my brother//shin soukoku//

261 13 6

-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi and chuuya grew up together as lab experiments. atsushi see chuuya as his older brother and chuuya see atsushi as his younger brother.


(I don't know much about chuuya being experimented on so I'm just going off what I know)

(Atsushi and akutagawa get married as well🙌)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and chuuya were meant to be vessels for two god name byakko and arahabaki. Atsushi and chuuya were mostly held in the same place together because they were considered a danger and needed to be watched most of the time so that's how they got close to each other. Atsushi was kind and caring person and he would mostly listen to the orders, when he got to order from the doctors, while chuuya would try to beat their asses each time, they came close to him so he always had to be knocked out.

Chuuya was definitely protective of atsushi and chuuya considered atsushi to be his little brother, while atsushi saw chuuya as his older brother. One day, something went terribly wrong with the experiment basically killed most of the scientists or doctors there so they were finally free. "Where are we going?" Atsushi ask as he hold chuuya hand and chuuya isn't sure on what to do now. "Atsushi...listen to me..we need to separate and I promise I'll find you." Chuuya said and atsushi eyes widen in shock and it's no surprise atsushi started to cry because he didn't want to leave his brother alone.

"Atsushi..I can protect myself.." Chuuya softly said as he slowly wipes atsushi tears away and atsushi just look down. "Now, run atsushi.." Chuuya said and atsushi just nodded and he ran away. Chuuya was found by dazai and he basically join the port mafia and Fukuzawa found atsushi and Fukuzawa took care of atsushi. Atsushi always wondered about chuuya though and he waited for the day, when chuuya would find him. Chuuya was so happy to hear that atsushi is in the agency because they're great people. Chuuya was finally going to see his little brother and he couldn't wait. The agency looked shocked and confused at the same time as chuuya walked into the agency building.

"Chuuya..what bring you here?" Dazai ask as he sit up and chuuya just completely ignores dazai. Atsushi was in shocked as he stare at chuuya but then he smiled. The agency member were ready to fight chuuya but suddenly atsushi hugged chuuya in front of everyone. "Fuck! When did you get so strong!?" Chuuya said as atsushi squeezes him and atsushi was just crying. "I miss you so much!!" Atsushi said and chuuya just hugged back and everyone else was confused now. "I miss you too.." Chuuya softly said as atsushi break the hug. "Um, explaining?" Kunikida ask and chuuya was wondering how to explain any of this.

"Me and atsushi were both experiments so we kind of grew up with each other and I consider atsushi to be my little brother." Chuuya said and everyone was shocked and discern at the same time. Atsushi nodded in agreement so that confirmed everything was in fact true. " you say that so calmly?" Dazai said and no one pay attention to them because they were shocked. "Atsushi, how have you been?" Chuuya ask, chuuya was obviously worried. "I've been doing perfectly fine! The agency treats me well." Atsushi explain and chuuya was happy to hear that. "So chuuya, where did you go?" Atsushi suddenly ask and chuuya just look away. "The port mafia.." Chuuya said and atsushi just sighed, atsushi wasn't surprised because chuuya always resorts to violence so it's not really surprising to him.

"Wow..this is a lot to take in.." Naomi said, mostly everyone agrees with her. Chuuya suddenly grab atsushi hand and atsushi look confused. " I'm taking atsushi to a restaurant so we can catch up!" Chuuya said as he walked away with atsushi and no one stop them because they did nothing wrong. Atsushi and chuuya obviously catch up on a lot of things and ever since that day atsushi has gotten a bit closer with the port mafia, he especially got closer to akutagawa. They soon got together but kept it a secret for now.

Chuuya was very overprotective of atsushi so he would make a scene when he finds out about them being together. "Chuuya is..overprotective of me so he's going to freak out.." Atsushi explain to akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded. "Gin will probably freak out too." Akutagawa said and atsushi just giggled. They were both great at keeping a secret so they kept it for a whole last year but sadly they did have to tell the agency and port Mafia soon because they're engaged.

