dancing in the rain//shin souokoku//

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(I love shin soukoku so much)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

The port mafia and agency have been recently working together because of the guild so it was no surprise, when atsushi and akutagawa got closer to each other because they were basically working with each other so it was bound to happen. Atsushi and akutagawa slowly gain feelings for each other but they didn't confess yet because they were meant to be enemies. "Akutagawa.." Atsushi said as he walked up to akutagawa and akutagawa just wait for a response. "I know..we're meant to be enemies but I like you.." Atsushi said as he looked away, atsushi was bright red and akutagawa was in shock. He couldn't believe, it the person he likes also likes him back, it's like a dream come true.

"I like you too.." Akutagawa finally said as he grab atsushi face and suddenly kissed him and atsushi kissed back. The kiss lasted for a few minutes and both akutagawa and atsushi were smiling. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Akutagawa ask atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "Yes." Atsushi softly said as he kisses akutagawa again. Akutagawa was so happy, and so was atsushi so that's all that really matters but sadly they kept relationship a secret because they didn't know how the others would react and they weren't ready to tell them about the relationship.

No one seemed to notice it because they were quite busy so they didn't have time to notice it but that was a good thing for akutagawa and atsushi. Soon the port mafia and agency won against the guild so they were obviously having a celebration for winning so everyone was there hanging out, having fun but then it started to rain but that wasn't a problem because they were inside a place. "Look like it raining.." Atsushi softly said to his boyfriend and akutagawa just nodded in agreement. "you want to dance in the rain, don't you?" Akutagawa ask atsushi as he looks at his boyfriend and atsushi just nodded with a smirk on his face. "Come on!" Atsushi suddenly said as he grabbed akutagawa hand and soon both of them were in the rain.

Everyone else was just watching in shock as atsushi and akutagawa start to dance and they can see that akutagawa was actually smiling. "See isn't this fun?" Atsushi ask akutagawa and akutagawa just laugh. Atsushi didn't mind getting wet at all and surprisingly akutagawa was having a lot of fun so he didn't mind as well. Everyone else was just watching in shock and not sure on what to do. "Oh my god..he smiling.." Chuuya said as he drops his wine, chuuya was so flabbergasted by that because he didn't know if akutagawa could smile. "And...He's enjoying it as well..." Gin said, akutagawa wasn't fighting with atsushi at all so it was pretty weird to them. "What the fuck happened between them?" Tachihara ask, everyone was now wondering that because they usually it would be fighting each other but they're not.

"Look like everyone is watching us." Atsushi softly said as he looks at the other and akutagawa just smile again. "I guess..this is fun.." Akutagawa finally said as he looked away because he was blushing and atsushi just giggled at that. "I love you." Atsushi said with a big smile and akutagawa just laugh a bit. "I love you too." Akutagawa softly said as he kisses atsushi on the lip and everyone was flabbergasted by that even mori was shocked as well. "Oh my god." Dazai said, even dazai was surprised because he wasn't expecting that so it was a surprise to all of them. "Im happy..brother finally found someone to love.." Gin softly said with a smile but no one could see the smile because of the mask.

"I mean..it does look fun dancing in the rain.." Higuchi said as she looked down and immediately gin grab higuchi hand and soon they were both in the rain as well and dancing as well. Atsushi was laughing and giggling the whole time, akutagawa was smiling the whole time as well. "This is fun." Gin softly said to her brother and akutagawa just nodded in agreement. Everyone was now watching but they weren't in shock anymore. "Come on guys..it'll be fun!" Yosano suddenly said as she run out and was dragging her best friend with her. "No!! I don't want to wet!" Ranpo said but it was too late and he was already wet from the rain. "Hehe, ranpo look so funny when he's wet.." Atsushi said as he laugh and ranpo just looked offended to hear that and everyone else was laughing and soon they all got into the rain except for mori, fukuzawa and kouyou. Chuuya didn't want to be in the rain but he was forcing the rain by dazai so now he was trying to kill him and everyone was just laughing and having fun as well.

Everyone was enjoying the time dancing in the rain because it was pretty fun but soon it was time to go home and everyone went they're separate ways. "I'm staying with ryuu." Atsushi said to kyouka and she just nodded. "Alright..I'm having a sleepover with naomi." Kyouka said with a smile and atsushi just smiled as well. "if I find out you hurt him, I will kill you." Kyouka suddenly said as she glare at akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded. "I promise, I won't hurt atsushi." Akutagawa said and kyouka was happy to hear that and soon atsushi and kyouka said goodbye and both akutagawa and atsushi we're walking to the akutagawa house. Gin was staying with higuchi so atsushi and akutagawa had the house to themselves.

"I love you." Atsushi said as he kisses akutagawa on the lip and akutagawa kisses back. "I love you too." Akutagawa softly said as he pull atsushi into a hug and atsushi just giggled. Atsushi and akutagawa cuddled most of the night and soon fell asleep holding each other. The agency and port mafia didn't really have a problem with it because they couldn't stop people from loving each other and it was a possibility bound to happen so they basically accepted it but as long as no private information is shared between the two about the organizations, they're fine with it.

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