obsession//atsushi and akutagawa//

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-fluff and bit of angst?

-au-atsushi is obsessed with akutagawa.

Warning: stalking.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

atsushi has a weird obsession and it's with akutagawa. When atsushi first saw akutagawa, it was like something magical and he just needed more of akutagawa, at first it was just a little obsession with him but then it turned into more and then he just needed akutagawa. Atsushi started to stalk him, akutagawa would be on mission and atsushi was always watching from afar taking pictures. 'Oh..that some of his fabric from his coat!' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was really far away but because of his ability, his senses were ten times better than a normal human. Atsushi could hear everything and see everything and he just stand there watches the whole time.

Once akutagawa left and atsushi went to grab the fabric and he quickly left. 'It even smelled like him..' Atsushi thought to himself, atsushi was smiling and blushing at the same time. Atsushi would always fall akutagawa on his mission at night and atsushi would collect anything left behind, even akutagawa own blood. 'He so beautiful..he perfect.' Atsushi thought to himself as he watches akutagawa fight and obviously akutagawa was injured so some blood was on the ground and obviously atsushi collect it.  Atsushi has many things, that belong to akutagawa and he made sure to keep it in a safe place so no one finds it.

Atsushi was smiling and blushing as he stare at everything, he's collected. Atsushi obsession with akutagawa was growing bigger each time and lucky enough, he wasn't killing anyone yet. The agency and port mafia knew nothing about this obsession that atsushi has and atsushi never plan on telling them but they notice atsushi getting less sleep and that because of atsushi stalking akutagawa at night. Dazai, yosano and Kunikida decided to talk to atsushi about this so they went to atsushi apartment but atsushi wasn't there. "He must be out..I'm sure he be here soon." Kunikida said as dazai walked into atsushi bedroom.  Dazai was always went through people's things so it was no surprise, he went looking through atsushi things.

But that may be a mistake because he found it. 'Huh?' Dazai thought to himself as he opened the box and his eyes widen in shock. There was lot of things in the box and dazai just couldn't believe it. '..hair..fabric of his coat..even his blood!? Pictures..holy shit..' Dazai thought to himself, he thought atsushi was a sweet, innocent person but he's not. "And..I thought I was a crazy.." Dazai whispered to himself as he quickly puts things away and he acted like he found nothing but it was already too late.

Atsushi could hear it, he knew dazai found the box. 'Dazai found out..I'll deal with him later..' Atsushi thought to himself as he smiled and walked closer to his apartment. "Oh? What are you guys doing here?" Atsushi said, atsushi obviously was acting innocent and only dazai knew that truth. "you see me a bit tired, when you come to work so we wanted to see what was going on." Yosano explained as atsushi sit a bag on the table. Atsushi was out getting a few things so that's why he wasn't home.

"Oh..I just have been getting more nightmares recently so that's why I'm getting not much sleep." Atsushi softly said and that made sense but it was lie. "Oh? I see..if you need to talk about it, we're here for you." Kunikida softly said and atsushi just nodded. Dazai was dead silent the whole time and he didn't know what to say at all. Yosano and Kunikida immediately left after that but dazai stay silent and didn't move as atsushi suddenly glare at him. "You found it.." Atsushi said and dazai just nodded. "Why..?" Dazai suddenly ask as atsushi shut the door of his apartment and dazai was now getting nervous.

"..it..start out as a little obsession with him but then it just turned into more and I just needed him.." Atsushi said with a smile and dazai just looked surprised. "So..you collect things from him!?!" Dazai ask and atsushi just nodded. "Yup!" Atsushi said as he closed his eyes and dazai was flabbergasted. "Now..I think.. you can obviously keep a secret right? So..just don't say anything.." Atsushi said as he slowly walked up to dazai and dazai was scared of his own student. "Yes..I'll keep it a secret.." Dazai said and atsushi was happy to hear. "Great!" Atsushi said and soon dazai left and he wasn't going to say shit.

'Atsushi has a obsession with akutagawa, I can't believe it..' Dazai thought to himself, dazai obviously kept his word and he didn't say anything, which made atsushi happy. Dazai could easily hide it and no one suspected anything especially ranpo. Ranpo also knew nothing about it because there was no proof or evidence. Atsushi always covers his tracks, when he's stalking akutagawa. Atsushi was surprisingly good at stalking, which is also because a his ability. Atsushi obviously act like he has no obsession with akutagawa and everything is normal for now.

(😭 I tried to make it long, I'm sorry!!)

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