arranged marriage//atsushi x chuuya// part 2

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(Basically someone wanted a part 2 and it basically all about atsushi being mad.)

-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi and chuuya are basically married and they actually love each other.

Warning: Force marriage?

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The agency and port mafia know all about atsushi and chuuya being married now but the one thing they don't know is the anger of a tiger. Atsushi may seem like an innocent little tiger but he's probably the devil Inside because mori is fucking terrified of him, mori is so scared, that he won't be in a room alone with atsushi and chuuya find that fucking hilarious. The agency probably thinks that atsushi would be some cute little person when he's mad but probably atsushi will rip all your limbs off and make sure yosano heal you so he can do it again and sadly he haven't gotten the chance to do that to mori yet.

Chuuya has obviously seen his husband mad so many times but honestly chuuya thinks it fucking hot and isn't going to stop atsushi. No one has seen atsushi mad expect for mori and Chuuya so this is going to be something new for everyone. The agency and port mafia were having meeting to discuss important things but it was obvious that someone was very terrified. Atsushi was glaring at mori the whole time because mori may have fuck up again. 'Mori is so atsushi really that terrifying?' Dazai thoughts to himself as he looks at mori and mori just didn't say anything at all. Atsushi suddenly got up and slams mori head on the table and everyone was shocked expect for chuuya.

"No! He's not going on that mission and that's final!!" Atsushi said as he grab mori hair and mori just looked more scared and everyone was horrified, shocked and surprised at the same time. "Atsushi.." Dazai said as atsushi suddenly glare at him. "Shut the fuck up dazai!" Atsushi said and dazai actually does shut up and everyone else doesn't say anything about this because now they're all scared except for chuuya. "Fine! He won't go on the mission!" Mori finally said and atsushi just smiled. "Great." Atsushi said as he slams mori head on the table again and then atsushi act like nothing happened. 'Oh my fucking god..' Dazai thoughts to himself, he was now scared.

The agency was shocked and they didn't even say anything about it. Even kunikida was surprised and he wasn't saying shit at all and he basically ignored it. 'I'm scared of atsushi..' Dazai thoughts to himself and they all should be scared atsushi. "that's everything for the meeting." Mori finally said and everyone just get up and left. That was the first time they all seen atsushi mad but it not the last time. Chuuya wasn't scared of his husband so he have fun watching it.

The next time atsushi got mad, sadly he wasn't mad at mori but it was dazai. Dazai was being annoying again as always but atsushi was getting mad so he decided to slam dazai head on the desk. "Dazai! Shut your damn mouth and do your own damn work for once!" Atsushi said as he grab dazai hair and dazai just look scared. The other agency member were just watching in shock, they didn't know what to do about angry atsushi. "Yes..sir.." Dazai said as atsushi drops dazai head and dazai immediately went to do his work because he didn't want to deal with angry atsushi. 'Oh my god..' Tanizaki thoughts to himself as he looks away and acts like he saw nothing. Atsushi also act like he did nothing and went back to work and chuuya hear all about this and he found it fucking hilarious. "Really!?!" Chuuya said as he laughed his ass off and atsushi just nodded. "I wish I could have seen that!!" Chuuya said as he drinks his wine and atsushi just started to giggle. "I love you." Chuuya said as he kisses atsushi and atsushi just kisses back and they enjoy their night together like always.

It no surprise that atsushi got mad again and it was because of dazai. Atsushi and dazai were on a mission and dazai was being a little shit again so atsushi may have knocked him out. "Oh.." Yosano said as she looked at dazai and kunikida was just not shocked anymore. "It his fault.." Atsushi said as he glare at yosano and kunikida and they just accept that answer. "Welp..look like dazai is perfectly fine so there's no need to worry." Yosano said and atsushi wasn't really worried at all so he just started to walk away. Kunikida didn't dare to yell at atsushi because he even was scared so he basically act like nothing happened, which is probably a good thing. Yosano also didn't say anything and she just carried dazai back to the agency. Chuuya obviously heard all about it and he found it funny again. Dazai did learn his lesson though and he knew not to make atsushi mad again.

The agency member are still not used to atsushi being mad but they know not to make him mad because he shows no mercy. Chuuya always heard about it and he just find it funny and doesn't do anything to stop his husband.

(😭 I really tried to make it long but it was a bit hard sorry!!)

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