dad?//atsushi is fyodor son//

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-fluff and angst


warning: mention of abuse and torture.

(Im pretty sure it was a request but all it say was atsushi is fyodor son but im tired of happy things so fyodor wasn't a father)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Fyodor may have got a woman accidentally pregnant and he was going to pay child support and not be in the child's life but sadly atsushi mom died giving birth to atsushi so it was now fyodor responsibility to take care of their child but fyodor didn't want to be father at all so he put atsushi in a orphanage and hope his child did have a good life but because of atsushi ability. Atsushi was treated like a monster all the time, and atsushi was beaten and tortured on a regular basis. Fyodor thought it son was having good life but he thought wrong because atsushi didn't have a good childhoods.

Atsushi was save by fukuzawa because the agency got call about a headmaster at a orphanage being abusive so they obviously investigated it and found little atsushi. "It okay..." Fukuzawa softly said as he hold atsushi hand and they were walking out of the orphanage. Atsushi never really saw the outside so he looked surprised but he was happy. Fyodor also burnt down the orphanage after finding out what happened. Atsushi knew about his father though because the headmaster talk about him but atsushi wanted to know his father didn't wanted him at all. Atsushi wonder about it all the time but he never got a chance to talk to his father in person or even on text at all. Atsushi love being in the agency though and he never wanted to leave but he still wondered about his father and he wanted answer.

Atsushi would soon get his answer though because a incident happened. The port mafia and agency were working together and they were trying to stop fyodor planned and atsushi took his chance to ask his father something. The agency and port mafia knew nothing about fyodor being atsushi fyodor son so it was going to be a surprise. "Why did you want me!?" Atsushi suddenly said as he looked at his father and fyodor face soften a bit but everyone else was confused.

"I never plan on being in your life, when your mom got pregnant, I was going to pay his child support and never be in your life but she died due to birth complication so you were my responsibility now but couldn't take care of a child so I put you in a orphanage and hope you had a good life...I'm sorry son..and I hope the agency treats you well.." Fyodor softly said as he started to walk away and everyone else was surprised and shocked, they couldn't believe it but atsushi was in tears. Atsushi was on the ground crying his eyes out and no one knew what to do at all.

"Goodbye son, I'm sure we will see each other again soon." Fyodor softly said with a smile on his smile and atsushi just keeps on crying. "Also please take care of my son.." Fyodor said as he looks at fukuzawa and fukuzawa just doesn't say anything but he nod and fyodor walk away. "Atsushi.." Kyouka softly said as she went to comfort atsushi and atsushi just keep on crying but atsushi was happy to hear that his father didn't think of him as a monster. "It's going to be okay.." Kyouka softly said as she hug atsushi and atsushi just slowly calm down. "Wow...I wasn't expecting that.." Dazai said in shock, no one expected a terrorist to be a father so it was quite shocking. "" Mori said, he didn't know what to think about this but the agency member were worried for atsushi.

"I always wanted some type of answer..and now I got it.." Atsushi said with a smile on his face and tears keep streaming down his eyes. "I don't know what to say.." Chuuya said, everyone agrees with chuuya but they didn't know fyodor was watching them the whole time. "The agency member are great and I'm sure they'll take care of my son." Fyodor softly said and nikolai just looked surprised because he didn't know fyodor has a son so it was shocking to him as well.

Fyodor was actually smiling and it was genuine smile, which confused nikolai but he didn't question it. "Let get going." Fyodor finally said as he walked away and nikolai just followed. "Sorry for crying.." Atsushi said ad he wipe tears away and thr agency just frowned at that because atsushi always apologizes, when he doesn't need too. "Don't apologize." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded. The port mafia decided to leave because this isn't their business to get into so they just left so now it was just an agency. "Welp..I think we all should take a day off.." Tanizaki said and everyone agrees so they took a day off and no one really care about fyodor being atsushi father but fyodor technically wasn't even a father so it didn't really matter.

Atsushi was happy to get some answers though and atsushi life goes on like usual.

( wasn't sure on what to do so I probably got this wrong)

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