Chapter 569: Back house wives and concubines are reborn (End)

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Waiting for those women is far more than just leaving Beijing. Xu Zifan specifically asked for a barren and closed place to be a fief. The emperor disagreed at first. It was Xu Zifan who said that he was a prince and could not really eat and die. He had to do something for the court, and the emperor allowed it.

The emperor was more satisfied with Xu Zifan. He felt that this son was sent by God to help him. Not only did he heal his body and extend his life, but he also wanted to do things for him from time to time, and he did things away from the political center. It is really for the country and the people.

With a stroke of the emperor's pen, he doubled his fiefdom, making Xu Zifan the lord with the most fiefdom in history. But outsiders can't understand, what does the emperor mean? I was too spoiled before, and let the six kings supervise the country. Why did he give people such a barren fief and seal a Xiaoyao King with no real power?

Is this Xu Zifan being rejected by the emperor? ? ?

No one dared to ask, and no one dared to discuss these things. Seeing Xu Zifan and the emperor were still filial fathers and sons, everyone couldn't figure out their minds.

They didn't know that the emperor had given Xu Zifan a private seal that he could take money at will, nor did they know that the emperor had given Xu Zifan a sword, let alone that Xu Zifan was now the emperor's most trusted person. They only saw the surface, naturally they immediately kept a distance from Xu Zifan, for fear of being implicated, they would fall like the rest of the party.

Xu Zifan ended up clean and in a very good mood. The women in his backyard were all heartbroken, including those women's families. When Xu Zifan left Beijing, no one came to send it.

Xu Zifan took the children in the largest carriage. The carriage looked unpretentious on the outside. The interior and bottom of the carriage were modified by Xu Zifan. He also wrapped the carriage with aura while traveling. The children rarely felt the bumps. When resting along the way I had a good rest, and I had a lot of fun while playing.

Xu Zifan ignored other people's carriages. Several women were so upset that they had their own golden fingers, but they had exhausted their points and inventory in the previous battles. Now they can't do much, and they are no different from ordinary people.

A few days later, the princess couldn't stand it anymore, and asked Xu Zifan to say: "Lord, why don't we take the waterway? The waterway is closer, and there is no such turbulence, we can reach the fief earlier."

Xu Zifan looked at the three children who were playing and playing not far away and laughed: "I have walked by the waterway before, and the children are not interested. Walking by land is just a good way to enjoy the mountains and rivers. Let the children have fun. Look at them. Have a lot of fun?"

The princess glanced at the three children, thinking that her son would not have a relationship with her father, and her heart was twitching, she quickly looked away. She didn't give up and said: "It's the same if you go to the fief and play again. The younger sisters are also very unwell, this..."

"Then you go by the waterway. Hu Feng." Xu Zifan summoned Hu Feng, "arrange for the princess and the others to take the waterway immediately, and you send someone to safely send them to the fief. After arriving, you don't have to deal with the fiefdom. The king has his own plan. ."

"The prince, the concubines didn't mean that..." The princess had already provoked Xu Zifan to be upset, and she was a little flustered. When it came to that land, it was called the heavens and should not be called the earth not working. She was killed violently any day and no one would care about it. She didn't dare to provoke Xu Zifan!

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