weight//shin souokoku//

675 15 8

-angst and fluff

Warning: body shaming, eating disorder?

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi used to live in a orphanage but sadly was hated by the headmasters so he was locked up and was barely fed at all so he was skinny and extremely malnourished. When atsushi actually join the agency he got a check up from yosano and she pacifically told him to eat more because he needed some fat in him, atsushi was basically skinny and possibly on the brink of death because he's not eating much. Atsushi understood that so he ate more because it was a good thing he was getting fat in him but one day dazai decided to be a bitch.

"Atsushi...you're gaining weight~" Dazai teasingly says as he pinches atsushi checked and atsushi didn't really react to that. "But..isn't it a good thing..I'm gaining weight?" Atsushi quietly ask and dazai just smirks. "But if you get more fatter than, it might slow down your work~" dazai said with a smile, dazai always made comment about people's appearances so it wasn't surprising when he made a joke about atsushi weight and it was meant to be a simple joke but atsushi look horrified because he didn't want to be kicked out for being fat. "Uh.. okay.." atsushi said as he get back to work and dazai acts like he didn't do anything and the agency members didn't really pay any attention to it because they couldn't stop dazai from commenting on things but that was one big mistake.

Each time atsushi would try to eat all, he remember was he was fat so he didn't eat much anymore and basically was starving himself again. Atsushi and akutagawa have been dating for quite a while so it was no surprise when akutagawa noticed the change in his boyfriend mood and stuff. "Atsushi?" Akutagawa softly said as suddenly atsushi fall to the ground. Atsushi had passed out from Hunger and immediately akutagawa checked on his boyfriend. They were close to the port mafia base so akutagawa brung his boyfriend to the port mafia base so he could get checked.

"He..is extremely malnourished.." Mori finally said as he hangs up some IV fluids and akutagawa looked shocked. "What!? I thought he was eating more? That what yosano say.." Akutagawa said, chuuya was in the room for support and he looks surprised as well. "Where a-am I..?" Atsushi said as he looked around and akutagawa was immediately right next to his boyfriend's side. "Atsushi, why?" Akutagawa ask and atsushi just looked away. Atsushi was very weak and he definitely was very sore. "Dazai..said I was gaining weight.." Atsushi said, both akutagawa and chuuya were angry. "That bitch..I'm going to kill him.." Chuuya said as he walks out and chuuya was going to beat the shit out of dazai.

"Atsushi..just rest..I'll be right here the whole time.." Akutagawa softly said to atsushi as he slowly played with atsushi hair and atsushi just went back to sleep. "I'll be back later to check on him." Mori said as he slowly walked away and akutagawa just nodded. "Everything will be alright.." Akutagawa softly said to his sleeping boyfriend as he kisses atsushi forehead. The agency was wondering where atsushi was because atsushi wasn't at work. "Dazai!!" Chuuya angrily says as he basically slams the door open and the agency members got ready to fight.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of you.." Chuuya said as he grab dazai and dazai looked confused. "you think it's funny to make comments about people?" Chuuya ask as he slams dazai head on the desk and everyone also now looked confused. "You made a comment about atsushi weight and now, he's fucking in the port mafia base extremely malnourished cuz you made a comment about his damn weight!!" Chuuya said as he grab dazai hair and everyone looked surprised. "you're fucking subordinate is basically in a hospital bed because you decide to make one comment about his weight.." Chuuya said as he slammed dazai head on the desk again.

"you need to think before you act because this is what happens.." Chuuya said, the agency member looked shocked and horrified by this. "Atsushi is not coming back here until he's healthy..." Chuuya said as he slams dazai head on the desk one more time and it basically knocked him out. "Atsushi is staying with his boyfriend akutagawa..and we will be helping him getting back to health because right now he's extremely malnourished and I don't trust you guys.." Chuuya said as he glare at the other members, chuuya was extremely mad and everyone knew that so hey didn't try argue with him. "And..we'll make sure mori doesn't do anything to him so you don't have to worry about him.." Chuuya said as he walk away and yosano was definitely relieved to hear that because she knew how mori is.

For the next few days, atsushi was mostly in the port mafia's clinic because atsushi literally couldn't do anything because he was so weak but akutagawa was there the whole time. "Atsushi...you're allowed to go home but I advise you to take a lot of rest because your body is still weak.." Mori said and atsushi was happy because he finally get to go home. Atsushi has been staying with akutagawa because they're together. "The president knows that you won't be at work for a while and he knows the reason why.." Chuuya said to atsushi and atsushi just nodded. Chuuya was driving akutagawa and atsushi to akutagawa home. "Dazai is alive right?" Atsushi ask chuuya and chuuya slowly nodded. "sadly yes, he's alive but I did beat the shit out of him.." Chuuya said, akutagawa was happy to hear that and atsushi didn't say anything. "I will check up on you guys." Chuuya softly said to atsushi and akutagawa and then chuuya drove off.

"Ah..hello atsushi.." Gin said with a smile as atsushi and akutagawa walk in. Atsushi and gin only actually met once but at least they weren't strangers. "I'm cooking same tea on rice, it will be done soon.." Gin said as akutagawa slowly carry his boyfriend to the bed because atsushi needs rest. Atsushi didn't really like on how he just had to stay in bed because he was so weak but after a while he slowly gained his strength back. Akutagawa still didn't let atsushi go back to the agency because he didn't trust them at all but atsushi obviously had to go to work one day. "Fine..but I'm coming with you though.." Akutagawa finally said, atsushi just smile and soon atsushi and akutagawa were walking to the agency.

Atsushi was very worried for kyouka because he never left kyouka alone so he was obviously very worried. "Atsushi!" Kyouka suddenly said as she looked at the door and atsushi just smile. "Hello kyouka..are you doing alright?" Atsushi ask as kyouka hug atsushi. "I'm fine but are you alright!?" Kyouka ask as she looks at atsushi and atsushi just nodded. "Oh damm..looked like chuuya really did beat dazai up again.." Akutagawa said as he looked at dazai, dazai had a broken nose because chuuya decided to beat the shit out of him again.

"Atsushi..Are you feeling better?" Kunikida ask as he stop working and atsushi just nodded. "Atsushi is back at a normal weight.." Akutagawa said to the agency and the agency member were definitely happy to hear that. "Atsushi..I'm so sorry for what I say.." Dazai said as he bow down and atsushi just looked surprised but then atsushi started to giggle. "It alright.." Atsushi said, akutagawa just glare at dazai and dazai just smile.

Atsushi was soon able to go back to work after a few check-ups from yosano and obviously everyone was fine with the relationship as well because they knew akutagawa was a great person to atsushi.

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