family//atsushi and ???//

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-fluff and angst

-au-mori is atsushi biological father but he was a bad father so he drop atsushi at fukuzawa and fukuzawa took atsushi in.

Warning: child neglect, abuse.

(Fukuzawa being a dads)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Mori accidentally got someone pregnant and she died due to birth complication but atsushi survived. Mori didn't know how to be father or a parent at all so atsushi was neglected all the time and sometimes atsushi would be hit because mori was mad. No one in the port mafia knew nothing atsushi and it was going to stay like that. "I can't be a parents..I'm sorry..atsushi.." Mori said as he hold little atsushi in his arm and atsushi just cried. Mori wanted his safe to be son for some reason so he decided to give fukuzawa atsushi but mori made sure fukuzawa didn't know the truth.

"Fukuzawa..he will take great care of you..I promise.." Mori softly said as he sit atsushi down by fukuzawa front door of this house. Little atsushi was so confused and he didn't understand anything, he just wanted his dad but mori has left him so he just cried again. Fukuzawa heard the crying so he went to look outside and he saw little atsushi crying on the ground. Fukuzawa looked surprised but he quickly grabbed atsushi to calm him down. " okays.." Fukuzawa softly said as atsushi his head on fukuzawa chest because he was exhausted. "Oh? A new kid?" Ranpo said as fukuzawa walked into the living room with atsushi sleeping in his arm.

"He look so..malnourished..I can examine him once he wakes up." Yosano said as she looks closely at little atsushi and fukuzawa just nodded. Yosano and ranpo has no parents so fukuzawa adopted them, so they live with fukuzawa. "It getting late..we should go to back and we can figure stuff out in the morning." Fukuzawa said, but fukuzawa already knew he was going to adopted little atsushi but there was a process to that so it would take a while. Yosano and ranpo just nodded and went to bed and atsushi slept with fukuzawa because atsushi didn't let go of him.

Little atsushi woke up so confused because he didn't know where he was. Fukuzawa immediately woke up because atsushi started to crying again. "'re safe with me. I'm fukuzawa.." Fukuzawa softly said and atsushi recognize that name because mori has said it. "What your name?" Fukuzawa ask as atsushi slowly calm down. "..a-atsushi.." Atsushi slowly said and fukuzawa just smiled. "You must be hungry..I'll make you some breakfast.." Fukuzawa softly said as he pick up atsushi again and they walk into the kitchen to see yosano and ranpo already up.

"This is yosano and ranpo." Fukuzawa said and both yosano and ranpo stare at atsushi and atsushi just looked terrified. "He so adorable!" Yosano said as she grab atsushi and fukuzawa just looked surprised. "I'll make breakfast, please watch him." Fukuzawa said to yosano and she just nodded. While yosano was atsushi, she did a quick exam, which made atsushi giggles. 'Hmm..definitely neglect but there's no bruising but scars..' Yosano thought to herself as she pokes at atsushi and atsushi just giggles. "Here." Fukuzawa said as he sit down plates of food and atsushi just stare at it in confusion.

Atsushi didn't know how to fed myself so fukuzawa fed him. "I think..atsushi was neglected and abused but there's no bruising at all but scars." Yosano explain and atsushi didn't really understand that yosano was saying but atsushi knows about abilities and he knows about his own ability. "My h-heal me.." Atsushi slowly said and that made a lot more sense. "Tiger..I can turn into a tiger, and heal!" Atsushi said, atsushi really love tiger and that was obvious. "That make sense.." Ranpo said, and fukuzawa just smiled at atsushi.

"you're quite smart atsushi." Fukuzawa said as he pat atsushi head and atsushi giggled. " atsushi are new siblings?" Ranpo ask and fukuzawa just nodded. "I'll get working on the adoption papers." Fukuzawa said as suddenly yosano and ranpo stand up with a smirk on their faces. "And we take atsushi shopping! He need new clothes and maybe a toy!" Yosano said as she walks over to atsushi and atsushi looks excited because he never had a toy before. Fukuzawa just sighed, and he let them go shopping for atsushi.

