idol//shin soukoku//

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( may be wondering on how the fuck do I already have a request because I just started this. Well on the second atsushi oneshots..and they had a request and it was a great idea so I'm doing it!)

-au-atsushi is a singer/idol but also work in the agency.


(The agency and port mafia will find out about atsushi being a singer/idol because everyone seems to love it, when they found out so sorry if you didn't want this!)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi has a few secrets but they're not bad secrets. Atsushi is actually a idol but the only reason, no one has found out yet because atsushi hides it very well. Atsushi actually wears a wig and a bunch of other stuff that, he usually wouldn't wear at the agency. Atsushi didn't want anyone to find out because he's technically works with criminals so that'll be bad thing if it was out. Atsushi is also dating a port mafia member, which technically is a bad thing in a way because they're technically enemies. Akutagawa and atsushi were partners and just meant to be partners but they fell in love with each other.

Atsushi and akutagawa soon got together after confessing their feelings to each other and they kept it a secret ever since because it was good to keep it a secret. Akutagawa learn about atsushi being a idol and he was perfectly fine with it and he kept it a secret as well. It was no surprise that's some of the agency members are actually fans of atsushi but it's really surprising that some of the port mafia members are also fans. It was more surprising, when they all book tickets for atsushi next performance but that didn't stop atsushi from doing it at all but it was a bit embarrassing in a way.

"It about to start!" Naomi said with a smile and mori was just wondering why he there. "Why am I here?" Mori ask, mori wasn't fan of atsushi but he there. "Because." Kouyou said and mori just looked so fucking confused. Atsushi suddenly walked out and is now on the stage but of course no one recognizes him. Atsushi was just smiling the whole time and soon it started. Akutagawa was backstage because he wanted to make sure his boyfriend was safe so he's basically like security in a way.

Everyone was just cheering and atsushi was just singing and atsushi voice was so beautiful. 'So beautiful..' Akutagawa thoughts to himself as he smiles. Akutagawa was watching atsushi perform from backstage and no one even knew akutagawa was there. Atsushi performance was going greatly until someone got on stage and was ready to attack atsushi but that didn't stop atsushi at all. Atsushi obviously knew how to fight so while singing, atsushi basically kick the shit out of the person so the person was on the ground now and atsushi was still performing and was actually in high heels as well so it was very impressive.

"Oh!" Dazai said, dazai was to stunned to speak. "Holy shit." Yosano said in shock, no one was expect that but the crowd was basically cheering more. "Wow." Fukuzawa said, he was forced to be there but he was definitely impressed. The performance was finally over and atsushi was just smiling as he waves at his fans and suddenly akutagawa activated his ability and basically drag the person across the floor to the backstage. "Akutagawa ability." Kunikida said, the agency now looks seriously so they decided to go backstage because they're technically are detectives so they were allowed to come backstage. The agency and port mafia was shock to see akutagawa strangling the person that tried to attack atsushi and atsushi was trying to make him stop.

"ryunosuke!" gin said in shocked and akutagawa just doesn't say anything at all. "Why are you here?" Dazai ask and atsushi just sigh. 'they're going to find out soon anyways..' Atsushi thought to himself as he slowly takes off his wig and everyone was shocked as atsushi uneven hair falls down. "Atsushi!?" Naomi said and atsushi just nervously smiles. "Yup.." Atsushi said as he looked at akutagawa and akutagawa just sighed. "Me and atsushi are dating...that's why I'm here." akutagawa said and now it made lots of sense but they were still shocked. "Oh..when?" Yosano finally ask, they all wanted to know when atsushi became a singer/idol. "I guess it was just a side hobby, I did after join the agency, I didn't expect to be so popular...." Atsushi said as he looked down and everyone was just trying to process that information.

"Your singing is beautiful!" Kyouka said as she hug her brother and atsushi just smiled. " I get an autograph?" Naomi said with a smirk and atsushi looked surprised but nodded. "Hehe..this is kinda embarrassing..I still can't believe..I mean I didn't think some of you guys would be my fans.." Atsushi said as he writes his fake signature on naomi shirt. Atsushi uses a fake name, when performing and all that stuff. "I'm still surprise that akutagawa and atsushi are together as well.." Tachihara said and everyone just agreed. Both atsushi and Akutagawa acted like they hate each other and that was true at first but they soon fell in love so they basically just act like they hate each other after getting together. Noami was smiling and giggling the whole time.

"Anyways..we should call the police so they can take this person in." Fukuzawa said as he looked at the person, that's on the ground and atsushi just nodded. "I'm.. going to get changed and put something comfortable on." Atsushi said as he walked into a another room. "Damm, atsushi actually walks good in high heels..." Yosano said with a smirk, "atsushi wear them to make him looked taller..but atsushi also just like wearing high heels." Akutagawa said and yosano was happy to hear that. 'I could take atsushi shopping with me..' Yosano thoughts to herself and the other were honestly just impressed. The soon can and took the person away and atsushi soon walk out.

"since you guys already know it, I'm wearing my high heels.." Atsushi said as he walked up to them and no one care about it so they didn't stop atsushi and soon everyone went their separate ways because it was time to go home. Atsushi was obviously staying at akutagawa house and everyone was fine with it and they were okay with them dating as long as no private information is shared between the two. "I love you.." Akutagawa said as he kisses atsushi on the lip and atsushi obviously kisses back. "I love you too." Atsushi softly said, atsushi was very tired so he immediately went to bed and akutagawa just watched his boyfriend sleep. Akutagawa soon fell asleep as well and was holding atsushi the whole time.

The agency didn't have a problem with atsushi being a idol/singer because atsushi still does work at the agency so it's okay.


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