those today//shin soukoku//

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-bit of angst and fluff


Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Sometimes atsushi has one of those days, where he doesn't want to do anything but sleep and today was that day. Atsushi didn't want to go to work at all so he decided to stay home. Akutagawa and atsushi have been together for quite a while now. "Atsushi is having one of those days so he won't be coming into work." Akutagawa explain to kyouka, kyouka know about them being together and she knows atsushi has those days so she's not surprised. "Alright, I'll let them know." Kyouka said as she ended the call and akutagawa just sighed. Akutagawa decided to stay home so he had to call mori.

"Ah..yes that fine, as long as you get someone to cover the missions." Mori said, akutagawa already has someone doing his mission today so he allowed to stay home, he was just telling his boss about it. "Thank you for letting me know though." Mori said as he end the call and akutagawa immediately walk back into the bedroom because atsushi was in there." Atsushi, sweetie.." Akutagawa softly said and atsushi just slowly looks at his boyfriend in confusion. "Don't you have work?" Atsushi ask and akutagawa just nodded. "I got someone to do my mission today so I'm able to stay home." Akutagawa softly said as he gets into the bed and atsushi just cling onto his boyfriend. Akutagawa just softly smiles and atsushi was burying his head into akutagawa chest.

"I called kyouka to let her know." Akutagawa said and atsushi just nodded. "I'm sorry.." Atsushi slowly said, atsushi always apologizes, even if it isn't his fault. Akutagawa just sighed and he slowly played with atsushi messy hair. "Don't apologize." Akutagawa softly said as he kisses atsushi forehead and atsushi just nodded as he yawn so atsushi decided to go back of sleep. Akutagawa stayed with atsushi because he didn't mind cuddling a cute tiger. No one knew about atsushi and akutagawa except for kyouka and mori but they found out by accident and the only reason, the others don't know yet is because atsushi is not ready to make it public.

'Hmm..atsushi should probably eat something..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself, atsushi had a habit of forgetting to eat so akutagawa always make sure his boyfriend eats. "Atsushi." Akutagawa softly said as he slowly shakes his boyfriend and atsushi just whine. "You need to eat something." Akutagawa softly says, and atsushi just nodded. "Tea on rice.." Atsushi slowly said, akutagawa just chuckled and he went to make some tea on rice for his boyfriend. " have to sit up." Akutagawa softly said and atsushi just slowly sit up and akutagawa decided to fed his boyfriend because atsushi didn't have any energy to feed himself.

'At least..he ate something..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself as he sit back down and atsushi just hug akutagawa again. Akutagawa obviously hug back and they stay like that for a while. "Are you feeling a bit better, atsushi?" Akutagawa softly ask and atsushi just nodded as he lay his head on akutagawa chest. "I love you." Atsushi slowly said and akutagawa just smiled. "I love you too." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi forehead again and atsushi just smiles. Akutagawa may not look like a big softy but he is to his boyfriend and only his boyfriend.

"Do you think, you will feel better tomorrow?" Akutagawa suddenly ask and atsushi thought about it for while. "Yea..probably.." Atsushi said and akutagawa just nodded. "The agency might asked questions though..I always made a excuse that I'm not feeling well, when I have those days." Atsushi explain, akutagawa just listen. "I'm sure..they wont judge you, I mean they don't judge dazai." Akutagawa said and atsushi just started to giggle. "That true.." Atsushi said and akutagawa just smiled.

Akutagawa and atsushi for rest of the night and in the morning atsushi felt a lot better so he decided to go back to work. Akutagawa of course dropped his boyfriend off like a good boyfriend does. "Make sure to eat lunch." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi on the lip and atsushi just nodded. Kyouka was by the door waiting for atsushi to enter the cafe. "I may come home a bit later than usual so just order something for dinner or ask gin to make something." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi again and atsushi just smiled. "Be safe." Atsushi said as akutagawa finally walked away and atsushi walked into the cafe.

"Are you feeling better?" Kyouka immediately ask as she hold a muffin and atsushi just nodded. "Eat." Kyouka said as she give atsushi the muffin and atsushi obviously eat the muffin. The agency member were just staring at atsushi and atsushi just looked nervous. "Are you with akutagawa?" Kenji ask as he walks up to atsushi and atsushi slowly nodded. "I never seen him so caring before." Dazai said, kyouka nodded in agreement. "Anyways, atsushi why didn't you come into work?" Kunkida ask and before atsushi could answer, kyouka answer the question. "Atsushi was having one of those know, when you don't want to get out of bed, you just want to sleep all day." Kyouka explained and atsushi just nodded. Kunikida seem to understand that and he didn't ask anymore questions about it.

"What it like dating akutagawa?" Dazai ask and atsushi just sigh. "Ryuu is actually very a sweet and caring." Atsushi said and dazai look flabbergasted to hear that. After a while, everyone went to work and atsushi and akutagawa relationship went on as usual.


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