Chapter 563: Back house wives and concubines are reborn (11)

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After Hu Feng said that, he bowed his head, thinking that Xu Zifan would be furious in the next moment, and threw the cup and lifted the table. Unexpectedly, Xu Zifan opened a book like a okay person and said casually: "Tell what you find."

"Yes, prince." Hu Feng was taken aback in surprise before he hurriedly reported the situation.

The year Xu Zifan first left Beijing, the four women in the mansion were very honest, and at most let the family help secretly investigate the whereabouts of Xu Zifan and the children. But Xu Zifan's whereabouts were too secret, they didn't find anything.

After that, they started to take action, basically accumulating money for themselves. The staff of the princess and the side concubine have opened a few shops. The princess's drug store is the best, and I don't know where to get so many good medicines; the side concubine's Duobao Pavilion is the best, and I don't know where to get so many weird ones. thing.

The two of them even went back to their parents' home to see a suitable child. They seemed to think that Xu Zifan had an accident, and they were thinking about raising a child. Although they couldn't adopt it, they could be regarded as a support.

Li's father was from the fifth grade official. She sent a group of people out of the family to look for things and painted portraits called potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. After searching for a year, Li's father sent something he found by his servants. The portrait was vague and they didn't know if it was right. Then Li's father soon gave Li's father potatoes and asked Li's father to plant them on an experiment. A large slice of potatoes was planted in the courtyard.

Originally, Li's father was going to report to the emperor for promotion. Unexpectedly, a forced court incident occurred and Xu Zifan returned to imprison the country. The Li family asked Li's father to wait for Xu Zifan to take the throne and then report to Xu Zifan. By that time, with this credit and her identity, she would surely be promoted to a high ranking official, and she would also be promoted to one position, killing two birds with one stone.

For this, Li's father successively gave the Li family a lot of money, and now the Li family is waiting to make great contributions with potatoes.

Only Liu's family was in the field. When Xu Zifan hadn't returned for a year, she thought Xu Zifan was gone, so she went out quietly, sometimes disguised as a man, sometimes wearing a drapery hat, to help people save precious flowers that were in trouble. money.

After she had saved enough money, she opened a medicinal shop specializing in medicinal materials. The medicinal materials when she bought the goods were obviously similar to others, but after her treatment, they would become first-class medicinal materials, which made her earn a lot.

Once accidentally, she ran into the second prince near Huajie, and the curtain fell off. That's how the two met. The second prince didn't know her, and misunderstood that she was a woman in a brothel. She was attracted by her beautiful appearance and a kind of dust-free temperament. The Liu family heard from the plant that he was the son of the imperial concubine, and he was very powerful.

Since then, Liu's family has often sneaked out to have **** with the second prince. The second prince only knew her identity two months ago, and was furious at the moment, but was entangled by the Liu family and cried, and promised to accept her in another identity. However, the Liu family did not expect that the second prince forced the palace to fail, and even the imperial concubine was implicated in the cold palace, but Xu Zifan returned at this time and became the one who wanted to inherit the throne.

The Liu family was fortunate, and began to please Xu Zifan for a higher position. She opened a medicinal shop to make money, but she really realized the difficulties women have in feudal society when she went out to walk. Without the support of men, women in feudal society have to be bullied. She can't show off her abilities, so she can't protect herself. Being able to enter the palace as a concubine is her best way out.

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