drawing?//atsushi like to draw.//

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-bit of angst and fluff

-au-atsushi like to draw?


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi grew up in a shitty orphanage and basically did nothing for 18 years because he couldn't do anything because he was locked up in a cage. Atsushi was hated by the Headmasters because of his ability so he was locked up because he was considered to be a monster and a monster shouldn't be around other kids. Atsushi mostly just sat on the cage, he was lucky he was able to read something but that was just it so when he got kicked out of the orphanage, atsushi decided to try new things out because he never really experienced it and he wanted to experience it like other kids did.

Atsushi tried many things that other kids loved but the one thing he loved the most was drawing. Atsushi seem to have a talent for drawing and atsushi was happy because he found something he loves and can do it. Atsushi was actually kind of embarrassed to tell the agency about him drawing and he didn't want to be judged at all so he just didn't say anything. Kyouka didn't notice anything at first but she started to notice it because there would be drawings hanging on the closet wall, where atsushi sleep. "Do you draw?" Kyouka suddenly ask atsushi as she walks into the living room and atsushi just turn red but nodded.

"there's nothing to be embarrassed about.." Kyouka softly said to atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "Can I see some of your drawings?" Kyouka ask, she was really curious about it and atsushi didn't have a problem showing the drawings. "Here." Atsushi said as he hand kyouka a sketchbook and there were a lot of drawings in there. Kyouka was definitely impressed because the drawings were actually pretty great. "Wow..you even try to draw the president.." Kyouka said, atsushi attempted to draw the president because he had a cat in his lap so he decided to draw the cat and the president.

"Eh..it my first time drawing a human so it's a bit off but I tried.." Atsushi said as he looked away and kyouka just smile. "Atsushi..these are great, you should show the others, I'm sure they would love to see this." Kyouka softly said with a small smile and atsushi eyes widen a bit. "you sure?" Atsushi ask, atsushi didn't mind showing the others as well but he didn't want to be judged at all. "The other won't judge you at all, I promise." Kyouka softly says and atsushi just smile. "Come on, we don't want to be late." Kyouka suddenly said as she get her shoes on and atsushi just laugh but nod.

Atsushi didn't actually bring much to work so everyone noticed the sketchbook that he had in his arms. "Do you draw atsushi?" Naomi ask as she walk up to him and atsushi slowly nod. "Oh!? Can I see!?" Naomi ask, everyone was now looked at atsushi and atsushi was obviously a bit red because everyone was staring at him. "Uh..sure.." Atsushi said as he slowly hand naomi his sketchbook and naomi immediately looked through all the drawings that atsushi did and she was definitely impressed. "Wow!! Atsushi these are great!" Naomi said and atsushi just looked down. Atsushi wasn't on how to react because he's never actually experienced something like this before so this is quite new to him.

"I told you..they wouldn't judge you." Kyouka softly said to atsushi and atsushi just nod. "You thought, we would judge you for drawing?" Yosano ask, everyone was surprised and atsushi just looked away. "Atsushi! We would never judge you at all!" Dazai said as he hug atsushi and atsushi was happy to hear that. "Atsushi, these are really great drawings though." Kunikida said as he looked at the drawing and atsushi was honestly just bright red. "what are the commotion about?" Fukuzawa ask as he walks into the main office. "we're looking at atsushi drawing!" Kenji excitedly says to the president and fukuzawa just slowly walk up.

"Is..that me?" Fukuzawa ask as he looked at the cat drawing but there's him in the drawing as well. "Yea..I'm not the greatest at drawing people so it looks a bit off" atsushi said as he looked away and surprisingly the president actually smiled for once and everyone was surprised about that because they actually never seen him smile before. "It looks great." Fukuzawa said as he looked atsushi and atsushi eyes widen in shocked but then he smiled. "Alright..we need to get back to work though." Kunikida said and everyone just nodded and went back to work. Atsushi actually got more comfortable after that and he started to draw at the agency as well and he didn't try to hide it because he knew the agency wouldn't judge him at all.

The agency did try to pay their employees with some money but the obviously weren't like a rich company but lucky enough the president does pay for the dorms so atsushi only has to pay for groceries, clothes and other things and he uses his leftover money to buy art supplies. "So..expensive.." Atsushi said to himself, atsushi didn't have much money left so he couldn't buy something expensive. "Your dazai new subordinate?" Chuuya said as he walked closer to atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "I heard from dazai. You draw?" Chuuya ask, dazai obviously brag about how his subordinate draws so it was no surprise that chuuya knew about it.

"Ah..yea.." Atsushi said with a nervous smile, "I'll buy you the supplies, pick anything you want." Chuuya suddenly said, atsushi looked shocked at that. "you sure?" Atsushi ask and chuuya just nodded. "as long as I can see the drawings.." Chuuya softly said with a small smile and atsushi picked out a few things he needed and chuuya pay for it all, chuuya didn't really know why he actually paid for it all, he just somehow has soft spot for atsushi. Atsushi obviously show the drawing to chuuya and he was definitely impressed as well. "Holy shit! Those are fucking amazing!" Chuuya said as he looked through the drawing and atsushi just smile. "you should definitely keep doing, this these drawings are great!" Chuuya said, atsushi just smile. Atsushi couldn't believe a Port Mafia executive was liking his drawings but it definitely made atsushi more confident in his drawings so he obviously drew more.

"Oh? Is that chuuya?" Kyouka ask as she look at the drawing and atsushi just nodded. "Chuuya..has a fancy hat but it looks weird being alone so I'm drawing him with his fancy hat.." Atsushi calmly says and kyouka just smile. Atsushi obviously was too embarrassed to show chuuya the drawing so no one knows about it except for kyouka but she doesn't say anything. Atsushi still works in the agency though, he just draws in his free time. Atsushi sometimes draw the members of the agency or Port Mafia but they're not that great because it's kind of hard to draw human so it takes practice but atsushi is happy and that's all that matters.

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