the best boss//atsushi is the port mafia boss//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is the port mafia boss but he a good boss.


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Mori wasn't a great boss or even a great person at all. At the time, atsushi was just a normal Swordsman but one day he decided to challenge mori a fight. Mori obviously accept it and the fight happens but mori was defeated and killed. Atsushi became the new port mafia boss because he killed the the current one so it makes sense he becomes a new one. Atsushi was a kind and caring person and he took time to get to know the members and make sure, they were in great health.

Atsushi was considered to be the nicest port mafia boss ever, and the agency was just surprised to hear that. The port mafia member were also surprised by atsushi kindness but it became a normal thing to them after a while. The agency member have actually never met atsushi yet but they have a meeting with atsushi so they're going to meet him for the first time. " nice to see your doing well." Fukuzawa said and atsushi immediately smiled. "Fukuzawa! It also nice to seeing you're doing well as well." Atsushi softly said as suddenly chuuya throw dazai across the room because dazai was annoying him.

"Chuuya! These are our guests! You shouldn't throw our guests around!" Atsushi said, chuuya just looked away. "Is he alright?" Atsushi ask as he looks at dazai and dazai just nod. "I'm perfect alright!" Dazai said with a smirk and the agency members were just surprised. "Huh..I honestly didn't believe it.." Tanizaki said and atsushi just nervously smiles. "No one believes it until they see it in person." Chuuya said as he sit down and atsushi just nodded in agreement. " really did kill him?" Dazai ask and atsushi just nodded.

"I was a swordsman at the time, that's how I know Fukuzawa and one day, I challenged him to a fight and I won." Atsushi explain and the agency member look more surprised except for ranpo because he knew most of this so it wasn't new to him. "Atsushi was the greatest swordsman out there." Fukuzawa softly said and atsushi just turn red from embarrassment. "I wouldn't say I was the greatest." Atsushi said, atsushi honestly didn't believe he was the greatest swordsman out there but he was.

"Atsushi is also a kind and caring person so it not surprising." Fukuzawa said with a small smile and atsushi is just red as a tomato. "Wow." Naomi said, the agency couldn't believe it but they did because Fukuzawa never lied so it was obvious true but they were still surprised and trying to process all of that. "Atsushi is a great fighter." Kouyou said, atsushi sometimes train with his members so they seen him fight before and atsushi is great at it. "Wow..I'm shocked.." Kunikida said out loud and the agency member just agreed with him. Atsushi was just so red and he didn't know what to say now.

"Atsushi?" Akutagawa said as he looks at atsushi and atsushi is just slowly putting himself into a ball because he's very embarrassed. "Atsushi, does this, when he embarrassed.." Chuuya said as he chuckled. "I'm not really that great.." Atsushi finally said, and chuuya just sighed. "Atsushi..your the best port mafia boss, we ever had and probably the best out there." Chuuya said and atsushi just covers his face and whine. "Stop!!" Atsushi said as he around and kouyou was just laughing. Chuuya and kouyou sometimes like to tease their boss so this is normal for them. After a while atsushi finally turn around and was looking at everyone again. "Anyways..we should start the meeting.." Atsushi said and fukuzawa just nodded in agreement.

Atsushi hate doing meeting, it always so boring so he likes to get it done quickly and fast and fukuzawa has no problem with that. "So..atsushi~ you get embarrassed really quickly~?" Dazai ask with a smirk and atsushi just slowly nodded. Atsushi in fact get embarrassed really fast and dazai was about to do something but chuuya slap the shit out of him. "we're the only ones that are allowed to make atsushi embarrassing." Chuuya said as he glare at dazai and atsushi just looked away. Fukuzawa was actually laughing a bit, which shocked everyone because they never seen him laugh before.

" can laugh?" Atsushi ask and fukuzawa just looked flabbergasted but he does nod. "Wow." Atsushi said, even atsushi has never seen Fukuzawa smile before so he was surprised. "How long have yoy known atsushi, Mr President?" Kenji suddenly ask and now everyone was curious about that. "Huh..I think we knew each other for at least 5 years now?" Atsushi said as he thinks about it and fukuzawa just nodded. Fukuzawa is also technically a swordsman as well so it's not surprising, he met atsushi. "I was surprised to find out, you actually killed mori never killed someone before.." Fukuzawa said and atsushi suddenly looked serious.

"He deserved to die..he was a pedophile, it's disgusting." Atsushi said and yosano was starting to like atsushi more now. "So..mori was actually atsushi first kill?" Dazai suddenly said and atsushi just nodded. "Damm.." Yosano said, mori was quite strong so it surprised atsushi killed him. "Welp, I love to spend time and talk with you more but we sadly do have to go." Fukuzawa said as he stands up and atsushi just nodded. "It was nice seeing you fukuzawa! I'll visit sometime soon!" Atsushi said as he waved goodbye and the agency member leave the room one by one.

"That went well.." Higuchi said as she sighed and tachihara nod in agreement. "Anyways..there's no more missions so you guys are free to go." Atsushi said as he yawn, atsushi was very tired and he wanting to take cat nap now so he went to his office to sleep. The port mafia members were happy with atsushi being their boss because he was a great boss and he was always there for you. Atsushi was great at comforting as well so sometimes the members talk to him about some problems. The agency also got use to atsushi and atsushi sometimes visited Fukuzawa because they great friends.

(😭i honestly rush to write this so it's probably very bad so sorry!!)

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