the gymnast//atsushi is a gymnast//

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-au-atsushi is a gymnast but doesn't work in the agency.


(So all the request say was atsushi is a gymnast so I'm decided to make kyouka and atsushi siblings because it makes the story longer so sorry if the requester didn't want this!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and kyouka grew up in the same orphanage and while they both had abilities. Atsushi didn't want to use his ability at all and he wanted to become a gymnastics, while kyouka wanted to do something with her ability. When atsushi turn 18 he decided to get custody over kyouka because the orphanage didn't treat kids with abilities good so atsushi wanted kyouka to be safe. Kyouka live with atsushi but she joined the agency because she wanted to help people and atsushi work on gymnastics. The agency knew about kyouka having a older brother but they never actually met him yet.

Atsushi was competing in a tournament and Kyouka obviously was going to go there to support her brother but she did has to let the agency know about it. "He competing in a tournament and I want to be there to support him." Kyouka explain to kunkida and kunikida just nodded. "I can have the whole day off." Kunikida finally said and Kyouka just smiled and she thank kunkida. Kyouka is still a minor so she only works for half of the day so she gets off earlier. "Ah..kyouka, your home." Atsushi softly said, kyouka just nodded as she walked into the kitchen. "I'm making lunch." Atsushi said and Kyouka obviously wanted to help so she help.

"I talk with kunikida and I have the whole day off so I can come to the tournament to watch you." Kyouka said with a smile and atsushi just turn red from embarrassment. "Ah..I see.." Atsushi softly said as he turn more red and Kyouka just laugh. They enjoy lunch together and soon atsushi was off to practice because it good to practice. Atsushi was very nervous because it is first time competing and he's going to be performing in front of many people so it's no surprised, he's nervous about it. 'Just breathe..' Atsushi thought to himself as he breathe in and out.

'I can do this..' Atsushi thought to himself, he was waiting for his turn but the more atsushi waited, the more nervous he got. Soon it was finally atsushi turn and atsushi just breathe in and out again and he starts. Kyouka was in the stage watching her brother perform and she never seen atsushi perform before because atsushi was always nervous or embarrassed so kyouka was surprised. Atsushi was performing great especially for his first time in front of many people. Kyouka was smiling the whole time and she was so impressed.

After performing, atsushi was so tired, which is to be expected. Atsushi was drinking some water and he was waiting for the results. Atsushi didn't win first place but he did win three place, which made atsushi happy because he didn't even expect to be in the top three so he's very happy. "I can't believe, I got three places.." Atsushi said to kyouka and Kyouka just smiled. "Your performance was great." Kyouka said and atsushi just turned red from embarrassment. "You must be hungry..let get something to eat." Kyouka said as they started to walked to a cafe, which the cafe was under the agency.

"I was very nervous.." Atsushi said as he drink his tea and Kyouka just listen. "Kyouka?" Kenji said as he walked towards kyouka and atsushi just looked confused. "This is kenji, he also works in the agency." Kyouka said and kenji just smiled. "It nice to meet you!" Kenji said and atsushi just smiled back. "I wish I could talk with you but I have a mission so bye!" Kenji said as he run out the door and atsushi just nod. Atsushi and kyouka enjoy there lunch together and atsushi met the other agency members as well and atsushi is just happy kyouka has some friends.

Atsushi does now perform often now and sometimes the agency watches him perform because they became great friends as well.

(Im sorry i know it short, I try😭)

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