obsession//atsushi and akutagawa// part 2

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(Someone wants a part 2)

fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is obsessed with akutagawa.

Warning: stalking.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi still stalk atsushi and no one knows about it expect for dazai until someone accidentally caught atsushi. Akutagawa usually goes on solo missions but once in a while he has a partner in a mission, which was tachihara, this time. Akutagawa did the mission by himself but tachihara was back and a look out for anyone sneaking up on them and he saw atsushi. 'The..were-tiger...oh my..' Tachiara thought to himself as he watches atsushi take pictures of akutagawa and akutagawa see nothing and walk away, leaving tachihara alone.

"..uh..I saw you.." Tachihara suddenly said and atsushi looks surprised because tachihara was calm about it. "What?" Atsushi said as he turned around to look at tachihara and tachihara just nervously smiles. "Don't worry! I'll cover for you and make sure bosses and akutagawa find nothing about this." Tachihara said and atsushi looks surprised but confused because tachihara was voluntarily helping out. "Why are you helping me out?" Atsushi ask, atsushi wanted to know the reasoning, which make sense.

"I understand, okay? I'll help you out." Tachihara said and atsushi thought about it for a while and then he agreed to it. Tachihara actually kept his word unlike someone else. Tachihara destroyed any footage of atsushi stalking akutagawa and he made sure no one saw it. Atsushi and tachihara actually became great friends after that because they were working together so they kind of had to go along. Dazai mostly kept his mouth shut though but one day he opened his mouth to someone.

"I honestly..wouldn't have believed you at all without proof." Chuuya said as he sighed as he looked at the video footage and voice recordings. "I know..I didn't want to believe it at first but..he really is obsessed with akutagawa.." Dazai said, dazai was actually worried for a student because this is unhealthy obsession, he has and chuuya didn't even know what to do with this knowledge. "Shit, I don't even know what to do.." Chuuya said as he looked at dazai and dazai didn't know too.

"we could expose it to everyone but that will create more drama.." Chuuya suggested, and dazai look worried. "Atsushi might leave though! Out of the unhealthy obsession, he has with akutagawa. He completely normal and acts like himself!" Dazai said, and chuuya just looked down. Both of them had no idea on what to do because they never experienced something like this. "How..did this even start? Maybe we should do research.." Chuuya said as he looked on his computer and dazai just nodded.

After research, they found not much and they weren't sure want to do again because they weren't doctors. "We could tell yosano or mori..I mean they're both doctors." Dazai said and that was a good idea and that best idea they had come up with so they went with that one for now. Bad lucky though because tachihara found out about chuuya knowing and he planned on telling atsushi about it at the party, that agency and port mafia are having together.

Atsushi was starting at akutagawa as tachihara comes up to him to tell him something. "Really?" Atsushi said as he looked tachihara dead in these eyes and tachihara just nodded. Some of the members were watching talk because they were curious but suddenly atsushi grab tachihara guns. "Oh my god.." Dazai whispered to chuuya as atsushi hold the guns as he slowly moves his head to stare at dazai. "..dazai..you lying bitch..so why did you tell him?" Atsushi said, and now everyone was looking at atsushi in shocked, confusion and concern.

"Because! It a unhealthy obsession!!" Dazai said, chuuya just didn't say anything yet and atsushi didn't looked happy about it. "i don't care, if it a unhealthy obsession..you promise not to say anything and you said something." Atsushi said as he loads the gun and the other were now freaking out. "What unhealthy obsession?" Yosano ask and atsushi just glare at yosano. "Don't you dare say it.." Atsushi said to dazai and dazai just sighed because he was going to say it. "Atsushi has a unhealthy obsession with akutagawa! He stalks him on every mission at night! He has many things that belong to akutagawa and pictures of him!" Dazai suddenly said and everyone was more shocked now but they were concerned atsushi because that wasn't normal.

"A unhealthy obsession with...me?" Akutagawa whisper, akutagawa would usually feel mad or angry about this but this time he didn't, he felt loved for some reason. Atsushi just glared at dazai, everyone now knew and atsushi wasn't sure on what to do. "What?" Kyouka said as she looked at atsushi and atsushi didn't say anything and he suddenly ran away because it was the best choice, he had right now. "you're joking.." Higuchi said and dazai nodded as a no. "Dazai is telling the truth..." Chuuya said, and everyone just couldn't believe it but that made akutagawa more happy to hear.

Akutagawa always wanted to be loved and because of atsushi unhealthy obsession with him, it make him feel love. "Atsushi has..akutagawa blood! Hair, and many more things." Dazai said but suddenly chuuya looked at tachihara. "You knew, didn't you?" Chuuya ask tachihara and tachihara just nodded. "I found out by accident and I helped him.." Tachihara said and everyone was more surprised and they were trying to process all of this information.

'Jinko...is obsessed with me..does that mean..he love me? Someone love me..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself and gin just stare at her brother in worry. Atsushi didn't know where to go but he needed to hide because he didn't want help with his obsession. He love akutagawa and he always will so he collected important things and went to a place to stay for now.

The other did try to find him but they had no luck and it took a lot of time to process all this information and they wanted proof so dazai that proof and even after proof, it was hard to believe. Akutagawa didn't really care though because in his eyes he felt loved by it and he always wanted to be love and atsushi would love him.

(I rush to write all of this so it might not make any sense because I didn't really understand the request😭 so i hope i did a good job)

(And i might make a part 3 because i want atsushi and akutagawa to be in love 🤷‍♀️)

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