the truth//atsushi is evil//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi is evil and is in the port mafia and lie to the agency. (Kyouka is also still evil, she just followed atsushi order)

Warning: mention of suicide(dazai)

(The request didn't be pacific so I just made up a scenario!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi used to live in orphanage at some point in lifetime but someone found him and took him in because he would be useful. Atsushi didn't really care if he had to fight or kill people because as long as he has a home, he's alright and that what mori gave him. Mori gave atsushi a home but atsushi has to join the port mafia but atsushi was perfectly fine with joining the port mafia. Atsushi was kept a secret for most of time because mori had special plans with atsushi so mori obviously trained atsushi.

When dazai finally left the port mafia, atsushi became a executive to replace dazai. Dazai didn't even know about atsushi existence which was a good thing because it was all going according to plan. "What!?" Chuuya said as he look at his boss and mori just smiled. " that's why I was hidden? I'm going to be a spy.." Atsushi said and mori just nodded. Atsushi was going to become a spy and join the agency so he can get information. "That crazy! They have the smart kid, how is this going to work!?" Chuuya ask and that was true, they have ranpo and he technically knows everything.

"Yes..that true..but he needs evidence to find out everything, which he doesn't have any about atsushi." Mori explain and that was true. Atsushi is not even in records or anything like that so they have no evidence on atsushi being in the port mafia so the plan was going to be a success. Atsushi obviously had to look the part as well so he basically dressed up in old clothes and he basically looked homeless so he just started to wonder the streets. 'That dazai..' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at the river and see dazai trying to kill himself.

Everything else went according to plan and soon atsushi was able to join the agency with no problem, which was a good thing. 'I didn't even have a test in the port mafia, what type of agency is this!?' Atsushi thought to himself as he stared at everyone and everyone was congratulating him on passing the test. Atsushi went to work the next day and everything went according to plan but they wanted to make it really believable so they decided to add another person into the plan, which was kyouka.

Kyouka was atsushi student so she only followed atsushi order so it wasn't hard to convince her to join it and she knew how to act as well so everything went according to plan. "Can..I stayed with atsushi?" Kyouka ask the president and he was perfectly fine with that so kyouka start to live with atsushi. Kyouka was very overprotective of atsushi and everyone thought that was because atsushi saved her, which was true actually. Atsushi did save kyouka and it is her job to protect atsushi at all cost.

Once mori had enough information, atsushi would stop the act and leave. "Atsushi! You can finally stop acting! I have all the information I need!" Mori said and atsushi was happy to hear that because he was tired of acting. "Alright then." Atsushi said with a smirk and kyouka was just standing there the whole time, soon the call ended and atsushi was allowed to reveal himself but obviously he was going to make it dramatic because that's more fun.

The agency was talking to a suspect as atsushi glare at the person. "Kill her." Mori said, atsushi has to earpiece in his ear so that's how mori and atsushi can communicate. Atsushi pull out a gun and shot the person right in front of everyone. "Atsushi!?" Kunikida said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi just smirked. "I was just following orders." Atsushi softly said as he looks at dazai and suddenly atsushi shot dazai for fun. Dazai didn't dodge so he got shot in the leg, which hurt a lot. "That was for fun." Atsushi said with a smile and the agency just looked shocked but they were confused at the same time. "Welp! It's time for us to go! Come on kyouka." Atsushi said as he hold out his hand and kyouka grab it and they start to walk away leaving the whole agency in shock.

"Are you hungry? Because I'm am." Atsushi said to kyouka, atsushi was starving so the the first thing he did was to get food because he was starving. The agency soon realized what happened and they weren't happy at all, which makes total sense. Atsushi didn't really mind betraying the agency and he couldn't wait to see them again because they would be so mad and that's the fun in it. Atsushi was now known in the port mafia and atsushi would continue his regular missions as usual.

"Hello!" Atsushi said as he waves at the agency members and suddenly dazai was shot in the leg again. "Why!?" Dazai said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi just smiled. "Anyway..I needed that person." Atsushi said as he glare at the agency member and the agency member weren't going to give the person to the port mafia so it was a hard way. "that took too much time.." Atsushi said as he hold the person he needs and the agency was just surprised because atsushi was really good at fighting. "Bye-bye! We'll meet again soon!!" Atsushi said as he started to walk away and the agency didn't know what to say about that.

Atsushi may be in the port mafia but sometimes he acts like a little kid but atsushi did have to grow up a bit fast so it kind of makes sense and the port mafia boss doesn't really care because as long as the work is done, they could do anything they want. Atsushi is evil though, he's killed a lot of people and he killed the headmaster as well because of revenge. Atsushi doesn't regret anything at all and he loved doing what he does.

(All it say was atsushi is evil but I'm not really sure how to make an evil so I just made something up and it's probably terrible! Sorry!!)

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