friends//atsushi and chuuya//

338 14 4


-fluff and bit of angst

Warning: underage drinking.

( this is so bad😭)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and chuuya have been friends for a while now, they accidentally met on a mission though but they got along pretty well. Atsushi actually starts drink because of chuuya but luckily enough it didn't damage atsushi body but that because of his healing ability. No one in the agency or port mafia know about their friendship yet but they will find out soon. Atsushi was doing dazai work as usual and dazai was just annoying atsushi but suddenly someone walked into the agency. "Huh? A port mafia executive!" Kenji said as he looked at chuuya and everyone else glare at him.

"Calm down, I'm here for my emotions support animal." Chuuya said and atsushi look flabbergasted by that because chuuya was calling him a emotional support animal. "What!? A emotional support animal!?! bitch!" Atsushi said as chuuya grab atsushi and everyone else was shocked but dazai was laughing. "I'm am not a emotion support animal!! you dumb bitch!!" Atsushi said as he slap chuuya and chuuya just smirk. "I'll be taking atsushi for a while." Chuuya said as he looked at other agency members and atsushi just glare at chuuya as they walk out and everyone was surprised, shocked and confused. "What the fuck just happened?" Tanizaki ask as he looked at the other and the other just looked at him. "I think atsushi just got kidnapped?" Naomi said, chuuya did take atsushi but atsushi didn't really fight back so is it kidnapped?

"But atsushi didn't fight back so maybe they know each other?" Kenji said as kunkida just sighed, he was too tired to deal with this bullshit. "It possible..but..WHY MY STUDENT!?!" dazai said as he started to cry and dramatically falls to the ground and no one pays attention to him.

The port mafia was confused as fuck and they were weirded out because chuuya was happy. "Uh..why is the were-tiger here?" Mori ask, kouyou didn't answer because she didn't know. Atsushi was just staring at chuuya as chuuya starts to talk about something. "Oh shit..jinko drink?" Akutagawa said as atsushi drinks some wine and the port mafia was weirded out but they didn't want to ask questions because atsushi seem mad. "I don't think, I want to deal with a anger tiger." Mori said with a smile as he walked away and everyone agrees with him. "So..Why did you call me a emotional support animal?" Atsushi said chuuya and chuuya just smirked. "Because you are a emotional support animal." Chuuya said as atsushi slap chuuya and chuuya just started to laugh.

"I'm not a emotional support animal." Atsushi said and chuuya only laughed more. Chuuya sometimes can be a bit emotional after having too many drinks or he could be angry as fuck but today he was a bit emotional so he was hugging atsushi the whole time and atsushi just looked tired and annoyed because atsushi didn't want to be emotional support animal but he was being one. The other port mafia member didn't care at all and they didn't bother them. Atsushi and chuuya were at least in chuuya office so atsushi wasn't feeling that embarrassment. 'Im not a emotional support animal..' Atsushi thought to himself as he played with chuuya hair and chuuya is just crying and talking about something

'Im becoming a emotional support animal.' Atsushi thought to himself as he looked at chuuya and chuuya was now passed out. 'One minutes ago, he was crying but now he sleeping..' Atsushi thought to himself, alcohol never really affected him because of his healing ability so atsushi is still sober. ' am I going of explaining to the agency about me being friends with chuuya?' Atsushi thought to himself but atsushi was getting tired so he decided to worry about that tomorrow and he went to sleep.

Atsushi decided he didn't wanted to work so he didn't go to work and he stay at chuuya because chuuya is rich. "Im am not doing dazai work today.." Atsushi said as he texting dazai and chuuya just chuckled. "Im always do his working.." Atsushi said as he sighed and chuuya just chuckled more. Atsushi would always complain about dazai to chuuya and chuuya didn't mind at all. "That how dazai is." Chuuya said and atsushi just nodded. Atsushi and chuuya mostly talk for a while until chuuya has to go to work and atsushi went back to the dorm but he did explain everything and they were fine with it because no private information was shared so it's okay.

(I know it short im sorry!!! I didn't know what to do😭)

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