Chapter 411: Unlucky stick (40)

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Mo Jiani rushed to Qingfeng Temple as soon as he finished filming, put on a Taoist robe, and practiced in Taoist Temple with peace of mind.

When Qingfeng Temple is in morning class, Jiang Tianxin and Xu Zian are sitting cross-legged in the first row, Luo Chen, Jiang Dong, Mo Jiani, Luo Mu, and Jiang Mu are in the second row, and the remaining little Taoists are in the third row. , Fourth row and fifth row, and Xu Zifan sat facing them on the steps and led them to practice.

Although at the beginning, Xu Zifan recruited them as fat sheep, but he never treated them badly. The practice methods he personally compiled for them are very suitable for ordinary people to practice. At least they can draw spiritual energy into their bodies and nourish them. The internal organs prolong life. If anyone has better talents and makes rapid progress, he will also make new exercises for them individually.

In the morning class, he will set up the spiritual gathering array to let everyone practice more with less effort. Therefore, the morning class is when the Taoist temple members are the most crowded, and it is also the quietest time for the Taoist temple.

Taoism is now on the right track. It can operate normally even if Xu Zifan is not there. Everyone usually finds time to practice. Whenever there are difficult questions, they will ask Jiang Tianxin or Xu Zifan. There is more and more serious and solemn atmosphere of Taoism.

The garage behind is being built, and the contents of the warehouse are increasing. Everyone has a plan to live here as their parents. Those who come to Taoist temples will feel a sense of peace and quiet.

But if they don't look for things, they will always come to their door. Luo Chen invited them to dinner on his birthday. When he went there, he happened to see that the door of a box was not closed. There were Dad, Chengzhuang, a couple and a young girl sitting inside.

The young girl lowered her head shyly, and the parents of the two sides happily praised each other. At first glance, it was the blind date. Only Chengzhuang was black.

Originally this had nothing to do with them, but when Cheng Zhuang saw Jiang Tianxin stood up suddenly, he almost brought the stool down, and said loudly, "I won't get engaged, I only like Tianxin alone."

Jiang Tianxin looked dazed, are you doing anything? What does it have to do with me?

Jiang Tianxin's name was named, and he knew him again, and the group of them naturally stopped.

It was difficult for the adult father to look at his face. He glanced at Jiang Tianxin, and with Xu Zifan's eyes he naturally saw the hidden disgust. The girl also frowned, and looked at Jiang Tianxin unabashedly. The couple looked unhappy and asked coldly, "Brother Cheng, what does this mean? Chengzhuang seems very reluctant."

The adult smiled, "What does his child know? Marriage is a matter of two families. It is a matter of family, and a lifetime is so long, you can't let the child be willful. Chengzhuang, sit down!"

Chengzhuang said angrily: "I said that I like Tianxin when I was 18 years old, and it hasn't changed for so many years. You think her family is a merchant, and you think she's showing up as a police officer, but she is now a member of the organization above. How many times it has been improved, so she is not the right one? Also, she has the ability, why is she not worthy of our family?"

The faces of Xu Zifan and others were hard to look. Jiang Dong was the first to say: "Chengzhuang, you have a **** brain hole? You don't want to use my sister as a shield for blind dates? Why are you not worthy of your family? Why is your face so big? "

Father Cheng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Chengzhuang, you heard it, and the Jiang family doesn't look down on you. Don't talk about it anymore, just sit down for me."

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