my savior//atsushi angst//

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-angst and fluff

-au-atsushi was adopted by shibusawa but shibusawa runs experiments on atsushi so fyodor decided to set atsushi free.

Warning: child abuse, experiments.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was an orphan, his parents never wanted him so they gave him up to orphanage. Atsushi was different he had a ability and his ability was dangerous so he was isolated. Atsushi was considered to be a monster so he was locked in the basement and was locked in the cage as well for extra precaution because his ability was really strong but someone wanted him. "He has a ability..that's why we lock him up.." The Headmaster said to shibusawa and shibusawa was smirking as he stares at the child that's laying on the ground unconscious.

"I'll take him." Shibusawa said as he looked at the Headmaster and the Headmaster didn't argue at all because he was glad that the child was gone. Atsushi was happy to be out of the orphanage but soon he realized his life was going to get much worse being around this weird guy, that was obsessed with him. Shibusawa found atsushi ability interesting, atsushi was allowed to heal his body parts so shibusawa would test on that and actually sell most of atsushi organs because they can grow back.

Atsushi was always awake when shibusawa took out some of atsushi body parts. Atsushi would scream and cry and beg the man to stop but that only made it worse. Shibusawa love hearing atsushi cry and he found it enjoyable as well. Atsushi has suffered for many years and he couldn't escape at all because all of shibusawa friends or partners in business would be the same like him but someone was different and that someone didn't find it enjoyable. Fyodor didn't like child abuse at all so when he found out shibusawa was experimenting on a kid, fyodor decide to help the poor kid out because the kids didn't deserve it at all. "h-huh? Please don't hurt me.." Atsushi said as he stare at the tall men and fyodor eyes just soften.

"I'm set you free.." Fyodor said as he open the cage door and atsushi looks so relieved to hear that. Atsushi just followed fyodor and soon they end up at a door and fyodor open it. "Run..someone will find you and help you..I promise.." Fyodor softly said to atsushi and atsushi did exactly that and he ran as fast as he could. Fyodor was smiling the whole time as s he watches atsushi runaway from the terrible man. Fyodor didn't plan on letting shibusawa go so easily, fyodor would make sure shibusawa pay the price for hurting a innocent little kid.

Atsushi ran until he could anymore but lucky enough someone found him. Yosano was the one to find atsushi and atsushi was immediately taken to the agency because atsushi was severely malnourished and needed to be treated. Atsushi didn't trust yosano at first but soon he got use to her. "How old are you?" Yosano softly ask atsushi and atsushi thought about it for a while. "I'm..15.." Atsushi finally said, atsushi was basically experimented on for 10 years. Yosano just smile and she wrote that down. Atsushi basically stayed in the agency for a while and he had decision if you want to join them and even if he didn't join them, they would still take care of him. Atsushi decided to join after a few years and atsushi was finally having a normal life well somewhat of a normal life because when you're in the agency you kind of don't have a somewhat of a normal life but atsushi was happy so that's all that really matters.

Atsushi never talked about his past though and the agency didn't ask for details about it or anything about it at all because it was a hard subject for atsushi. Atsushi always wondered if he would see the man that saved him again and one day he did. Atsushi was doing his work as usual and dazai was being yell at by kunkida but suddenly kunikida went quiet and everyone else was quiet as well. "Fyodor..what brings you here?" Dazai ask in a serious voice as kyouka slowly pulls out a pocket knife and she was ready to protect atsushi. Kyouka was very protective of atsushi because atsushi save her. Atsushi looked at fyodor and suddenly atsushi remembered everything.

"'m here deliver some news to someone important." Fyodor softly said as he looked at atsushi and everyone was glaring at fyodor  especially yosano. Yosano and atsushi were pretty close because yosano basically saved atsushi as well and yosano was always there and made sure atsushi was perfectly healthy all the time. "He's gone atsushi.." Fyodor said with a smile and atsushi eyes widen in shock. Atsushi couldn't believe it but he was so happy to hear that. Fyodor slowly turn around and slowly walked away. "Thank you.." Atsushi finally said and fyodor just turn around and look at atsushi. "You didn't deserve any of it, you were just a small child...I was only doing the right thing.." Fyodor softly said and you can see the softness in his eyes and then he walked away.

Everyone else was shocked and confused as well. " you know fyodor?" Dazai ask and atsushi honestly didn't know what to say. "Not me.." Atsushi said as he looked at dazai and everyone else looked confused because they didn't understand it all. "..I was adopted by someone name..shibusawa.. he liked me because of my ability so he did a bunch of experiments on me and sold some of my organs but I could grow them back so he sold a lot of my organs.." Atsushi slowly said and everyone's face immediately looked horrified and they didn't know what to say at all. "I was experimented on for 10 years but then..fyodor.. he set me free on that day and he told me to run and he said someone would find me..." Atsushi said and the agency member still didn't say anything at all.

"Then..I finally collapsed after a few hours and that's when I met yosano." Atsushi softly said as he looked at yosano and yosano immediately went to hug atsushi. "Yosano.." Atsushi said in shock and yosano was hugging atsushi as tight as she could and everyone else just looked horrified and sad at the same time. Atsushi was also hug by kyouka and atsushi slowly just smile and start to cry as well. "He finally gone..I always been so scared, I thought he would come find me.." Atsushi said as he hug yosano back and yosano just slowly rubs atsushi back as atsushi cries. No one say anything as atsushi cries until he couldn't and yosano took atsushi into her office so he could rest and no one ask any questions.

"Atsushi, how are you feeling?" Yosano softly ask and atsushi just has a small smile on his face. "I feel better especially now because I know he's gone so I don't have to worry about him finding me.." Atsushi said and yosano just look so heartbroken. "Atsushi.." Yosano said as she hug atsushi again and atsushi suddenly has a big smile on his face. "You should go home and had a long day today.." Yosano softly said and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi knew he couldn't argue with yosano so he went home with kyouka because atsushi and kyouka live in the same apartment. Kyouka made sure atsushi rest because yosano told her to make sure atsushi did rest.

Atsushi felt a lot better after that so he went to work as usual but of course he did talk to yosano about a few things. No one in the agency ask any questions about it because it was really hard subject and they already knew most of it so they didn't need more details about it because it was really fucked up. Atsushi now lives in normal life without fearing of shibusawa coming back.

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