friends//atsushi and the black lizards//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is friends with the black lizard.

Warning: cigarettes?(hirotsu)

(the black lizards are gin, tachihara and  Hirotsu for anyone who is wondering!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The black lizard are usually dangerous and they don't socialize with anyone else but they couldn't resist atsushi cuteness and adorableness. Atsushi could make friends with anyone so it no surprise, he friends with the black lizards and honestly they're pretty chill and calm. Hirotsu is the leader of the black lizards, and he mostly watches to them all and he also acts like a dad. Gin and tachihara are actually not that scared, when you get to talking with them.

"...mama atsushi.." Tachihara said as he lay his head on atsushi lay and atsushi just looked concerned. "Mom!? I'm too Hirotsu mom or something." Atsushi said as he points at hirotsu and hirotsu just looked away. "We actually call hirotsu dad once.." Gin said and atsushi didn't look surprised at all. Tachihara like tease people so that's why he's calling atsushi mom for some reason. "In front of everyone..I never seen boss laugh like that before.." hirotsu said as he smokes his cigarette and atsushi just nodded. "You mean mori can actually laugh? Huh..weird.." Atsushi said and tachihara just laughed.

"Everyone laugh their asses off and hirotsu just stands there looking flabbergasted. Atsushi just giggled at that because he could imagine it and that funny. "I mean..kouyou wasn't that surprised..most of us are orphans so it kind of makes sense in a way." Tachihara said and atsushi nodded, he understood that. "That make sense.." Atsushi said and both hirotsu and gin nodded in agreement.

After a while, sadly everyone had to go there separate ways because of a mission but they will see each other again soon. The black lizard get a lot of mission so it hard to find time for theirselves and they had to be careful hanging around atsushi but they're meant to be enemies. They keep their friendship a secret and they don't plan on telling anyone unless they have to because it's not really important and no private information is shared between the two so it's technically okay.

Atsushi also has to speak out of his apartment just hang out with them because they hang out at night. kyouka and atsushi live together so she always known atsushi live but she doesn't question it but she does wonder about it. Atsushi always come back, safe and health so kyouka isn't too worried about atsushi sneaking out yet.

Atsushi was doing his work at the agency, while the black lizards do a mission but they may have lose hirotsu so they went to atsushi for help. "Mama atsushi!!" Tachihara said as he run into the agency and started to shake atsushi in front of everyone. "We..lose hirotsu!!" Tachihara said and gin nodded in agreement. Atsushi just sighed and the other agency members looked surprised and confused. "Are you sure? Maybe he abandoned you guys?" Atsushi said and tachihara looked horrified to hear that.

"hirotsu wouldn't abandoned us!! Right?" Tachihara said as he looked at gin and gin doesn't say anything about it. "I'm sure..hirotsu isn't lose or anything." Atsushi said and suddenly hirotsu walked into the agency and he looked tired. "I didn't abandoned you guys, I went to buy a pack of cigarettes." hirotsu said and tachihara looked so relieve to hear that. "Now, stop calling me mama!" Atsushi said as he slapped tachihara and gin just giggled. " guys know each other?" Dazai ask and kyouka finally understood now. "Ah! So that's why you sneak out at night to met with the black lizards." Kyouka said and atsushi just nodded. "We became friends private information is shared, we just mostly talk about random things." Atsushi explain and most of the agency members were surprised by this because atsushi can make friends with anyone but it was a bit shocking in a way.

"Anyways, we have to get to work." Gin said as she grab tachihara and tachihara just whine because he doesn't want to do work. hirotsu just chuckled and atsushi waves goodbye to them. The agency did have a few questions but after that everything went back to normal and atsushi still see the black lizards often.

(😭i didn't know what to do so i made something up so sorry it short!!)

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