love//atsushi x Akutagawa x chuuya// part 2

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( someone wanted a part 2)

-fluff and bit of angst?

Warning: mention of abuse, mention of suicide.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi romantic relationship with akutagawa and chuuya has been a secret for quite a while now but only kyouka and fukuzawa know the truth and they also keep it a secret. Atsushi has also been doing a lot better and both akutagawa and chuuya are proud of atsushi. "I still do dazai work a bit stressful.." Atsushi said as he sighed and akutagawa just hug atsushi. "I can threaten him." Chuuya suggested with a smirk and atsushi just clings onto akutagawa, atsushi face was in akutagawa neck and akutagawa just hold atsushi. "I don't know..I don't think I'm ready to tell them about us..I'm just not sure." Atsushi said, atsushi didn't know what to do but his boyfriend's were patient with him.

"It okays..take your time." Chuuya softly said as he play with atsushi hair to calm atsushi down a bit, while akutagawa places a kiss on atsushi forehead. "I know they won't judge me for dating a man..but I'm mostly worried for dazai reaction..I mean he abused akutagawa..and he know chuuya so well..I'm just worry!" Atsushi said as he starts to tear up and quickly chuuya and akutagawa comfort their boyfriend. "It doesn't matter what dazai think, it all up to you." Chuuya said and akutagawa nodded in agreement. Atsushi slowly wipe his tears away and he cuddled with akutagawa and chuuya for a while and he thinks about on what to do now.

"..I think..I'll tell them..or I at least want them to know.." Atsushi slowly said and chuuya just nodded as he kisses atsushi on the lips and atsushi just blushes. "I'll threaten dazai too, you shouldn't have to do his work because he's lazy." Chuuya softly said and akutagawa nodded in agreement. "we'll drop you for work tomorrow then." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi and atsushi just nodded and soon they went to bed cuddling with each other.

In the morning, chuuya made breakfast and they enjoy breakfast before heading off to drop off atsushi at the agency building. "Dazai." Chuuya said as he walked into the building with atsushi by his side and dazai looked confused. " if I find out, atsushi does your work today or any other day, I will murder you." Chuuya said as he slap dazai multiple times across the face and everyone just watches and does nothing. "Be safe atsushi, and call us, if you need anything." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi on the lips in front of everyone and the whole agency is shocked expect for kyouka. "we should be home around normal time unless we get caught up on a mission but we let you know." Chuuya said as he kisses atsushi and dazai is just flabbergasted that he can't speak.

"Holy shit! You're dating both of them!?" Dazai said and atsushi slowly nodded. "Look like..they treat you well, I'm glad." Kyouka said as she walked up to atsushi and atsushi just smiled. Kyouka is happy for atsushi so she somewhat fine with the relationship now because they are taking great care of atsushi. "When?" Yosano ask, and atsushi just looked away. "..when.. I tried to take my life, akutagawa save me..and I stayed with them.." Atsushi slowly said, yosano was the only one who knew about the attempt so the other agency members were surprised but worried at the same time.

Kyouka just hugged atsushi and atsushi just hugged back. "Both of them have been there's a whole time and they really do care for me." Atsushi said and the agency was happy to hear that. "I was scared to tell you all..only fukuzawa and kyouka knew about it.." Atsushi said as he looked down and the agency was fine with the relationship because no private information was shared and no one can stop love. "I was also worried because of dazai, he knew both chuuya and akutagawa so well..I was just worried." Atsushi said and dazai look sad to hear that.

"I have no problem with the relationship as long as they treat you well I'm fine with it." Dazai said, dazai does care for his student so as long as atsushi was happy, that's all that really matters at the end. Atsushi was happy to hear that and he went to work and dazai did his own work for once and he will be doing it for rest of his life as long as he's in the agency now. Atsushi had a normal peaceful day and when he went to Chuuya and akutagawa house, they both were there because everything went according to plan.

"they're fine with relationship and dazai is okay with it." Atsushi said as he clings onto chuuya like a koala and chuuya just chuckled as he places many kiss on atsushi. Akutagawa just giggle at that, they already had lunch so they mostly just spend their time cuddling because that's what they wanted to do. Atsushi was happy about the agency being fine with the relationship because he was worried about that but now he's nothing to worry about. Atsushi was happy with akutagawa and chuuya and that's all that really matters.

(😭i rush to write this and I was out of ideas so it's pretty bad and it's short I'm sorry!)

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