Chapter 538: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (15)

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Xu Zifan was in the examination room, Lin Ruonan and Xu mother were waiting under the shade of the trees outside the examination room, and Xu's father was fidgeting in the cloth shop. The three of them had the same idea, and they didn't care whether Xu Zifan passed the exam. What he cared about was that Xu Zifan's body could not stand it after a few consecutive exams.

Although Xu Zifan's body has improved a lot these days, the pain of eighteen years is still worrying them beyond containment.

Everyone else sighed privately, "Why did you suffer from that crime? Few students who have studied hard for many years and have a healthy body can pass the exam. The Xu family's little brother is in poor health, so he will end up after he has been studying for a long time. Take the test? What if the disease does not hold up and relapses, isn't it worth the loss?"

"Who says no? Boss Xu and his wife are also very heartened. If I don't dare to let my son toss like this, the family cloth shop makes money, and there is a good daughter-in-law waiting for it. Isn't life beautiful?"

"Oh, don't say anything. People are not satisfied with such a good day. Not only do they take the imperial examination, but also open the cloth to Fucheng. That is Anyang Prefecture. I heard that it is not much smaller than the capital. It is prosperous. Let's I haven't been there in my life, it's incomparable."

The Xu family has heard a lot of words like this recently, and there is always a bit of disapproval and sourness in these words. They don't care either. They cherish those who sincerely bless them. It's a good thing to be alive and to have a good network. If you can't get along, you don't have to force it, let alone the opinions of others.

The only thing they worry about now is Xu Zifan, let him just respect his decision in the imperial examination. In fact, they really didn't think Xu Zifan could pass the exam.

Xu Zifan entered at dawn and turned in the papers that day. Some candidates were downcast, some were beaming, and others were worried. They were reading with scrolls when they walked. Only Xu Zifan walked unhurriedly with a smile on his face, as if he was not here for reference, but The person who came for a walk was average and attracted a lot of attention.

Lin Ruonan and Xu's mother hurriedly greeted Xu Zifan. Xu's mother looked up and down Xu Zifan, and said with concern: "My son, how are you? Are you tired after sitting there for so long?"

Xu Zifan smiled and said, "No, I'm in good shape, don't worry, mother."

Lin Ruonan quietly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling crowded around, and said hurriedly: "Mother, let's go back, let Brother Zifan rest and rest, I will stew some nourishing soup for him."

Xu's mother nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I hired an ox cart, and Zifan lay in the ox cart, let's go back now."

Knowing their worries, Xu Zifan didn't decline, and got into the bullock cart neatly and lay on it. Xu Mu and Lin Ruonan followed on both sides of the bullock cart, talking to him all the way home, and halfway to the cloth shop to call Father Xu.

Xu Zifan's complexion was ruddy, he ate a bowl of rice for dinner, and ate a lot of dishes. He looked nothing uncomfortable. This made the whole family feel at ease. Xu Zifan didn't worry so much when he entered the venue the next day. Up.

It's been like this for five days in a row. Some people saw that Xu Zifan didn't get much after five tests. They couldn't help but mutter that his body was not as bad as the rumors. He looked much better than many candidates. Others saw him calm and relaxed, and couldn't help but guess whether he was confident or gave up? Why don't you worry about the test results at all?

When the results came out, many people in the town ran to see them. They were also curious, they all wanted to know how Xu Zifan was doing in the exam, but they were all shocked to see Xu Zifan as the first case leader, he really did well in the exam!

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