Chapter 494: Can't afford this green plum (3)

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Yue Lingling took the hair tie and the phone case and said with a smile: "I still want to pick it up later, Brother Zifan, have you eaten? Go out hungry?"

"I'll see Xiaoxin and eat together later," Xu Zifan hesitated and said, "Actually, I think about it, it's not appropriate for you to move so far alone, so don't move."

Yue Lingling waved her hand, "I'm almost 30 people. Don't worry about me where I live. The most important thing is that everyone is happy. I guess I rarely come here when I am busy. You and Xiao Xin wants to be well, and strive to make a successful proposal as soon as possible to marry someone home. By then, Xu's father and Xu's mother will definitely be happy."

This ordinary sentence seemed to be for Xu Zifan's consideration, but in fact, she pointed out that she moved because someone was unhappy, and she was wronged to fulfill them.

Xu Zifan solemnly said: "I'm serious, let you be so tossed about my business, let people know that I am bullying you? In fact, I wanted to go out and live by myself. It was my business, or I moved out. It's more appropriate. You should return the house, and I will replenish you with the deposit. I have to apologize to you and don't take it to your heart."

Yue Lingling was surprised: "You move out? Do Xu's father and Xu's mother agree?"

"Of course they agree. My boss is not young anymore. They don't care about me. I can relax. Besides, I want to be free on the outside. This is the case. If you move away for me and Xiaoxin, We must have a distressed conscience, and we won't be able to get along anymore."

When Xu Zifan said this, Yue Lingling had no reason to move. If she insisted on moving, it would be inexplicable.

She breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Well, I thought about it when I was packing up my things last night. I didn't know anyone when I moved in, and I was a bit scared to think about it. Then you move, don't worry, I will Father Xu and Mother Xu are like parents. You still have me if you are not at home. I will keep them happy."

If this were the original owner, she would definitely feel guilty. She almost made her a girl move to a strange place in fear. She would still feel that she cares about Xu's father and Xu's mother very much and is very heartwarming.

But of course Xu Zifan heard all her extravagances. He was unmoved, glanced at his watch and smiled with joy, "Xiao Xin is here soon, I have to go to the subway station to pick her up, and I won't talk to you."

Yue Lingling laughed and teased him, "You are a friend of color, go quickly, be careful to kneel on the washboard when you are late."

Xu Zifan laughed and said, "You're right, I really have to kneel on the washboard when I'm late. I didn't dare to make my girlfriend angry and left."

He walked a few steps and then turned around and said, "By the way, don't cook at noon. Come to my house. The first time Xiaoxin comes, my mother will definitely make a delicious table."

"Well, good, then you drive carefully." Yue Lingling waved her hand, closed the door with a smile, and did not stand in place to watch him.

Xu Zifan returned to her home with her hands in her pockets and gave Yue Lingling a hundred points for her acting skills. If she could definitely be the queen of the entertainment industry, she would have no flaws in her manner and smile, except for a pair of eyes. I lost my smile when I returned the hair circle and the phone case.

It's no wonder that the original owner can't see it. Who would doubt that people who have known them for 30 years are all traps? Just now Yue Lingling's performance, no one could tell that she liked herself.

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