Chapter 426: Seventy old father (9)

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Lingquan water is useful, but Xu Shengnan doesn't drink enough. She was poisoned by snake venom and ran vigorously to speed up the blood flow, which is considered to be more poisoned. A half bowl of spiritual spring water can only save her life and reduce the state of poisoning to a medium level. She felt dizzy after a while, and she couldn't see clearly before her eyes, and she was panicked.

Several women caught up with her and commented in disapproval. Seeing that she looked miserable, she couldn't bear to say it, but she was very uncomfortable with her behavior.

Wang Baoguo and the others came very quickly. When Liu Xia saw Xu Shengnan, she threw herself up and wept bitterly, and took two shots on her body, "What the **** do you want a dead child to do! The family lacks you to eat or to wear? I blame me. , You said to get things home, I didn't think about it, what can I get in this place, isn't it just hunting? Why didn't I stop you!"

Xu Dajun was also panicked and his eyes were red. Wang Baoguo cursed secretly and said, "Hurry up and take the person to the health clinic. Don't delay it. Snake venom is not a trivial matter."

Several women helped Xu Shengnan to Xu Dajun's back, and Xu Aiguo who came later helped and hurried away, while Dong Fan accompanied Liu Xia home to get the money.

Wang Baoguo suddenly thought of Xu Zifan's arrival, his expression changed, "Who of you saw Uncle Xu? Did he go down the mountain? Xu Shengnan asked for a hypothesis to go to her father, she ran down, where is her father?"

The women fighting the pig grass looked at each other, and their faces were a little pale, "I haven't seen him, Uncle Xu, he...could he... God, this is a sin!"

Wang Baoguo ran a few steps to ask Xu Shengnan, but Xu Shengnan fainted and did not wake up after pushing several times. Xu Dajun and Xu Aiguo were anxious when they heard that the old man was still on the mountain. Wang Baoguo urged them to go to the hospital as soon as possible. He asked the male in the village to enter the mountain to find someone.

Wang Baoguo went to the ground and greeted him, and two dozen strong men took him up the mountain with a shovel. Although afraid, the village is like this. If someone has something wrong, you have to go and see if it is not too dangerous, you will definitely be rescued.

After they entered the Shaohua scanning area, Xu Zifan got out of space and threw aside the two pheasants he had beaten before. He took a knife and slashed on the wild boar. He also smeared blood and mud on his face and body. Lying on the ground panting.

This body isn't very good after all, it's so exhausting with such a little movement.

When Wang Baoguo and the others came up, they saw the blood on Xu Zifan's face. They all stepped back in fright. Many people shouted, until Wang Baoguo realized that Xu Zifan was panting and called everyone to quiet down.

He looked at the fierce-looking wild boar, then looked at Xu Zifan, tentatively walked slowly there, staring at the wild boar, fearing that the wild boar would jump up and hit him again. The same goes for other people, this **** sting At the scene, their faces were a little pale.

As he approached, Wang Baoguo was shocked to find that the wild boar had died so thoroughly. He hurried to Xu Zifan to help him up, "Uncle Xu! Uncle Xu, you wake up, what's wrong with you?"

Xu Zifan opened his eyes and exhaled and waved his hand weakly, "It's nothing, I just fought hard with this beast, and I'm exhausted. Don't be afraid, I'm not injured. The blood is all from a wild boar."

Wang Baoguo realized that his voice was trembling. He coughed twice and confirmed: "Uncle Xu, you are really okay? Are you not injured?"

"No, don't believe me." Xu Zifan stood up with his hand, patted the dirt on his body and sighed, "I am old, my health is not good enough. If I was young, how could I be so embarrassed? ?"

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