Chapter 561: Back house wives and concubines are reborn (9)

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Xu Zifan has been playing outside for three years. When he gets tired of playing, he rents a house and takes the children to live in the city for a period of time, so that the children can appreciate the customs and experience of different places.

In the past three years, the adult has been six years old, and he was already a wise boy in ancient times. Ever since Cheng'er saw Xu Zifan's hunting skills, he has often pestered Xu Zifan to learn martial arts.

Xiwen and martial arts are all good things, and learning well is a kind of skill. Xu Zifan taught him even Xiyun also teaches him. The two children are not weak now, and they are also bolder. They can be generous when they see anyone. Chat and joke.

An'er is just three years old, and she loves to laugh very much. She was raised white and fat by Xu Zifan. She looks like a lucky doll in a New Year picture. She is very lovable. Cheng'er and Xiyun like this younger brother. The three children play together every day and are intimate. They are indistinguishable, and they are all very smart, and everyone who sees them must boast.

In the past three years, Xu Zifan successively sent back five pages of fragments to the emperor, some of which were connected to others, and some were disconnected. Whether the emperor's people can study and understand it is not his business.

But the results are good, the most direct expression is that the emperor sent someone to give him a private seal of the monk Fang Baojian. With the private seal, he can withdraw money from the national silver account. Needless to say, the Shang Fang sword is like the emperor's visit. , Everyone must be obedient in front of Xu Zifan.

The Shangfang sword was put away by Xu Zifan, and the private seal was of no use. He would attach the account book every time he sent a letter to the emperor to let the emperor know what he did and spend so much money on, but of course the account book was written as he wanted. How to write it is impossible to verify.

So even though they weren't in the imperial city for the past three years, they had a much more comfortable life than being a prince in the imperial city. He has modified the high bed with soft pillows, brocade clothes and beautiful clothes, and the carriages he travels. All the equipment is the best. In addition, there are so many good things in his space. He and the children are really happy like gods and happy. , I don't want to go back anymore.

However, a major incident occurred in Beijing recently. Xu Zifan asked the spies to find out that the emperor is in excellent health, but he has been pretending to be sick to the outside world, and he has been reluctant to delegate power. In three years, not only the princes could not wait, even some ministers who supported the prince Bo Conglong's merits could not wait any longer. The dispute between the various forces became more intense, and they actually forced the palace to usurp the throne at the Grand Banquet!

It was the second prince who jumped out to force the palace first, he was the son of the imperial concubine, and his mother was powerful and thought he was foolproof. As a result, the third prince of the palace's concubine had already known the news and deployed a counterattack in the palace. When the two sides were fighting like a raging fire, the eldest prince relied on the emperor's trust to get close to the emperor, and his power was revealed.

The four princes were brilliantly literate, but at this time they couldn't help much. Seeing everyone fighting back to the back, for fear of injury, they kept beating them for being unfaithful and unfilial. The five princes were brave and intrepid. They fought for a long time and did not save the emperor. In terms of his strength, it was a bit false. It was more like waiting for the emperor to be angry before using his true strength to annihilate the rebels. Thief.

This turmoil lasted not long. After the emperor waited for them to show their claws, a dark guard appeared with a wave of his hand, holding the first three princes firmly on the ground. Those who rebelled against the party were also arrested by the Yulin Army who had been ambushing early.

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