Chapter 438: Seventy old father (21)

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Xu Zifan looked at Song Xin in surprise, "You asked me to teach you how to deal with my granddaughter? How did you want to ask me? Most people don't do this kind of thing, right?"

Song Xin said affirmatively: "Because you don't like Xu Shengnan, I saw it that day. Actually, I don't want to behave to her, I just want to get rid of her and let her not pester me. She can make money and live a good life. Whatever, I don't want to be exposed, I just want not to interact with her."

Xu Zifan tied the sparrow slowly and said with a smile: "Your kid has sharp eyes. Most people say that regardless of their offspring, they must still be worried in their hearts. But for me, if it doesn't matter to them, I really don't care about them.

My eldest granddaughter really hates it, although now that you two have obtained the marriage certificate, I am not afraid that she will sue you for hooliganism.

But I think your family is very kind and will not harm others. At most, she beats and scolds her, but she is not a temperament to beat and scold her. Fighting with you every day can make your family jumpy. Maybe it's not worth it to get two dizzy.

Besides, if your family is talking about her, people who are leaning toward your family will have to turn around. How can she say that she also wears a few hundred dollars of dowry and sticks to you, and she is so handsome, in the eyes of others. Your house is taking advantage. "

Song Xin's face was ugly, "Yes, I think it's the same, as if I can't do anything, it's useless to do anything, and I have to toss my family out of it.

That's not my home alone, as well as my parents and my elder sister-in-law. I don't want to make them disturbed every day because of my mess, and that day will be impossible.

I want to separate my family, so I am the only one who responds. My family is not upset, because it is not convenient to honor my parents in the future. "

"The inconvenience is not temporary? If you can get rid of her, then you will be filial if you want to be filial. If you can't get rid of her, let the family be invisible, at least they can live a good life. The young man has a good idea, go eat with me A little bit?" Xu Zifan tied the sparrows, carrying two rabbits in one hand and a bunch of sparrows in the other and went down the mountain.

Song Xin hurriedly took the things over, "Grandpa Xu, I'm busy with you. I can roast sparrows, and the roasting is good. I will show you a hand later? Grandpa Xu, teach me how to let Xu Shengnan go by himself? I still don't know why she is staring at me. She is so thick-skinned that I can't find the weakness and can't start."

This is true. Xu Zifan chatted with Song Xin for a while, and felt that the young man's mind was quite flexible, but he hadn't seen anything in the world in the village, and he was relatively simple.

When encountering a shameless person like Xu Shengnan, he doesn't know the purpose and can't find the weakness, how to deal with it? Even groping and temptation will take a while. After all, the economy has not been opened up and no business can be done. Xu Shengnan is not anxious at all. Song Xin's wealth is behind, and she hasn't revealed her purpose in recent years.

When the two returned to the small courtyard, Xu Zifan watched the young man tidy up the sparrows quickly, cleaned the courtyard and the outside, and chopped all the firewood in the courtyard. To be honest, he also felt that the young man was very pitiful. That thing is eyeing it.

He couldn't figure out how Xu Shengnan got the spiritual spring of space. Generally, he had to have some good luck to get it. Asking Xu Shengnan to go is really violent and blind.

Xu Zifan and Song Xin chatted casually. When the sparrows were cooked, Xu Zifan took a bite and boasted: "Yes, I usually go to the mountains often, right?"

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