the famous movie star//atsushi is a movie star//

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-au-atsushi is a movie star but he isn't in the agency but somehow he does meet the agency.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was once a orphan and he still orphan but he has a career and everything. Atsushi knew about his ability but he basically hid his ability because he wanted nothing to do with his ability and he wanted to become a actor. Atsushi wanted to be in movie so he decided to make the dream a reality but It definitely took a while for atsushi to achieve his dreams especially, when no one supported him so he was all on his own but he did make it. Atsushi was now famous around yokohama which is still surprising to atsushi because he didn't expect to be famous.

It no surprise, the agency knows about atsushi because everyone talks about him and some of the agency member are atsushi fans as well and atsushi just happens to be around the agency today. Atsushi love to go to cafe and today he went to the cafe, that's under the agency. Atsushi usually wears a disguise but the agency are detectives so they can notice pretty easily. "Are you atsushi?!" Naomi ask and atsushi just look surprised but he did nod. "Please keep your voice down.." Atsushi softly said and naomi just nod. "Ah sorry! I just got a little excited..could I get a autograph?" Naomi ask and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi fans always ask for autographs so atsushi got used to carrying a pen, wherever he goes.

"Naomi!" Tanizaki said as he run towards his sister and atsushi just nervous smile. "I'm sorry for my sister, she just really wanted a autograph.." Tanizaki said as he sighed and atsushi just giggled, naomi just glare at her brother. "If you don't want to get recognize, you can come into the agency." Tanizaki suddenly suggested to atsushi and atsushi look surprised but he nodded. Atsushi didn't really want to be recognized at all so he was fine with that offer. "I assume, you already know who I am." Atsushi said and both the tanizaki siblings nodded as they walked into the agency.

"'re that one famous movie star." Ranpo said as he opened his eyes and atsushi just nodded. "And, you must be..the world famous detective.. the one who can solve a case in amount of seconds." Atsushi said with a smirk and ranpo looked surprised because he didn't expect a movie star to know him. "He know me." Ranpo whisper as he slowly turn red and yosano just starts to laugh. "Look like ranpo is broken." Dazai said with a smile and yosano nodded in agreement. Ranpo was in fact broken for now, he was bright red and atsushi just giggled again.

"Look like, he didn't expect me to know him." Atsushi said with a smile and the agency member nodded in agreement. "Well..if you know ranpo! You must know the rest of us as well?" Kenji ask and atsushi just nodded. "Of course, I know the rest of you guys, I mean you're quite famous around yokohama." Atsushi explain, everyone know the agency so it not surprising atsushi know the agency member as well, it just the first time actually talking to each other. "Wow!" Kenji said with a big smile, kenji was surprised to hear that but he was happy but he always happy.

"What it like being a movie star?" Yosano suddenly ask, she always wondered that. "It fun..but sometimes it could be a bit stressful or especially when you're apparently famous because everyone wants to stop and get your autograph...I have to wear a disguise just to leave my own house." Atsushi said with a nervous smile and the agency didn't look surprised to hear that. "Your disguise did work, I didn't recognize you for a minute." Naomi said and atsushi was happy to hear that. "I kinda figured, you guys would recognize me. I mean you guys are detectives." Atsushi said, the agency just laughed a bit but they nodded.

"Ranpo~?" dazai said with a smirk and ranpo is just staring off into space, ranpo still couldn't believe it. "Look like he still broken." Dazai said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi just nodded. " star know me.." Ranpo said again as he looked at atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "Wow.." Ranpo said, yosano was laughing because she never seen ranpo so surprised before so this was new to everyone in the agency. "I wish, I could stay and talk more but I have thing to do.." Atsushi said and suddenly ranpo stand up. "I want a autograph!" Ranpo said and atsushi just nodded. "Don't you dare laugh." Ranpo said as he glare at dazai and yosano and they both looked away.

"Bye-bye!" Atsushi said as he waves goodbye and then he left the agency. Atsushi did decide he would visit the agency member because they were nice to be able to hang out with and atsushi learn a lot from them. Atsushi was happy though and that's all that really matters.

(😭this is so bad, im so sorry!!)

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