gone//atsushi and mori//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi is mori a personal assistant, and atsushi was a spy for the port mafia.

Warning: character death(mori), pedophilia, sexual assault.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi was living in a orphanage at the time and no one was ever going to adopt him because he had an ability but one day someone did adopt him. It was mori from the port mafia and he had special plans for atsushi because atsushi was too special and perfect. "I don't mind..I'm sure his ability will be useful to me." Mori said with a smile as he looked at the headmaster of the orphanage and he didn't even fight back or care because if atsushi was gone, then everything will be back to normal. Atsushi was terrified though, byakko knew someone was wrong with mori but she didn't know what and she couldn't warn atsushi. Atsushi was byakko vessel but because of atsushi not accepting byakko yet, they are unable to talk to each other.

"Come on." Mori said as he grab atsushi hand and they started to walk away, Mori was smiling the whole time because he has many planned with atsushi. 'He so adorable..he so clueless too..' Mori thought to himself, atsushi just followed mori and he didn't dare to talk. Atsushi was brought to the port mafia base and mori was still smiling. "Listen very closely, atsushi..you listen to me now and you had to follow every order, I give you." Mori said as he looked down at atsushi and atsushi just nodded, which made mori very happy.

Atsushi didn't know what was going to happen but it wasn't something, he like at all. Atsushi was still a little kid, which is mori type. "You did such a great job..someone will bring your food soon.." Mori softly said as he walked away, leaving atsushi in shock. Atsushi couldn't believe what happened and he didn't like it at all but he couldn't stopped it. "I'm so sorry..I can't stop him..but I will help you.." Kouyou softly said as she pick up atsushi and takes him into the bathroom so he can be washed.

Kouyou couldn't stopped mori at all but she could help atsushi so that what she always did. Atsushi was grateful for that and kouyou did teach atsushi lot of things and atsushi was happy to have someone to talk too because he can't talk to mori. Atsushi wasn't known by any of the other port mafia members yet because atsushi was only mori personal assistant. Atsushi wouldn't do any mission at all but he knew how to fight. Atsushi was only there for mori entertainment and atsushi hated it but he didn't say anything yet.

"You call for us?" Chuuya said as he walked into the room with kouyou by his side. "Yes! Chuuya, you never met atsushi but he my personal assistant!" Mori said and atsushi just bow. Chuuya already knew what personal assistant means so he felt bad for atsushi. "What did you want to talk about?" Kouyou asked and mori just smirked and he started to explain everything. "What!? Atsushi is going to be spy!?" Kouyou said, she couldn't believe it but mori was death seriously on it. Atsushi couldn't complain or anything so he obviously had to agree to it but this may work out for him. After a long of talking and planning, atsushi was soon sent to get into the agency, which wasn't hard at all.

Atsushi love being with the agency, they were so kind and caring for him unlike mori. Atsushi was definitely enjoying his time at the agency but to make the plan less suspicious, atsushi has to save kyouka from the port mafia but in reality she was also a spy. Atsushi hates it, he hated going to mori office to report everything because something would happen and he couldn't stop it at all. "Kyouka." Atsushi said as he walked into the dorm, and kyouka just looked at him. "..I planned on killing mori, I can't take it anymore." Atsushi said as he looked down and kyouka looked shocked to hear that but she supported atsushi decision and she would help no matter what.

The agency still has no idea about atsushi or kyouka being spy but ranpo was getting suspicious about something, he warned the president about it. Atsushi made a plan to kill mori and everything was going perfectly so once atsushi left the agency, he went to mori. Kyouka was still at the agency, and she was waiting for atsushi to return, if he does return. "Kyouka..what is atsushi planning?" Ranpo ask as he opens his eyes and kyouka doesn't say anything yet.

The other were wondering what ranpo was talking about because they knew nothing. "..atsushi..is getting his justice...he going to be free soon.." Kyouka said, which confused everyone because it made no sense. "Kyouka..what is he doing?" Fukuzawa ask, and kyouka didn't say anything and everyone was more confused and worried.

Atsushi didn't waste their time killing mori, mori body wasn't even recognizable. Atsushi was so happy because now he free from mori so he can do anything, he wants. "Wow, I can't believe you did it." Kouyou softly said as she walks up to atsushi and atsushi just smile. "I was tired of it, but now I'm free.." Atsushi said as he fall down from exhaustion but kouyou grab atsushi in time. "I want stay in the agency.." Atsushi said and kouyou just smiled. "I'll bring you there.." Kouyou softly said and atsushi just nodded. The whole agency was waiting for answer from kyouka, when suddenly kouyou walked in and was holding atsushi.

"Atsushi is very exhausted but he did succeed." Kouyou softly said and kyouka just hold onto atsushi. "I'll take care of everything else..take care of atsushi..he need it." Kouyou softly said as he walked away and everyone was more confused but ranpo seem to figure it all out now. "Atsushi killed mori." Ranpo said and everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it. "I feel fine kyouka." Atsushi said, kyouka just glare at atsushi as atsushi sit on the couch. "Atsushi..did you seriously kill him!?" Yosano ask and atsushi just nodded.

"..there's a lot you guys don't know, me and kyouka..were spy..but I was pacifically mori personal assistant, and I just couldn't take it anymore so I killed him and now I'm free.." Atsushi explain as kyouka wipes off the blood of of atsushi face and everyone is just trying to process, what they just heard. Dazai and yosano felt bad for atsushi because they were victims so they understood atsushi. "Sleep." Kyouka said as atsushi yawn and atsushi basically passed out.

Kouyou dealt with everything else and now she's the new port mafia boss, atsushi is still in the agency because the agency accepted atsushi and kyouka. Atsushi there's also talk to someone to deal with what happened to him so he's doing a lot better and the agency is over protective of him. Atsushi life is better now and kouyou is happy about it so is atsushi so that all that matters.

(I hate this😭)

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