Chapter 509: Can't afford this green plum (End)

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Yu Sisi won the championship and was reported by major media. Although the fashion designer is not as popular as the celebrities in the entertainment industry, the young fashion designer with good looks is still very popular, not to mention her superior strength and many fans in the industry.

As soon as the report came out, people from all parties noticed her, especially her and Xu Zifan's couple file also brought a lot of topics. The fans of both sides are not black or pinched, and they have joined forces to form a huge and harmonious fan group. A great spectacle.

Xu Zifan's friends all watch the news. They are happy for him but also very sorry. The good brothers are so alienated. In the future, Xu Zifan will become more and more popular. They are not in the same city, and they may gradually become people of two worlds. Up. This was caused by Yue Lingling and Wei Yan, and they were naturally very disgusted with them.

In front of Wei Yan, Yue Lingling showed that she didn't care about the news, and she was a little guilty and blessed, but in private she couldn't help smashing things in a house and was so jealous. She has been with Xu Zifan for twenty-eight years, so why is the person next to Xu Zifan not her?

She tried every means to send messages to Xu Zifan, expressing her blessings, but it was all over the place, there was no news, and it was useless to use a strange number, as if Xu Zifan knew it was her and never responded.

She couldn't figure out why using an unfamiliar number didn't work. She didn't know that Shaohua had such a heaven-defying existence, and she would never be able to break through Shaohua's firewall.

After thinking and thinking, she brought a wave of rhythm on the Internet to find the navy, and it was revealed that Xu Zifan had a green-mei neighbor who had been with him for 28 years. Needless to say, the netizens naturally pay attention to the "green plum" point, and they make up all kinds of love and hatred. Most of them feel that it is impossible to get along for twenty-eight years without becoming love.

Originally, those who followed Xu Zifan were fans who like models and variety shows. They are relatively peaceful, rarely on hot searches, not so hot. When the topic of Qingmei came out this time, Xu Zifan was inexplicably brought to the hot search. The childhood sweethearts are true friendship and childhood sweethearts cannot be pure friendship. The two sides quarreled with each other, and the popularity of Xu Zifan and Yu Sisi also rose rapidly.

Yu Sisi won the championship and wants to represent China to participate in international competitions. She and Xu Zifan were stopped by reporters at the airport. The reporter asked straightforwardly: "Xu Zifan, what is your relationship with Yue Lingling? Have you liked her? Yu Sisi and Yue Lingling get along Is it alright?"

Yu Sisi glanced at Xu Zifan worriedly. Xu Zifan smiled lightly and said, "I won't respond to personal matters, but everyone has to go back so hard to get some news."

He clasped Yu Sisi's fingers tightly and said with a smile: "This time I accompany Sisi to participate in the international competition. The works are designed by Sisi for me and contain many different styles. I hope everyone will pay more attention to it. There may be unexpected surprises."

"Do you mean the surprise you are talking about is something good is coming? Are you planning to propose?"

Xu Zifan smiled and looked at Yu Sisi, "It seems that everyone knows that we will get married. Don't refuse me when I propose, or I will lose face."

Yu Sisi said amusedly: "Wait until you ask, I can't promise you first."

Xu Zifan took her shoulders, waved at the reporters, and pointed to the boarding gate, "Well, we have passed the security check. Thanks for your hard work, everyone, I invite you to drink iced drinks."

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