friends//atsushi and itadori//

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-au-atsushi becomes a exchange student and join jujutsu highschool. (Bsd x jujutsu kaisen crossover)



not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and itadori are basically best friends and they've been best friends for quite a while but they haven't seen each other in person because of where they live. Atsushi live in yokohama city, while itadori live in sendai city. Jujutsu sorcerers have actually never seen abilities before and ability users have never seen a curse before so it was a bit surprising because they did think atsushi was a cursed spirit because of his ability but soon, they learned about abilities. "You should join jujutsu highschool!" itadori said with a smile and atsushi just looked surprised. "Huh? Why should I join?" Atsushi ask, atsushi didn't really understand and itadori was just smiling the whole time.

"It would be fun! And you might learn a lot as actually never been to school so this would be a great experience." itadori explain, atsushi was actually considering it because they were great reasons to join. "Gojo is a great teacher and I promise he will teach you a lot." itadori said and atsushi wasn't sure on what to do now. "What is even jujutsu highschool?" Atsushi finally ask, atsushi didn't know much about the school. "well it's not like any other high schools because we do fights but I guess we learn about curses and we're are training to fight curses, I suppose but I'm not really sure myself." itadori explain with a nervous smile and atsushi was just listening the whole time. "It could be like a exchange program because we never had abilities user jujtsu high!" itadori said, atsushi was considering now because it was a great idea.

"I suppose." Atsushi finally said and itadori was happy to hear that so he decided to contact his teacher about that and see if atsushi could become exchange student. Gojo obviously work his magic and lucky enough atsushi was going to be exchange student but now they have to let the president of the agency know about this. Atsushi was very nervous as he tell the president about this. "I'm completely fine with this and there might be a chance that, we learned a lot as well so this is a great opportunity." Fukuzawa said as atsushi sighed, fukuzawa was fine with this but the agency member were a bit upset about it because there tiger would be leaving.

"No!" Dazai said as he hold onto atsushi and atsushi just giggled. "No! You're not leaving!" Dazai said as he started to cry and everyone agrees with dazai. "It only for a year and then I'll be back." Atsushi softly said but the agency was sad about it and didn't want atsushi to go. "No.." Kyouka said as she grab onto atsushi and atsushi just looked away. Kyouka was so sad about it and atsushi heart was slowly breaking because of that. "we'll make sure atsushi is okay!" itadori said and he hope that would calm down the agency members but it really did nothing. "Atsushi.." Dazai said as he hug atsushi and atsushi slowly comforts the crying dazai.

(I didn't really want atsushi to leave the agency forever so I decided to make him a exchange student so I'm sorry if the requester didn't want this!)

After a while, the agency did finally calm down but he still didn't want atsushi leaving. "I will be okay..I promise." Atsushi said as he hug kyouka and kyouka just looked sad but nod and atsushi finally was able to leave but itadori was threatened by some of the agency members because they wanted to make sure atsushi actually came back. Atsushi was a bit nervous because he actually never left yokohama city before so it was a new experience but he was excited at the same time because he will see new things. "I will show you around." itadori said with a big smile as they finally made it to jujutsu highschool and atsushi just looked very nervous because atsushi isn't really good with meeting new people.

"it's nice to finally meet you Atsushi!!" Gojo said as he walked up to them and atsushi just bow. "it's nice to meet you as well." Atsushi said as he looked at gojo. "My name is gojo satoru!!" Gojo said and atsushi just nodded. "Atsushi nakajima." Atsushi said and itadori was just smiling. 'Gojo really reminds me of dazai..' Atsushi thought to himself as they walked around and atsushi met most of the teachers and they were really nice to him. Atsushi actually learned a lot because he definitely had to. Atsushi a ability user and that doesn't really work on curses so he had to learn how to use a sword or a curse items. Maki was the one to teach atsushi because she's the best sorcerer out there that can use cursed objects.

"you're doing a lot better!" itadori said as atsushi walk up to itadori. "it's a bit difficult to learn but I'm getting there." Atsushi said, maki definitely doesn't go easy on atsushi and atsushi is actually happy about that because atsushi actually learned. "You must be hungry! Let's get something to eat!" itadori said as atsushi and itadori started to walk somewhere and atsushi was just smiling the whole time. "I still can't believe ability user exist." itadori said, itadori never hear about ability user until he met atsushi and it was very surprising and shocking. "Hehe..I was surprised..I didn't know a ability users exist as well until I met dazai." Atsushi softly said as the order some drinks. "Everyone seemed to like you so I think you have a great time here." itadori said and atsushi just nodded. "I didn't really have a choice and I kind of join jujutsu highschool but I don't regret it." itadori said as he looked out of the window and atsushi was just giggled. Atsushi and itadori obviously had a great time.

Atsushi and itadori would talk all the time but soon time flies really fast and soon it was time for atsushi to go back to yokohama city. "Goodbye!" Atsushi said as he waved goodbye and itadori was waving goodbye as well. The agency was happy to have atsushi back and of course atsushi and itadori we're still in contact but the agency was a bit overprotective of atsushi now but that's necessarily not a bad thing. The agency was also fine with atsushi being friend with itadori and they were happy that atsushi actually has some friends.

(😭i really try and I know it probably very bad so sorry!!)

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