"Cant believe it.." Atsushi said as he look at ring and akutagawa just smiling. "now, there's definitely going to be a big ass scene.." Atsushi said and akutagawa just started to laugh. "I love you." Akutagawa said and atsushi just smile as they share a kiss. "I love you too." Atsushi softly said and they enjoy their night together. " time to get up.." Akutagawa softly said and atsushi just whine, atsushi is definitely not a a morning person. "No.." Atsushi said and akutagawa just chuckled. "darling..come have to get up." Akutagawa said, atsushi wasn't use to nicknames so he immediately started to blush but he did get up.

" do you plan on telling chuuya about us?" Akutagawa said as he hand atsushi a glass of warm milk because atsushi love milk but that probably because of him being half tiger. "I planned on sending him a letter." Atsushi said and akutagawa didn't question atsushi on why. "Be safe." Atsushi said as he kisses akutagawa on the lips and akutagawa just kisses back. "I will." Akutagawa said and they both went to work as usual. Chuuya got the letter though and he was shocked and he immediately went to confront atsushi. "you're engaged to akutagawa!?" Chuuya said as he slams the agency door open and everyone look surprised as well. "Yup." Atsushi said as he showed everyone the ring and chuuya look flabbergasted.

"When!?! How long!?" Chuuya said as he started to shake atsushi and atsushi just smiled. "we've been dating for a year now and he propose not too long ago." Atsushi explain and chuuya was just shaking his younger brother. "Why akutagawa!?!" Chuuya ask and atsushi just glare at chuuya. "Atsushi!! You're too young!!" Chuuya said as he started to fake cry and he went to hug atsushi and atsushi just does nothing. The agency was just shocked and they didn't know what to say. "congratulations atsushi." Fukuzawa said as he walked into the main office, he heard everything.

"Calm down brother.." Atsushi said and chuuya look surprised because it actually the first time atsushi call chuuya brother. "You called me brother!!" Chuuya said as he hug atsushi tighter and atsushi just giggled. "Wow..I thought akutagawa hated you?" Dazai ask and atsushi nodded. "He first but we soon got along and got together." Atsushi said, chuuya was now actually crying as he hold atsushi and everyone did congratulate atsushi on getting engaged. "I assumed the other port mafia members don't know yet?" Dazai ask and atsushi just nodded. "Ryuu..isn't good at talking about certain things so I was just going to tell them." Atsushi explain and chuuya finally calm down. "I'll give you a ride to the port mafia base." Chuuya said as he grab atsushi hand and they were off to the port mafia base.

"Hm? Atsushi? What bring you here?" Kouyou ask as she look at atsushi and then chuuya. "Well..I'm engaged." Atsushi said and kouyou just look surprised. "To who?" Kouyou ask, atsushi just nervously smiles. "Ryuu.." Atsushi said and kouyou wasn't expected akutagawa so she was shocked. "What!?" Elise said as she walked up to them and mori just looked surprised too. "Really?" Mori ask and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi already knew where akutagawa was so he started to walk towards the room. "Ryuu!" Atsushi said as he walked up to akutagawa and akutagawa look surprised to see atsushi. "Ah..chuuya already know.." Akutagawa said as he looked at chuuya and chuuya is just glare at him. "What happened?" Tachihara ask and chuuya just look away. "Atsushi is engaged to akutagawa." Chuuya said and gin looked shocked. "Huh!?" Gin said as she looked at her brother and akutagawa just nodded. Everyone else was shocked and they couldn't believe it.

Atsushi and akutagawa soon start to plan their wedding, everyone else did help the best they could. Chuuya wasn't very happy about them getting married but he didn't stop it because his brother was happy and that's all that really matters. Akutagawa and atsushi wedding was so beautiful and fukuzawa walk atsushi down the aisle because he was the closest thing atsushi was to a father. "Everyone went according to plan, at least.." Akutagawa said as he hug atsushi fr behind and atsushi just giggled. Chuuya was just glaring at akutagawa the whole time. "He warm up to you, I promise." Atsushi said to akutagawa and akutagawa just nodded. "Chuuya, stop glaring at him." Kouyou said as she slap chuuya and chuuya just looked away. Atsushi and akutagawa enjoyed rest of the evening and soon it became night time.

Atsushi and akutagawa were both tired so they both immediately fell asleep, when they got home. Chuuya did warm up to akutagawa after a while but he still overprotective of his brother. The agency and port mafia now have somewhat of a truce because of them being married so it worked out in the end. Akutagawa and atsushi are happy being together so that's all they're really matters.

(Random idea.)

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