Chapter 498: Can't afford this green plum (7)

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Xu Zifan helped Yu Sisi move those small boxes into the room. Yu Sisi gave him a bottle of water and smiled embarrassedly: "It seems that I always trouble you. You helped me three times a day, thank you."

Xu Zifan sipped his mouth and smiled and said: "Don't be so polite, distant relatives are not as good as neighbors, helpers should be, are you buying kitchenware?"

Yu Sisi nodded and looked at the small boxes with some distress, "I didn't cook before. I never knew that there were so many kinds of kitchen utensils. It seemed very complicated. I don't know how many times I can cook delicious dishes. "

Xu Zifan wondered: "Are you in a hurry? You have to be patient and enjoy the process to make it delicious."

"Is that so? My grandma fell and was hospitalized. The daughter of the patient in her next ward prepared delicious and nutritious meals to the hospital every day. I think my grandma seemed envious, so I wanted to learn how to do it. Grandma is happy and happy. If you take it slowly, she may be discharged after I can do it." Yu Sisi frowned slightly, then smiled again, "It's okay, anyway, I take a rest these days, and I will definitely learn by doing more."

Xu Zifan did not like cooking very much before, so it is easy to see that Yu Sisi does not like cooking. She is very filial and rare to learn to cook to make her grandma happy.

He glanced at the schedule that Shaohua had listed for him. It was okay recently, so he smiled and said, "I just got hooked on cooking recently. I am quite talented and do a good job. Would you like me to teach you?"

Yu Sisi was surprised: "Can you?"

Xu Zifan nodded, and she smiled happily and said: "It's great, I don't need to bury my head and study hard. That "Cooking Record" is really boring, thank you so much. I will buy the freshest ingredients tomorrow morning. By the way, are you going to work?"

"I'm a graphic model. I go there when I have a job. I usually rest. It happens to be fine these days."

"No wonder you have such a good temperament, you must be very popular." Yu Sisi carefully looked at Xu Zifan's appearance, as if thinking of something, pulled out a magazine from the shelf, and it turned out that Xu Zifan was on the cover.

She smiled and showed it to Xu Zifan, "What a coincidence, I have bought a magazine you photographed! I said, I always feel a little familiar when I see you."

Xu Zifan joked: "When I'm really famous, you won't only see me familiarly but know me."

Yu Sisi blinked playfully and said: "No need, I know you now." After speaking, he laughed.

Through small talk, Xu Zifan knows that Yu Sisi is 25 years old this year and is a fashion designer. Before going abroad, she went to Beijing to participate in one of the most authoritative design competitions in China-Huashang Cup. However, she received her grandma into the hospital on the eve of the last competition. He retired from the game and came back, unfortunately, the game did not reach the end.

However, looking at Yu Sisi's verbal attitude, it seems that he doesn't care about it very much. It's just that my grandma didn't fall too hard, she just had a slight fracture, and she was fine.

Xu Zifan checked it after returning home. Yu Sisi's works are very good, innovative and not divorced from reality. Every piece of clothing is very fashionable. If she does not retire, she must be the champion of the Huashang Cup this time.

Excellent people are always appreciated, not to mention being a filial, family-oriented person with a good personality. Xu Zifan's affection for Yu Sisi has increased a lot, and he is happy to help her learn nutritious meals to make the elderly happy.

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