tiger illness?//atsushi angst??//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi has come down with the illness that usually tigers get.


(Chuuya x atsushi)

(I don't even know if tiger get illness😭)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The agency doesn't really know how this happens but sometimes with certain ability users that deal with animals ability, sometimes might get diseases that only in animal so this does happen but they're not really sure on why. Atsushi was half tiger so there was obviously a chance about him getting a disease, that only lies in tigers and that was basically what happened. "This actually happened?!" Tanizaki said, he was very surprised to hear about this and everyone was surprised as well.

"It quite uncommon but it does happen.." Ranpo said as he opened his eyes and everyone was just honestly horrified by all of this. "Atsushi is technically half human so the symptoms are going to be much different.." Yosano said as she looks at atsushi and atsushi was on the hospital bed connected to many things. "lucky enough there's a cure, but it's not in yokohama so I have to go and get it myself.." Yosano said as she sighed, yosano was technically the only one that's trained in medical at the agency so it would be very risky for her to leave but technically she's the only one, who is actually allowed to get the cure because she's trained in. medical.

"Yosano is the only one allowed to get the cure because she's the one that actually trained in medical.." Fukuzawa said to the other agency member and the other just look worried. Atsushi wasn't making any sound though and he was just staring at yosano the whole time. "I can teach some of you the basics and how to take care of atsushi.." Yosano said, everyone was fine with that because they wanted to help too so yosano taught them what they needed to know and soon yosano left to get the cure.

The agency member certainly didn't tell anyone about this but it was no surprise that, the port Mafia heard about this. "Why is chuuya yelling?" Akutagawa ask as he walks into the meeting room and everyone was just watching chuuya yell at mori. "My boyfriend is at the agency with a bunch of idiots, that know nothing about medical! I would be okay, if the doctor lady was there but she's not!!" Chuuya said, chuuya certainly didn't trust the agency members to take care of his boyfriend because they knew nothing about medical so it was very risky and dangerous. "Alright..You can kidnapped atsushi and bring him here." Mori said as he sighed, mori honestly was just tired so he didn't give a care.

"Wait..what's happening?" Higuchi ask, the port Mafia member we're still pretty confused because they knew nothing about what was happening. "Atsushi apparently got a illness, that usually Tigers get.." Kouyou said and everyone else was shocked because they didn't know that could happen. "Wait! That actually happened!?" Tachihara said, he hear about it but he honestly thought it was made up so it was a surprise to all of them. "Chuuya and atsushi are together?" Akutagawa said, they also didn't know that too so that was another surprise. The port mafia and agency knew nothing about atsushi and chuuya dating except for kouyou and mori.

"Wow.." Gin said, everyone was just surprise about all of this but chuuya was very worried for his boyfriend. Atsushi couldn't do much and mostly just laid there the whole time because that's the only thing, he could actually do. "it's going to be okay.." Dazai softly said as he brushes atsushi hair and atsushi just stare at dazai. "I hope the port mafia heard nothing about this, this would be a big problem if they knew.." Kunikida said as he sighed and everyone just agreed. The agency member decided to take turns on caring for atsushi but kenji and kyouka aren't allowed to care for atsushi because they're still minors.

Chuuya honestly just plan to break into the agency at night and take his boyfriend. "Holy shit.." Chuuya said as he walked over to his boyfriend and atsushi just stare at Chuuya. "Don't worry...I'm not letting these idiots take care of you." Chuuya said as he slowly disconnect things and suddenly atsushi start to cough. "Chuuya." Dazai said as he walked into the room and chuuya just glare at dazai. "I ain't letting you take care of my boyfriend." Chuuya said as he grab atsushi and the other members slowly walked into the room as well. "Atsushi will be staying with me because I don't trust you all." Chuuya said, atsushi didn't do anything and suddenly chuuya jumped out of the window.

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