catsushi//atsushi turns into a cat//

455 18 15

-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi can turn into a cat.

Warning: mention of abuse.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was living in an orphanage because his parents didn't want him at all because he had an ability and he was considered to be a monster because of that ability so he was locked in the cage but for some reason. The Headmaster of the orphanage decided to abuse atsushi even though that didn't help at all. Atsushi couldn't escape the beatings at all so he suffered through the beatings until he realized, he could turn into a cat. Which was very odd because he's a tiger but all abilities have little side things so that's probably why.

Atsushi decided to use that and that's how he escaped the orphanage and basically survived in a way. Atsushi was basically a white cat with black stripes all over his body just like his tiger form. People would always be straight cats so that how atsushi survived for a while until he met someone, who loved cats so much. Fukuzawa found atsushi or cat atsushi and decided to take him in without realizing, it was actually a person.

Atsushi obviously revealed himself because it was the right thing to do at the time and honestly Fukuzawa didn't give a fuck. "You can stay with me." Fukuzawa softly said to atsushi and atsushi was happy to hear and accepted the man's offer. Atsushi now start to live with fukuzawa, atsushi would mostly be in cat for when going outside so that's how he met mori as well. "'re telling me, this actually human?" Mori said as he raises one of his eyebrows and looked at the white cat with black stripes and fukuzawa just nodded. "Atsushi..ability is the beast beneath the moonlight..which mean he can turn into a tiger but I don't really know how he can turn into a cat but he can.." Fukuzawa explain as atsushi slowly transforms back into a human but this time, he has two ears and one tail.

"interesting.." Mori said as he starts to pet atsushi head and atsushi love it so he didn't stop mori at all. That how atsushi basically lives off of mori money because atsushi suddenly became a emotional support animal but at least he gets paid. Atsushi didn't join the agency until he was 18 and the only reason, he actually did join the agency was to be doing something because atsushi mostly just laid around all day and that got kind of boring after many years. Atsushi obviously didn't tell agency, he could turn into a cat so none of them knew and the port mafia members knew nothing about it as well.

The port mafia and agency did know about the cat atsushi though but they didn't know it was atsushi. Atsushi would usually hang around mori and fukuzawa and the other members couldn't touch him or anything so they were a bit jealous but they were going to find out soon anyways and that was today.

The agency was waiting for the port mafia to arrive at the agency for a meeting and mori was holding cat atsushi. "That always comes around here as well!" Kenji said as he points at the cat and the agency member just looked surprised and mori was smirking. "we can't pet it..." Chuuya said, mori doesn't let them at all and atsushi just growls at the agency members because he can't risk anything with them around so he has to be extra precautious."anyway..we need the meeting to start.." Fukuzawa said as everyone walks into the meeting room and everyone finally realizes atsushi isn't there but technically he is there.

"Where atsushi?" Kunikida ask and no one answer him and fukuzawa just sigh. "I don't know.." Kyouka said, she usually does know so it was a bit odd that she didn't know where atsushi was. Fukuzawa just looked at cat atsushi and suddenly cat atsushi jumps into another chair that was empty and transformed back into human with cat ears and a tail as well. "you're no fun.." Atsushi whisper as he looks at Fukuzawa with a frown. "you can be in your cat form after the meeting.." Fukuzawa said and everyone else is just fucking surprised and not sure of what to say about that because they were expecting that. "What the fuck." Akutagawa said and mori just chuckles. "for some reason I can turn into a cat..that how fukuzawa found me." Atsushi said to everyone and everyone was just trying to process that because it honestly made no fucking sense.

"I also met atsushi in his cat form." Mori said and everyone honestly pay no attention to mori and they were just staring atsushi down. "Huh?" Kunikida said, he honestly looks so confused and shocked. "Technically atsushi lives with me.." Fukuzawa said, which made a bit more sense. "I pay atsushi to be a emotional support animal.." Mori said as he looked away and honestly everyone was just surprised now. "Wow..uh..wasn't expecting to hear this today.." Higuchi said, and everyone agrees with her. "let's just get this meeting over with." Fukuzawa finally said and they finally started the meeting and had a long conversation about many things.

After the meeting though, many of the members has questioned and atsushi wasn't really feeling like answering them. " can't go into cat form to not answer some questions.." Fukuzawa said as he stare at cat atsushi and cat atsushi was just growling and sitting on the chair. " technically a member of the agency so wouldn't it be against the rules for him to be at the port mafia base..?" Higuchi ask and everyone was now wondering that because that was technically a rule.

"Atsushi..has been at the port mafia base many times before even joining in the make no difference and atsushi doesn't share private information." Fukuzawa explain as Mori start to pet cat atsushi and the agency was feeling a little jealous. "I wanted to pet cat atsushi.." Kyouka said, everyone honestly wanted to pet cat atsushi. Cat atsushi just meowed and slowly walked closer to kyouka. "I don't really understand how atsushi can turn into a cat because it makes no sense..but we can't find a reason so we just went with it." Mori said and everyone just nodded. If mori doesn't know how atsushi is able to turn into a cat then just ignore it and go on with it. " form looks exactly like his tiger form.." Dazai said, everyone finally noticed that too. atsushi cat form basically looks like his tiger form, which honestly makes a lot of sense.

"So adorable.." Yosano said as she slowly pet cat atsushi and cat atsushi was just meowing, which was so adorable. Mori was just frowning now because he can't pet cat atsushi because the other are. everyone was just having fun petting cat atsushi but after a while the port mafia has to leave.

Atsushi is now able to lay around in his cat form at the agency after doing all his work and is still allowed to go to the port mafia base but no private information can be shared.


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