love//atsushi x tachihara//

212 7 19


Warning: cigarettes.

(I love tachihara so much.)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi doesn't really have many secrets but he does have some secrets, that he would never tell the agency. Atsushi is dating a port mafia member but usually they would think it's akutagawa but they are wrong because atsushi is dating tachihara. Atsushi and tachihara unexpectedly met at a bar and ever since that day, they just became great friends and soon great friend to lovers. Atsushi also apparently smokes but it doesn't necessarily harm them because he can just heal his lungs and probably grow a new pair so it didn't harm him at all.

"Did you look so fucking hot, when you're smoking~" tachihara said as he kissed atsushi on the lip and atsushi just smirked. "Really?" Atsushi ask and tachihara just nodded. Tachihara didn't really care that his boyfriend smokes because he's literally a port mafia member a little smoking wouldn't do no harm to his boyfriend. "Do you plan on telling the agency about us?" Tachihara ask and atsushi wasn't sure at all so he just shrugged. "they would make a big deal about it..though they would be surprised..they think I'm dating akutagawa.." Atsushi said and tachihara just look surprised and immediately tachihara hug atsushi from behind.

"Noo..but you're dating me..but I guess they wouldn't expect that at all." Tachihara said as he kissed atsushi neck and atsushi just laughed. "Aw, are you jealous~?" Atsushi ask with a smirk on his face and tachihara just look away. Atsushi found that adorable so he kissed tachihara and tachihara just turn bright red. "Did you hear about the party, that's coming up?" Tachihara finally ask and atsushi just nodded. The agency and port mafia were working together and now they're basically celebrating on winning so they're the party going on tomorrow.

"I have a feeling..something will go terribly wrong." Atsushi said as he put out the cigarette and both atsushi and tachihara went inside the house. Atsushi mostly stays with tachihara house and kyouka likes having the dorm to herself so she doesn't mind at all but she doesn't even know the truth on where atsushi stay. "Good night." Atsushi softly said as he kisses tachihara on the forehead and tachihara just smiles. "Good night." Tachihara said back as he start to cuddle with his boyfriend. Tachihara love to cuddle and atsushi didn't mind that at all, also atsushi just finds it so adorable.

Atsushi was totally right about something going wrong in the party. Dazai was trying to get atsushi with akutagawa because why not. "Stop it." Atsushi said, he looks very annoyed and dazai was just honestly pretty fucking drunk. Akutagawa was also annoyed because he definitely did not like atsushi in that way. Everyone else was just watching this happen but someone was pretty jealous. 'Atsushi is mine.." Tachihara thought to himself as he looked away and no one noticed tachihara being jealous except for atsushi. Tachihara suddenly got a idea and slowly he walked up to atsushi and basically latched onto atsushi.

"Aww..are you jealous~?" atsushi ask with smirks on his face and tachiara just buries his face into atsushi neck. "Be quiet!" Tachihara whisper and atsushi just giggle. Everyone else was shocked and flabbergasted at the same time because they weren't expecting that at all. "When..?" Gin ask and everyone was honest wondering that because they thought, atsushi never met tachihara but apparently they're together so they were quite confused. "we accidentally met at a bar.." Atsushi said with a nervous smile and everyone was just shocked. "Bar!?! You're underaged!!" Kunikida said, atsushi just didn't say anything and tachihara was smirking. "Atsushi..doesn't drink.." Tachihara said and that made it a bit better but they did wonder why atsushi was even at the bar.

"I wasn't expecting this at all." Mori said, even mori wasn't expecting this. "Wait..why were you even at the bar though?" Dazai ask and atsushi just look away because he was only really there to smoke and get some peace and no one at agency goes to that bar so it was a perfect place to get away from them. "Atsushi..why were you at the bar?" Yosano ask and atsushi just sigh. "Atsushi smoke." Tachihara said and atsushi just glare at his boyfriend and everyone was flabbergasted by that. "What?" Akutagawa said in shocked, everyone was shocked because atsushi was meant to be innocent little boy but he's not a innocent boy.

"My healing ability basically heal the damage when I smoke so it doesn't actually really harm me at all." Atsushi explain, that made it a bit better but they were still surprised. "Wow.." Chuuya said as he drink some wine and dazai suddenly looked upset. "No!! My baby isn't innocent." Dazai said as he dramatically falls to the ground and tachihara just smirk and went to kisses atsushi on the lips.
After a while everyone had process that information and they didn't have any more questions about it, which was a good thing because atsushi didn't feel like answering any questions.

Tachihara mostly stay around atsushi throughout the whole party and soon everyone went their separate ways. Tachihara was still pretty jealous so he basically just atsushi for quite a while. "I love you~" tachihara said as he kisses atsushi again and atsushi just smiles and kisses back. "I love you too." Atsushi softly said, tachihara just smiles back and lays his head on atsushi chest. Atsushi slowly just play with tachihara hair and after a while tachihara fall asleep on atsushi. Atsushi just kisses tachihara forehead and slowly atsushi also went to sleep as well.

Surprisingly atsushi and tachihara actually have a great relationship and the agency is happy about that so they didn't really mind it as long as no private information is shared between the two, it considered okay. Atsushi still didn't answer any of the questions because it's actually none of there business and the port mafia members honestly just don't give a fuck about it.

(So random)

(😭61/62 oneshots!?! Brub😭IT ONLY BEEN ABOUT A WEEK OR TWO!?)

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