"Tiger..tiger!" Atsushi said as he points at the tiger plushie and Yosano just smirked. "Alright..let get you a tiger plushie!" Yosano said as she hold atsushi hand and atsushi was so happy because he love tiger. Ranpo was smiling the whole time as atsushi hold his new tiger plushie and it was so cutes. The adopted process didn't take that long because Fukuzawa did this before so it not new to him. Atsushi settled into the family really nicely and everyone loved him. Yosano and ranpo were very overprotective of atsushi and they made sure atsushi was okay 24/7 and so was fukuzawa.

Atsushi was properly fed and he was love by everyone. Atsushi didn't join the agency yet because Fukuzawa, ranpo and Yosano didn't want atsushi to be hurt so atsushi mostly hangs out in the agency and the other members are fine with atsushi too. Atsushi never talk about his past though, he was old enough to remember it and he made a promise to mori to keep a secret so he say nothing about it and no one pushed for answer but they would get a answer soon.

Mori and fukuzawa were discussing a few things and yosano was hold her brother because she didn't want mori to get close to him. "Akiko.." Atsushi said as he looked at ranpo and ranpo is glaring at the door. "I'll be fine." Atsushi said but yosano didn't care and she still hold onto atsushi as mori suddenly walked into the main office with fukuzawa. "Goodbye." Fukuzawa said as mori walked towards the exit but suddenly he stopped. "Atsushi, how does fukuzawa treat you?" Mori softly ask and yosano just hold out her knife. "You don't have to answer him, atsushi." Dazai said and atsushi just looked at mori.

"..he treat me well.." Atsushi simply says and mori just smiled. "Good..I knew I made the right choice, I knew he would treat you well son." Mori softly said and everyone was shocked because mori call atsushi his son. "Goodbye." Mori finally said and then he walked away and atsushi just stare at the door and say nothing. "What did he just say..?" Yosano said as she looked at fukuzawa and fukuzawa just didn't say anything. "Mori..he your father.." Ranpo slowly said, atsushi nod as he looked down.

"..I promise to keep it a secret..he say dad would treat me well and he was sorry.." Atsushi said as tears start to fall down and yosano quickly hug atsushi as atsushi started to cry. "I'm s-sorry.." Atsushi said as fukuzawa hug him too and the agency members felt bad for atsushi. "It okay..atsushi, we're not mad at all." Fukuzawa softly said as atsushi clings on to him and soon atsushi was just hiccuping because he couldn't cry anymore. "Everyone get back to work." Fukuzawa said as he suddenly pick atsushi and slowly he walked into his office and yosano and ranpo followed behind.

"Atsushi.. we're not mad at all, we're just a little surprised." Yosano softly said as atsushi sit in the corner of the room with his tiger plushie. "Promise?" Atsushi said and all three of them nodded. Atsushi just looked back down as yosano hug atsushi again and atsushi leads into the touch. "..he wasn't a good father..he was sorry about it..that why he left me at dad..door step." Atsushi slowly said and fukuzawa heartbroken to million pieces. Ranpo just slowly play with atsushi hair, which make atsushi purr like a cat. Atsushi slowly fall asleep and fukuzawa decided atsushi should go home and rest.

Atsushi was curled up into a ball as he sleeps and ranpo just play with his atsushi hair again. Yosano was working on something as atsushi slowly wake up. "I..fell asleep?" Atsushi said in confusion as he sits up and yosano just smile and went to get some tea on rice for atsushi. They didn't care if atsushi was mori son because mori didn't even take care of atsushi and after a long of talking atsushi understood that and he was very happy.

Everything soon went back to normal but yosano and ranpo became more overprotective over atsushi. Atsushi was just happy and that all that matters.

(I love this)

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