two bird on a wire//dazai x atsushi//Different ending

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(This isn't really a request but someone say something about it so ye)

(Basically a different ending)

-fluff and angst

( inspired by two bird on a wire)

Warning: suicide, character death.

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi and dazai have been together for a while now, and they're happy together. Their relationship is perfect and nothing could go wrong in it. "I love you~" dazai said as he hugged atsushi and atsushi just started to giggle. "I love you too." Atsushi softly said as he play with dazai hair, and sadly something always go wrong. Most people would think, dazai would die first but what if it was the opposite and atsushi sadly die first. Dazai didn't expect it at all, and it was surprising to him. 'Where..atsushi?' Dazai thought to himself as he looked around the agency and atsushi wasn't there.

Dazai was about to call his boyfriend but suddenly he got a call and he answered it. Dazai somewhat wish  he didn't answer it though because he couldn't believe it. "No.." Dazai said as he stand up and he immediately run to the location, where his boyfriend is at. "!" Dazai said as he push pass the police officers to go to his boyfriend and atsushi was on the ground dead. "..It was suicide..he left a note.." One of the police officer said and dazai just hold onto atsushi dead body.

"Sir..we need to move the body..we can contact you for funeral plans." The police officer said and dazai just couldn't believe it. Dazai didn't want to let go of atsushi but slowly he did and he took the note to read it. Dazai was crying by the time, he got done reading the note and now he has to go to agency. The agency was wondering where dazai went but they knew something was wrong, when he walked into the agency in shocked. "He gone.." Dazai suddenly said as he fall to the ground and kunikida immediately check if dazai was okays and he wasn't.

"Get yosano!" Kunikida said to tanizaki and he just nodded. "Atsushi, he gone!!" Dazai said again, kunikida finally noticed the bit of blood on dazai shirt and kunikida was now pale because he realize what happened. "What do you think mean?" Kunikida ask, he didn't want to believe it but it was true. "Atsushi killed himself.." Dazai whispered and kunikida just couldn't speak at all. "What happened?" Yosano ask but she got no answer at all, dazai was just crying and he didn't stop until he passed out.

The other agency member soon found out about atsushi and none of them took it well. Dazai was just in shock and he didn't want to believe it but sadly he has to believe it. The funeral was soon made and everyone was there, including the port Mafia for respect. No one talk at all and you could just only hear the cries but that was it. "I promise we would be together forever but I suppose you didn't promise that.." dazai said as he sit by atsushi grave and he was holding a bottle of alcohol. "I miss you.." Dazai said, dazai misses his boyfriend so much and now he doesn't know what to do.

Dazai started to cry again as he drink the whole alcohol bottle and passed out from that. "He really does miss you." Chuuya said as he sighed as he grab the pass out dazai. "He love you so much.." Chuuya said as he looked at atsushi grave. "I'm taking him home." Chuuya said, as he started to walk away with dazai in his arm. Chuuya didn't know why he was doing this but it just felt right. No one could see it but atsushi was there watching the whole time and he felt bad for leaving dazai alone.

Dazai never did fall in love again, and he always stayed with atsushi. He couldn't wait for the day, when he would see his boyfriend again.

(😔why am i making this oneshots so short!?😭)

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