Chapter 519: I'm a waste worth tens of billions (10)

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Netizens have begun to dig out Xu Zhikai's information. Xu Zhikai still hates geology and asks Xu Zifan, "Didn't you have your revenge? Can I have you ruthless? You stabbed his father's contract beast, causing his father to suffer and ruin it. Isn't it enough for the Xu family and Feng family? What are you doing today?"

Xu Zifan sneered, "Father wants to occupy the inheritance that my mother left me, and let me go to Huangshaxing for a lifetime. When I see I don't want to, I will order the contract beast to do it. I am a double F grade, don't you resist carrying the contract beast? s attack?"

He stared at Xu Zhikai with a straight face, "I have long suspected that you harmed me, but unfortunately there has been no evidence. The family has cleared all the tails for you. Until today, I did not really confirm that I was here to ask about this. Xu Zhikai, if you commit injustice, you will die. If your mind is wrong, the end of the Xu family is your future."

Xu Zhikai's expression was fierce, and he violently attacked Xu Zifan, "You said you are dead, who will inherit your property? Only your brother me!"

The netizens in the live broadcast took a breath and got goose bumps all over!

Xu Zifan's mother is dead and his father is in jail. According to the interstellar inheritance law, only this younger brother is really qualified to inherit the inheritance. Too ruthless, double A versus double F, he wants Xu Zifan's life easily, as long as there is no evidence, he can inherit the tens of billions of wealth!

The barrage posted by netizens covered the entire screen. They knew that the live broadcast testified that Xu Zhikai would not inherit the inheritance even if he killed someone, but Xu Zhikai obviously didn't know about the live broadcast. Wouldn't Xu Zifan die unjustly if he died like this? They asked which hotel it was and called people who were close to hurry up and help.

It's too late, and it's almost time. Xu Zifan has already entered the mech and directly underwent Xu Zhikai's attack as soon as they each sent a barrage.

Xu Zifan's mecha is blessed by a defensive array, and Xu Zhikai's attack appears to be powerless. Then Xu Zifan punched Xu Zhikai on the head and brought out an afterimage quickly. Xu Zhikai had no time to hide, so he was beaten to swell half of his face.

Xu Zhikai also hurriedly entered the mech and fired a shot at Xu Zifan. He was churning with blood, and he could no longer care about what would happen if he was found out if the trouble was too big. He couldn't kill Xu Zifan, so he must beat him up and let out a bad breath.

However, what followed was a unilateral abuse. Xu Zifan's mecha is more than ten times better than Xu Zhikai's mecha. He is far superior to Xu Zhikai in attack, defense, speed, hardness, skill, etc. The scene reappeared in the academy's assessment arena, Xu Zifan hammered Xu Zhikai's mecha head, removed the limbs of the mecha, shattered the energy stone on the chest of the mecha, and completely smashed Xu Zhikai's mecha into a pile. Rotten iron.

Xu Zhikai crawled out of the rotten iron with a choking cough, his nose was bruised, his face was swollen, his hair was scorched, and his body was dirty. He looked like a beggar in a refugee camp. How could he be a bridegroom official?

There was too much movement on their side, and all the guests heard the noise. Feng's mother and daughter also hid in the crowd. Seeing this result, they regretted abandoning Xu Zifan and Xu Zhikai. Both of them saw Xu Zifan's eyes brightly.

Xu Zifan came out of the mecha, still as extravagant as a prince, spotlessly clean on his high-definition suit, and wiped his hands with the snow-white brocade veil.

He walked up to Xu Zhikai, threw the veil on his face, and said coldly: "Do you think that if my level drops, I really become a waste?"

"Cough cough cough, you, cough, you are nothing more than a good life, you have an energy quarry, and bought a good mecha at a high price. You, you have the ability to fight with me fairly..." Xu Zhikai clutched his chest. Coughing. He was really hurt this time.

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