Chapter 568: Back house wives and concubines are reborn (16)

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The emperor was closely monitoring the movements of the four princes and the fifth princes. What happened in the fifth prince's mansion was immediately reported.

A side concubine of the Liu family dared to beat the fifth prince. Even if the emperor was displeased with this son, he would not allow Liu to ride on the head of the fifth prince. Doesn't this mean that the Liu family doesn't put the royal family in their eyes? !

The emperor asked people to keep an eye on Liu's family and Liu's family, and called Xu Zifan to ask, "Lao Liu, what's the matter with you and Liu's family? Why did I hear that you asked someone to send a letter to Lao Wu, and they both started fighting. Up?"

Xu Zifan said frankly: "Liu's brother showed her good to Erchen with Brother Wuhuang on his back. After Erchen refused, she still did not give up. Erchen was unwilling to have a rift with Brother Wuhuang for this kind of life, so she told him about the matter. , But Erchen didn't expect them to fight."

The emperor frowned and said displeased: "This Liu family is too shameless, how did she teach her daughter? Today she dares to beat the fifth child, will she dare to beat me tomorrow?"

Xu Zifan wanted to say something but stopped, the emperor saw it and said, "What do you want to say? But it doesn't matter."

"Yes, father, my son always felt that Liu's attitude was not right." Xu Zifan muttered, "three years ago, Liu gave the fragments of the exercises to his son, saying that she could not understand the mystery. Before leaving Beijing, I went to Liu's house and asked about the fragments. Liu's father and daughter said that there was only one fragment and nothing else. But this time when my son met Liu, she felt that she had changed amazingly and her appearance was several times better than before. She seems to be a little bolder in her actions, and she doesn't care about secular etiquette. Father, do you think she will..."

The emperor narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment, and said coldly: "It is indeed possible that Liu's family may have a complete exercise that will not give it. Okay, you can go back. If Liu's come to you again, you can hold her and watch her. What do you want to do?"

"Yes, Erchen retire." Xu Zifan bowed out of the Imperial Study Room and returned to the palace with his three children.

Within two days, the fifth prince had an accident. He first fell into his own pond, then rolled down on the rockery in the Royal Garden, and then when he rode a carriage back to the house, the horses were suddenly startled, ran wildly, and went straight to the cliff.

The emperor sent to monitor the five princes. When the five princes were about to fall off the cliff, they were rescued in time and sent to the palace. As a result, the five princes coughed and coughed again when they were taking the medicine, and stopped after an hour. After such a tossing, the fifth prince didn't even have the strength to get up!

The emperor was so shocked that Xu Zifan sent a large number of personnel to investigate these incidents thoroughly. He would not believe it was a coincidence, all coincidences in the royal family were conspiracy.

But the fifth prince is the function of the heavenly bad luck charm, of course no one can find anything. The only fortunate thing is that the emperor's air has a natural suppressive effect on all evils. When the five princes live in the palace, the heaven-level bad luck charm becomes the level of ordinary bad luck charm.

The emperor sent the five princes out of the palace once, and the five princes were about to have an accident. Once they returned to the palace, they were much better. Such an obvious difference made the emperor suspicious, and called several Dao leaders who had come to help him study the exercises, and asked them if it was related to Dao.

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