meet again//atsushi grew up in the port Mafia?//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi grew up in the port mafia but was separated.

Warning: mention of abuse.

(Somwhat of a good mori au?)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi grew up in a fuck up  orphanage, the Headmaster of the orphanage basically hated atsushi because he was different. Atsushi had an ability unlike the other kids and it was dangerous so he was locked up and beaten most days. Atsushi decided to leave the orphanage, he couldn't take it anymore so he ran as fast as his little legs could. Atsushi was still pretty young and he didn't understand most things but he didn't want to be beaten anymore so he ran and accidentally bumped into someone. Atsushi looked terrified as he looked at the tall woman and kouyou just felt bad for atsushi.

Atsushi was dirty and there's many scars on him so kouyou could easily tell, he went through something. Kouyou slowly pick up atsushi and atsushi just frozen in place. "It okay, you're safe with me.." Kouyou softly said and atsushi just passed out in her arm. Kouyou took atsushi to the port mafia and mori checked atsushi for any injuries. "No injury..but there is scarring so he may have an ability to heal himself or something like that." Mori said to kouyou and kouyou just sighed as she stare at atsushi.

"He extremely malnourished.." Mori said, kouyou just felt bad for atsushi, no kid deserves that. "I'll take care of him..he won't join the port mafia.." Kouyou said and mori just nodded. Atsushi suddenly woke up and he looked terrified. "Hey..! okays.." Kouyou softly said as atsushi starts to tear up but slowly stopped, after kouyou comforts him. "I'm kouyou, and this is..mori." Kouyou said as atsushi stare at mori and mori just smiled.

"I'll be taking care of you and I promise, I won't hurt you.." Kouyou softly said as she slowly brushes atsushi hair out of his face and atsushi looks surprised but then atsushi slowly smiles but it was small. "Ok.." Atsushi said and kouyou just chuckled. "Make fed me and keep an eye on him, I believe he probably does have an ability." Mori said and kouyou just nodded and she took atsushi home with her. Kouyou was obviously great with children so atsushi was taken care of. Kouyou soon realized what atsushi ability was so she decided to have chuuya and mori help atsushi control it because he couldn't.

" adorable!!" Chuuya said as he pet atsushi but atsushi was in his tiger form and because he was still young the tiger form was a cub. The tiger form kinda of grow with atsushi so that why he was tiger cub. "I know, he so adorable and sweet.." Kouyou said with a smile and atsushi was just enjoying being pet by chuuya. "He getting better control of it, I mean at first he wasn't remembering anything but now he is." Mori said and kouyou just nodded, they were the only one that knew about atsushi for now. Atsushi was kept a secret for his safety because people would go after him.

"Chuuya..I wanted to fly!" Atsushi said as he look at chuuya with puppy dogs eyes and chuuya slowly using his ability on atsushi so atsushi was flying and giggling. "Be careful!" Kouyou said and chuuya just nodded. Kouyou was very overprotective of atsushi and so was chuuya. "Look like atsushi is having fun." Mori said and atsushi just giggles and nod. "Come on atsushi, let get something to eat!" Chuuya said as he holds atsushi and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi was having so much fun and he was actually being treated right. They all took great care of atsushi, atsushi was finally having a normal childhood until he was kidnapped.

Atsushi was kidnapped because someone found out, he was important to port mafia. Kouyou couldn't believe it, she has basically lose her son. "We have to find him!!" Kouyou yell, and mori just nodded. They got many people to try to find atsushi but there was no luck at all. Kouyou was devastated about this so was chuuya and mori. Atsushi was always happy and he made everyone happy but now he was gone. Atsushi was locked up in the cage again but soon he would be saved by someone.

It's been a few years and atsushi was found by the agency and he was taken into the agency for safety. Atsushi misses kouyou through, and atsushi had no idea he was being taken care of by the port mafia. "He doesn't talk at all.." Yosano said to fukuzawa and atsushi just curls up into a ball on couch and fukuzawa just sighed. "He doesn't really seem scared though.." Dazai said, atsushi pay no attention to what agency was talking about because it wasn't that important.

Atsushi just wanted to go back with kouyou, he misses her dearly. The agency did take care of atsushi though, but no matter what they did, atsushi didn't say anything but he did work somewhat. Atsushi and yosano saves kyouka but still atsushi didn't speak but he somewhat spoke to kyouka a bit but it wasn't much at all. When atsushi and yosano saves kyouka, the port mafia obviously knew and they knew about atsushi being in the agency and kouyou was so happy to hear that because she misses atsushi so much. "I'm gonna there." Kouyou said as she stand up and chuuya quickly follows her and mori has no complaints so he just watches them leaves.

"Where is he!?" Kouyou said as she slams the agency doors open and everyone looks at her. Kyouka quickly grab her knife and she glare at kouyou. Kouyou just smiled as she looked at atsushi and atsushi look shocked. "..atsushi.." Kouyou said as she grabbed atsushi into a hugged and atsushi just starts to cry and hold onto kouyou. "I miss you so much..we tried to find you but had no luck." Kouyou said and chuuya looked so relieved see atsushi again. "Did you find atsushi?" Chuuya ask the agency member and they slowly nodded.

"to make it short and simple. We've been taking care of atsushi for most of his childhood because apparently at the orphanage he wasn't treated well so he ran away. Atsushi was kidnapped, and he been looking for him ever since." Chuuya explained and the agency member couldn't believe it but it was all true. "we have been taking care of him but he doesn't say a word to us but only too kyouka but it not much word." Dazai said and kyouka nodded in agreement. Kouyou was so happy to have atsushi back and atsushi was happy to see kouyou again.

Atsushi slowly stopped crying but he didn't let go of kouyou and she didn't let go of atsushi. "I'm here atsushi.." Kouyou said as chuuya pat atsushi head and atsushi just smile. "I hope, the agency is treating you well?" Chuuya ask atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "they are really caring..that why..yosano save kyouka.." Atsushi said and the agency looked surprised because atsushi just talk. "..atsushi, we never told you this but we are in the port mafia.." Kouyou said and atsushi looks surprised but atsushi was sad about it because he still care for kouyou and she treats atsushi well.

"I don't guys..treated me well.." Atsushi said and kouyou just smiled again and hug atsushi again. The agency didn't know what to say so they said nothing. After a while, atsushi went back with kouyou and the agency couldn't arguing at all. Atsushi isn't in the port mafia and he mostly just there because kouyou is overprotective and doesn't want atsushi to be kidnapped again. Atsushi does see the agency sometimes because of port mafia and agency having business and atsushi does talk to them. Atsushi is finally staying with kouyou again and he happy and that all that really matters.

(😭i hated this)

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