Chapter 417: Unlucky stick (End)

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As soon as Xu Zifan returned to Taoist temple, his second uncle Xu Wuguo and second aunt Deng Qin came to the door.

The little Taoist priests already have experience. To such visitors who looked like finding faults, they comforted the two immediately and led them to the backyard so as not to disturb the pilgrims to pray for blessings.

Xu Zifan is pulling Jiang Tianxin to talk. He can control himself not to look at other people's past and future, and finally he can hold his girlfriend's hand well. Who knows that he was disappointed just by saying a few words. He said unwillingly: "I have nothing to say to them, send them away."

The little Taoist said helplessly: "Guardian, they come every day, knowing that you are not there, one will stand at the foot of the mountain and the other at the gate of the Taoist temple. Today, I should have seen you come back before making a fuss to see you. If you send it out, I'm afraid they will again Will think of other invitations to see you."

"It's really troublesome." Xu Zifan murmured, letting go of Jiang Tianxin and said, "Wait for a while, I still have surprises for you."

Jiang Tianxin smiled and blinked at him, "I have a surprise for you too, I will take you to a place later."

"Okay." Xu Zifan's mood improved all at once. After the little Taoist priest left, he kissed Jiang Tianxin before going to see the best relatives.

Xu Wuguo and Deng Qin learned of Xu Zifan's identity from their daughters, and how powerful Xu Zifan was, but they were still a little dazed to recognize Xu Zifan. This tall and handsome young man like the elder brother of the family is their nephew? How can he be so gloomy and cringe? I heard that those rich second generations are offering him, it turns out to be true!

Xu Wuguo immediately rose in anger, pointed at Xu Zifan and opened his mouth and cursed, "Your wings are stiff! I raised you so big for you to eat and wear, and for you to go to school. You just ran away with nonsense. Now that you have caused such a big trouble to hurt your brothers and sisters, your conscience has been eaten by dogs?!"

Xu Zifan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, took out a handful of soybeans, and sprinkled them at Xu Wuguo's feet. Before Xu Wuguo could react, those beans turned into small soldiers, beating Xu Wuguo in the middle!

Xu Wuguo screamed, hugged his head and curled up on the ground, swearing dirty words in his mouth, and angrily called Xu Zifan to stop. Deng Qin stood by and dared not pull, but was shocked and angry and asked Xu Zifan what he wanted to do.

Xu Zifan sneered, and sat on the stone bench casually, leaning on the table and said to Deng Qin: "I said when I got my ID card that it had nothing to do with your family. Why, I didn't take it seriously, and I wanted to be like before. What about bullying? Isn't your lesson from one son and one daughter enough?"

"Are you deliberate?!" Deng Qin stared at him suspiciously, thinking of his intention this time, and said hurriedly, "You cure Xiaoxiao and Xiaozhe, and we will cut off relations in the future and have nothing to do with each other, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what can you do?" Xu Zifan looked at them with a faint smile, "Twenty years, you have used me as a slave, and you still can't change your posture of being aloof. You really treat me as an elder who is kind to me. Yes? I found it clearly. At the beginning, my father had a large area and an orchard under his name. Later, he lost a lot of money for road construction and demolition.

The money was used by you to buy a house and do business. Everything you have now is derived from my dad's inheritance. Why did you say that you have worked so hard to raise me and provide me to school? I put gold on my face too much. "

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