blind//atsushi is blind//

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-bit of angst and fluff

-au-atsushi was born blind and Fukuzawa save him.

Warning: mention of abuse.

(I honestly don't know how blind people deal with being blind and stuff like that so I'm just going off of what I know so there might be some mistakes!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was born blind but his parents didn't actually hate him for that. Atsushi parents loved atsushi until they realize he had an ability and the ability was a strong one so they decide to put in the orphanage because they didn't like people with abilities. The Headmaster was made aware of atsushi having a ability and also being blind. The Headmaster decided to abuse and starve the poor little tiger boy because it was the right thing to do but byakko didn't like that at all. Byakko was very overprotective of her vessel so when she found out her vessel or tiger cubs was getting abused so she decided to kill the man that was abusing atsushi.

"Blood..I smell blood.." Atsushi said to himself, atsushi obviously couldn't see anything but he could smell the blood. "I killed him." Byakko proudly says and atsushi just looked shocked and confused at the same time. "I'm your ability and I will protect you no matter what.." Byakko said to atsushi and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi didn't really question it and just went with it. Atsushi got used to being blind because he kind of had to be used to it. Atsushi still had his other senses though and technically because he was half tiger his senses were 10 times better, than usual human so it helped a lot.

Atsushi mostly stayed in the basement of the orphanage but he did go a night to find food or byakko mostly took control of atsushi so she could find food for her tiger cubs. Atsushi was holding a dead rabbit and lucky enough atsushi was able to eat raw meat without being poisoned or anything because of him being half tiger. "Huh? Who there?" Atsushi said as he looked at the direction where the noise is coming from and slowly fukuzawa walk closer. "A kid? What is a kid doing around here.." Fukuzawa said as he looks at the small tiger boy. Fukuzawa was basically in the middle of the Woods cuz he saw a cat. atsushi doesn't know if he should answer the men questions. "'re blind.." Fukuzawa suddenly said as he realize it. Atsushi technically had his eyes but they didn't really have any color of them, it was quite easy to tell he was blind.

"Yes..I'm am..who are you?" Atsushi ask as he eat the dead rabbit and Fukuzawa just looked concerned. "I'm fukuzawa.." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just smile. "Atsushi..and there byakko.." Atsushi said, atsushi wanted to warn the person about byakko because she was very overprotective and he didn't want her attacking someone without warning. "Byakko is my ability and she overprotective." Atsushi said, fukuzawa just nodded but he knew the kid couldn't see it. 'This kid looked homeless and is eating a dead rabbit..' Fukuzawa thoughts to himself, fukuzawa decided to take the little boy in and byakko was actually happy about that because atsushi was now living in a house and got actual food. Fukuzawa didn't make atsushi join the agency because it would be kind of hard for him to join because atsushi is blind. Fukuzawa did officially adopt atsushi so atsushi does call fukuzawa dad because atsushi see him as a dad.

Today atsushi was finally meeting the agency members after many years. "Are you sure atsushi?" Fukuzawa softly ask, atsushi didn't use a cane to walk because he was used to not using one and he had byakko so he didn't actually need one. "I don't need a cane..I can perfectly walk without one so there's no point in me needing one.." Atsushi softly said as he walked over to fukuzawa and Fukuzawa just sighed and soon they're on the way to the agency. The agency member knew nothing about fukuzawa having a adopted son, even ranpo knew nothing. The president walked into the agency and immediately heard kunikida screaming at dazai.

"Oh? Mr President!" Kenji said as he looks at the door and everyone looks at the door as well. Atsushi has his eyes closed because people usually make comments about his eyes because they look a bit weird and they literally have no color in them. "Everyone..I want you to meet my son." Fukuzawa softly said and everyone was shocked and atsushi just smiled. "They won't judge you, you can open your eyes.." Fukuzawa suddenly said and atsushi just immediately open his eyes. "Oh? Are you blind sir?" Kenji ask and atsushi just nodded. "Yes..and please just call me atsushi." Atsushi sofly said and kenji just smile. "it's a pleasure to meet you." Kunikida said, everyone was still a bit surprised because they didn't expect the president to have a son.

"I'm sorry..but don't usually people that are blind have canes? Sorry if that was offensive.." Naomi ask, she was honestly just asking a question and she honestly didn't know how to word it nicely so she just said it out loud. "Yes usually..but I'm supposed, I'm used to walking without a cane and I have byakko so she help me." Atsushi explain but then he realized that they don't know about his ability. "My ability is name byakko..she a tiger.." Atsushi said and it made sense to them so now they were understanding it. Everyone soon introduced each other and atsushi mostly hang around the agency after that.

"I have better senses than regular humans so that's how I heard you." Atsushi explain to dazai, dazai was trying to scare atsushi but atsushi obviously could hear him so it didn't work out at all. " you know about the port mafia?" Tanizaki ask and atsushi just nodded. "Yes..they try to kidnap me once actually but obviously that fail.." Atsushi said with a smirk, it was no surprise that the port mafia actually tried kidnap atsushi but it became a fail because atsushi was blind so it wasn't necessarily a good idea for a blind person to be in port mafia. The other didn't really question it and they were obviously fine with atsushi hanging out in the agency so atsushi learned a lot about the port mafia and more.

"Wow.." Ranpo said, dazai was still trying to scare atsushi but this time it failed miserably and dazai was unconscious because byakko thought it was threat so she controlled atsushi hand and hit the shit out of dazai. "Oops...she thought he was a threat." Atsushi nervously says to the agency members and everyone was just nodded. "Don't mess with atsushi.." Tanizaki said, atsushi may look weak because he's blind but technically atsushi is able to fight but obviously has help from byakko. "Does byakko talk?" Yosano suddenly ask and atsushi just nodded. " like a voice in my head I suppose and technically byakko can control me and technically use my voice to talk but she doesn't do that.." Atsushi try to explain it and everyone else just nodded and they understood most of it. " does byakko..feel about us?" Kenji suddenly ask as the president walks into the main room.

" happy..she happy that fukuzawa gave me and home and she sees you guys as family I suppose.." Atsushi explain with a smile and everyone eyes widen in surprise because they weren't expecting that. "Where did the president even find you?" Kunikida ask, everyone was wondering that now. "I found atsushi eating a dead rabbit in the woods.." Fukuzawa said and everyone was surprised at that and atsushi was giggling. "I technically used to live in an orphanage but the Headmaster was abusive so byakko killed him." Atsushi said, fukuzawa was surprised now because he knew nothing about that. "Byakko was very overprotective of me so that why she killed the headmaster and technically she was the one to find the dead rabbit because I couldn't see so she would take control of me to find food.." Atsushi explain and everyone was honestly just flabbergasted at this point because they certainly wasn't expecting to hear that. "You didn't tell me about the headmaster.." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just smile. " never asked dad.." Atsushi said with a smirk and Fukuzawa just sighed because it was true, fukuzawa didn't ask about atsushi past so that why he didn't know.

"And dazai is okay..he's just unconscious right now." Yosano said to atsushi, yosano obviously made sure dazai was okay because he literally got hit by a tiger paw and that hurts. Atsushi was happy to hear dazai was okay and everyone else just went on with work. Atsushi was happy and was also enjoying his time hanging out in the agency. Atsushi didn't expect to be adopted but he was happy and that's all that really matters.

(🤷‍♀️random idea)

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