

The emperor had read Xu Zifan's answer sheet, and then looked at other people's results. He couldn't make other people's grades higher than Xu Zifan's. Although it is customary that young and handsome candidates are always designated as Tanhua, the emperor directly designated Xu Zifan as the champion.

The so-called "three yuan in the world, six poems have nothing in the world", there has never been a person in the history of the world who has won six poems, and Xu Zifan became the first person in history. As soon as the imperial list came out, he became famous, and his name was known all over the world.

Xu Zifan knows how difficult it is for a groundless student to enter officialdom, so from the day he plans to participate in the imperial examination, he has been high-profile all the way, not only has six poems, but also has extraordinary opinions on political opinions, which just attracted the emperor. Attention, make yourself a master of the world.

His unrelenting learning is his confidence, even no matter how high-profile he is, he can control the situation and is not afraid of trials. It was his strength that made him truly in the eyes of the emperor, and directly rewarded him with a champion mansion, a hundred taels of gold, and awarded him the post of imperial scholarship.

The imperial Academy compiles the sixth grade, and compiles the history of the country. People valued by the emperor can also go to the palace frequently, and help organize the memorials when the emperor reviews the memorials. This position is the footsteps of future ministers, a high starting point for the glorious official career, and the dream of countless candidates. Xu Zifan is naturally more famous among students.

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