I'm back//atsushi is back//

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-bit of angst? and fluff

-au-atsushi left because he thought he was a burden to the agency.


(I'm pretty sure I wrote something like this before but it's going to be different)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi decided to leave the agency because he thought he was a burden to the agency. He saw all his friends get hurt because of him so he thought if he left, everything would go back to normal for agency. The agency was devastated to hear about atsushi leaving and it was too late because he was gone and he left no evidence so ranpo couldn't help much. The port mafia even tried to help but they also found nothing. The agency never gave up though and they hope atsushi would come back and he did.

Atsushi was walking in yokohama city at night, atsushi has actually left yokohama city so that's why they couldn't find him in the city and he visited many areas. Atsushi obviously knew where the dorm was and he slowly walk to a certain door and he knocked on it. Kyouka was awake so she heard the knock on the door so she opened it but she didn't expect to see atsushi again. "Hello kyouka." Atsushi softly said with a smile and kyouka just immediately went to hug atsushi. "I'm back.." Atsushi said as he hug kyouka back and kyouka just started to cry. "I miss you!!" Kyouka said as she looked at atsushi face and atsushi just smiled.

"Why..did you leave?" Kyouka finally ask and atsushi just didn't say anything. "Let..go inside..I'll explain everything." Atsushi said and kyouka just nod as they walk inside the dorm. "I left..because I thought I was a burden to the agency because everyone was getting hurt because of me." Atsushi slowly explain and kyouka just listen the whole time. "the reason you guys couldn't find me was because I left yokohama city..I actually visited many places and I have a lot of pictures, if you want to see those." Atsushi explain and kyouka just looked surprised but then she went to hug atsushi again. "I'm sorry for leaving.." Atsushi said as tears start to fall down his eyes and kyouka just wipes the tears away.

"It alright..I just glad you're back and I'm sure everyone else would be happy that you're back." Kyouka said with a smile and atsushi just nodded. "I'm tired.." Atsushi said as he yawn and kyouka just drags atsushi in the bedroom and she slowly tucks him into bed. "sleep.." Kyouka said and atsushi just nodded as he yawn again and atsushi fell asleep pretty fast. Kyouka just smiled and went to bed soon after.

Kyouka woke up first because she wanted to make breakfast for atsushi and herself. "Good morning." Atsushi said as kyouka hug atsushi again and atsushi just chuckled. "I made breakfast." Kyouka said and atsushi just nod as he eat breakfast with kyouka. "I'm kind of scared of how the agency will react to me being back." Atsushi said as he sighed and kyouka just nodded. "Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time." Kyouka said as they put their shoes on and they're ready to leave. "Atsushi?" Dazai suddenly said, dazai obviously was going to be late and he didn't expect to see atsushi again.

"Oh..dazai.." Atsushi said as he nervously smiles and suddenly dazai clinged onto atsushi. "you're here!! You came back!!" Dazai said as he started to cry and atsushi just freaks out. "He came back last night." Kyouka said and dazai just hold onto atsushi tighter. "Sorry for leaving.." Atsushi said and dazai just doesn't say anything. "Come on..we're going to be late." Kyouka said as she hold onto atsushi hand and atsushi just started to walk to the agency with dazai clinging onto him. No one notices atsushi until kunikida was getting ready to yell at dazai but stop because of atsushi. "Oh my god..atsushi.." Kunikida said in shock and everyone looked at the agency door. "Atsushi!!" Kenji said as he run to hug atsushi and they both fell over. "Ow!! Kenji too tight!!" Atsushi said and kenji just nodded. "Atsushi is back!?" Yosano said as she run into the main office and everyone just nodded.

"Atsushi!!!" Naomi said as she also hug atsushi and atsushi is just very overwhelmed. After kenji stopped hugging atsushi, he was hug by ranpo and yosano. "Sorry for leaving.." Atsushi slowly said and everyone was just happy to see him. "I'll explain everything..after you guys stop hugging me.." Atsushi said and one by one he was hugged by everyone. "what with all the commission out hear?" Fukuzawa said and then he saw atsushi and he was surprised. "Atsushi.." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just looked down as suddenly the president hugged him and atsushi is just surprised. "Mr President.." Atsushi said, atsushi didn't expect to be hug by fukuzawa. "I'm glad, your back." Fukuzawa softly said as he left go of atsushi and atsushi just smiled.

Atsushi started to explain everything to the agency, and how he left yokohama city and he showed them, the pictures of the places, he went to. "Wow.." Ranpo said and atsushi just nervously smiles again. "Sorry for leaving..I hope I didn't cost too much trouble." Atsushi said and fukuzawa just smiled. "we are all just glad, you're back." Fukuzawa said and everyone nodded in agreement and atsushi was happy to hear that. "I'll let the port mafia known your back. They tried to help us find you." Fukuzawa said as he walked away to make a phone call and atsushi is just surprised because he didn't expect the port mafia to try and find him. "Oh.." Atsushi said as he get hug again by dazai and atsushi just chuckled.

"Wow..looks like you had a lot of fun traveling different places." Tanizaki said and atsushi just nodded. "I did but I did miss you guys a lot so that's why I came back." Atsushi softly said and everyone was happy to hear that. "Mori will notify the other members." Fukuzawa said to everyone and everyone just nodded. "Welcome back atsushi." Fukuzawa said as he hold out his hand and atsushi just shake it.

Atsushi mostly just relax in the agency today, even though he wanted to work, they didn't let him. The port mafia member heard the news about atsushi being back and some of them were happy about that especially akutagawa because now he has someone to fight with again. The agency also became a bit more overprotective of atsushi but atsushi didn't mind it at all.


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