obsession//atsushi and akutagawa// part 3

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-fluff and bit of angst.

-au-atsushi is obsessed with akutagawa.


(Shin soukoku)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

After a lot of time, akutagawa decided to want to get with atsushi and he didn't mind if atsushi was obsessed because atsushi would love him no matter what. The hard part was finding atsushi because atsushi left no trail behind on where he went but akutagawa is a port mafia member so he has his ways on finding things and lucky enough he found atsushi. Atsushi was staying in a little apartment for the time being, which makes sense so akutagawa went to the apartment, after work.

Akutagawa slowly knocked on the door and a few seconds later the door opens to reveal atsushi. "Hello? Huh! Akutagawa!?" Atsushi said in shocked, atsushi didn't expect to see akutagawa but atsushi was blushing and akutagawa just nodded. "I wanted to talk." Akutagawa simply says and atsushi went him inside. "I'm surprised..I figured you would be weirded out because of my obsession with you.." Atsushi softly said and that would be the normal case but it was completely opposite. "actually it's more like..I feel involved with the idea of you obsessed with me..it makes me feel loved.." Akutagawa slowly said and atsushi looks surprised to heard that but he was actually happy to hear it as well.

"So..you like that, I'm obsessed with you?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa just nodded. "..I wanted to get with you, I don't care about the obsession..I want to be with you!" Akutagawa suddenly said as he grab onto atsushi and atsushi was a blushing mess because he couldn't believe this was happening but it was. "Really?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa just nodded. Atsushi suddenly kissed akutagawa and akutagawa kisses back as he hold onto atsushi.

"So..will you be my boyfriend?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just smile. "Yes." Atsushi said as he kisses again. Atsushi was so happy to be with akutagawa, it was like a dream come true for him. "Do..you want to stay the night here?" Atsushi suddenly ask and akutagawa just nodded. Akutagawa wanted to spend time with atsushi so he didn't mind staying. Atsushi was cuddling akutagawa the whole time too and he didn't dare to let go of akutagawa. "I love you so much.." Atsushi said as he kisses akutagawa on the forehead and akutagawa just smiles.

"I love you too.." Akutagawa said as he snuggles his head into atsushi chest as he slowly fall asleep with atsushi holding him. Gin was a bit worried because she does live with her brother and obviously akutagawa wasn't home but she wasn't too worried yet. Atsushi took great care in akutagawa because he love him so much. "Ryuu...breakfast is ready." Atsushi softly said and akutagawa just slowly wake up. "Good morning." Atsushi said with a smile and akutagawa just yawn as he stand up and follow atsushi to the table.

"I was wondering..when did the obsession with me start?" Akutagawa ask, he was really curious about it and atsushi just brushes. "When..I first met you..it was just a simple little obsession with you but then it grew and I just need you in my life." Atsushi explain and akutagawa look a little surprised but then they went to eat because they have to eat. "The agency is looking for you..they're very worried about you especially kyouka.." Akutagawa said and atsushi wasn't surprised about that because the agency really does care. "I figured that.." Atsushi said as he hugged akutagawa and akutagawa just hug back. "The agency is having a meeting with the port mafia about you so do you want to come?" Akutagawa ask as atsushi hold onto akutagawa and atsushi slowly nodded.

No one could stopped atsushi now because he with akutagawa and technically no one's being harmed at all. Atsushi basically hold onto akutagawa as they went to the port mafia base and akutagawa was smiling the whole time because he felt love. "Akutagawa..you finally made it, what took you so long?" Mori ask and akutagawa just walked in with atsushi by his side. "Atsushi!" Kyouka said as she run up to atsushi to hug him and atsushi just still hold onto akutagawa but he does hug kyouka.

"you were staying with atsushi? Is that why you weren't home." Gin ask and akutagawa just nodded. Atsushi was looking away the whole time, and the agency members just looked worried. "Me..and atsushi may have gotten together.." Akutagawa said and everyone was shocked again. "I actually don't mind, atsushi obsessed with me..quite the opposite actually.." Akutagawa said and everyone just didn't know what to say about that. "Wow..didn't expect that." Mori said, no one except to that so it was shocking. "Still..shouldn't we do something about the obsession though?" Chuuya ask, everyone had no idea on what to do now.

"Well..no one is being hurt..and akutagawa seem to like it so I don't see a problem with it." Mori said, mori is crazy so it not shocking, he see nothing wrong with it and everything he has said is true. "That true..and honestly I don't think there's much, we can even help with." Fukuzawa said as he looks at atsushi and atsushi just doesn't say anything at all. "Atsushi still does everything else, he just has a obsession with akutagawa." Dazai said and everyone just nodded.

They could do much to help so atsushi isn't getting any help and he can date akutagawa so there's no more problems. Atsushi still does everything else and now that he's with akutagawa, he doesn't really stalk him often because he doesn't necessarily have to now. Atsushi and akutagawa go on missions all the time so atsushi is always somewhat with akutagawa and that all that really matters.

(👯👯i totally rushed to write all of this so it might be bad)

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