friends//atsushi and akutagawa siblings//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi ran away from the orphanage at the age of 11 but meet up with the akutagawa siblings.

Warning: mention of abuse.

(Sadly it not port mafia atsushi because idk)

not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi got tired of it all, the beating, the starving so he decided to run away from the oorphanage. Atsushi basically ran pass the headmaster as he opened the basement door and atsushi just didn't look back at all and kept running. Atsushi could hear the headmaster scream but atsushi didn't care, he just wanted to be free. Atsushi ran until he couldn't anymore and suddenly he hit someone by accident. "s-sorry!" Atsushi said as he hit the ground and he saw a girl and a boy. "Huh? Oh hello." Gin said with a smile and akutagawa just glare at atsushi.

"Gin, don't talk to strangers." Akutagawa said and gin just smile. "I know but he just a kid like us!" Gin said and that was true. Akutagawa just sighed as he hold out his hand and atsushi take it. "what bring you here?" Gin ask,akutagawa also wants to know the answer as well. "Uh..I ran away from my orphanage, they weren't treating me well.." Atsushi said as he looked down and akutagawa eyes soften a bit and gin just look sad to hear that. "Oh..well you can stay with us!" Gin said as she looked at her brother and akutagawa just nodded in agreement. "My name is atsushi." Atsushi softly said with a smile and gin just smile back. "I'm gin and my brother name is ryunosuke!" Gin said and akutagawa just nodded.

Atsushi stayed with the akutagawa siblings and they all got along pretty well. "Thank you.." Atsushi said as he eat the meat and akutagawa just smiling. Akutagawa obviously knew how to cook meat and the akutagawa siblings obviously fed atsushi. Everything was going alright, the akutagawa siblings considered atsushi to be part of their family and atsushi was happy but suddenly dazai found the akutagawa siblings so they left atsushi alone. "I'm sorry..we'll see each other again." Gin said as she hug atsushi and akutagawa also hug atsushi as well and atsushi was trying his best not to cry. The Akutagawa sibling soon left with dazai and now atsushi was alone but he wasn't dumb anymore. Akutagawa taught atsushi a few things on how to survive so atsushi knew how to live alone now but it did get lonely sometimes.

But atsushi survived it and soon was found by dazai, which was odd. Dazai was on in the agency so atsushi obviously join the agency but atsushi did wonder about the akutagawa siblings and the akutagawa siblings wondered about atsushi a lot. The tanizaki siblings and atsushi we're on a mission, when they stumble upon akutagawa and higuchi and atsushi immediately recognized akutagawa. Akutagawa recognized atsushi and he was so happy to see atsushi again. Akutagawa used rashomon to grab atsushi and he immediately hug atsushi.

The tanizaki siblings and higuchi look shocked and atsushi was just so shocked that he couldn't even speak. "Atsushi..I'm so sorry for leaving you alone.." Akutagawa said as he hold onto atsushi and atsushi just started to cry. "I'm here.." Akutagawa said with a smile as atsushi hug akutagawa. "we're leaving." Akutagawa said to higuchi as he started to walk away and higuchi just followed. "Hey! Give us atsushi!!" Tanizaki said as he tired to get up but akutagawa glare at him. "We should let the other know.." Naomi said and tanizaki just agreed. Atsushi was holding onto akutagawa as they walk to the port mafia base. "Gin will be happy to see you." Akutagawa softly said and atsushi just smiling and higuchi look so confused.

"I'm sorry.. but I'm confused." Higuchi said, akutagawa just sighed. "Me and gin knew atsushi before we were taken into the port mafia. We consider atsushi to be family." Akutagawa explain and it now made sense. Higuchi didn't ask any other questions and they just walked in silence. "Gin!" Akutagawa said as gin looked at her brother and she immediately hug atsushi. "Atsushi!!" Gin said and atsushi hug back. The other looks so confused and they were waiting for explanation. . "Me and gin knew atsushi before we were taken into the port mafia. We consider atsushi to be family." Akutagawa explain again and the port mafia member just nodded. "Isn't he from the agency?" Chuuya ask and akutagawa just nodded.

"I'm so glad, you're okay!!" Gin said and atsushi was just giggling. "I hope the agency is treating you well?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just nodded and both akutagawa siblings were happy to hear that. The other port mafia member didn't really mind atsushi being in the port mafia base and actually atsushi was fun to be around. "I never seen them so happy before.." Elise said and mori just smiled. "The were-tiger is something else.." Mori said as he walked away and elise just followed him. Mori didn't care at all so he let his members be.

Atsushi was obviously brought back to the agency and the agency member were relieved he was okay. " if any of you hurt him, I will come after you." Akutagawa said as he glare at the agency member and the agency members look surprised. "Bye atsushi! I'll visit you tomorrow!" Gin said as the car starts to drive away and the agency members were now currently on what happened. "I know the akutagawa siblings..I knew them before they were taken to the port mafia. They considered me to be family." Atsushi explain and gbe agency member look surprise because they didn't expect that. "Wow." Dazai said, even he was little surprised. "Well..i don't really mind you talking to long as no private information is shared." Fukuzawa said and atsushi just nodded and everything went back to normal and of course the akutagawa siblings visited atsushi all the time.

(The request wasn't that pacific and all I really said was atsushi ran away at 11 and met the akutagawa siblings in the progress so I just made something up so I hope the requested likes this!!)

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