the truth on atsushi survived//atsushi angst//

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-fluff and angst

-au-atsushi would eat himself to survive and his parents ate him to survive.

Warning: cannibalism, mention of abuse, mention of suicide(dazai)

Not canon reaction
Third person pov

Atsushi remembers everything about his childhood, which is a bit odd because usually in traumatic experiences the person would usually forget because the brain blocks it from the memories so it was a bit odd. Atsushi remember all about his parents and they were poor so the only way, they were able to eat was eating their own child but because they weren't abilities users or anything like that, they died because of it. Atsushi was immediately put into orphanage but he was considered to be a monster because of his ability so he was locked up in a cage and was barely fed and beaten on a daily basis.

Atsushi didn't know what to do so he ate himself and he was able to do that because he can heal his body and byakko did heal atsushi because both atsushi and byakko are basically connected byakko was also starving so she was just happy to be fed even if it was her vessel body parts. The headmaster of the orphanage knew nothing about this and even if he did he couldn't stop atsushi at all. Atsushi didn't really want to do it at first but it did make him full so he didn't really have a choice in a way and soon atsushi got used to doing it and it became a normal routine and a normal thing in atsushi eyes.

Atsushi was kicked out of the orphanage at the age of 18 because he was illegal adult now and the Headmaster couldn't control atsushi anymore so atsushi was on his own now. Atsushi was lucky enough to find a man, that was trying to kill himself. Atsushi saved the men and soon was invited to join the agency and that's how atsushi got his first job. Atsushi mention nothing about his past and the agency didn't really ask anything about it but someone was definitely curious about it.

Atsushi was doing his work as usual as dazai annoys him like always. "Atsushi~ how did you survive in the orphanage? Weren't you starved?" Dazai ask and atsushi just looked annoyed. 'be more sensitive..' Atsushi thought to himself as he stare at dazai and the agency member looks confused and shocked by the question. "well if you must know..I ate myself." Atsushi finally said and everyone looked so horrified and dazai honestly regrets asking because he did not want to know that. "Oh my god..." Tanizaki said as he drops a bunch of papers and atsushi just looked so calm. " did what!?!" Kunikida said as he looked at atsushi and atsushi looked back. "I ate myself to survive." Atsushi said again and everyone just couldn't believe it and was trying to process that.

"My ability allows me to do that so I didn't die unlike my parents.." Atsushi said and everyone was just horrified. "your parents!?!" Dazai said, even dazai was shocked and horrified. "My parents ate me as well because they were poor but because they weren't ability users, they sadly died and that's why I was put in the orphanage." Atsushi explain and everyone was just honestly disgusted now and that wasn't shocking. "Oh my god.." Yosano said and atsushi just went back to work as everyone actually tries to process that information. " know that's not normal right?" Dazai finally ask and atsushi just looked confused because atsushi thought it was normal. "It not normal?" Atsushi ask and dazai just nodded so finally atsushi understood why they were shocked. "Oh.." Was all that atsushi said as he was hug by naomi.

Everyone didn't realize how traumatized that atsushi was until now. "Atsushi.." Kyouka said as she grab atsushi and pulls him into a hug and atsushi just doesn't do anything. "It okay.." Kyouka whisper as she play with atsushi hair and atsushi just hug back. "Atsushi..I'm sorry..that you has to do that." Kenji said and atsushi just smiled. "you shouldn't have to apologize, I was just trying to survive so it was the only thing I had to do." Atsushi explain but everyone still felt bad because no one should have to go through that especially a little child. "I don't do that anymore so you don't have to worry about it." Atsushi said and the agency was happy to hear that but it was still wrong to even eat yourself so atsushi was definitely going to get some therapy.

"Maybe you should go home for the day." Kunikida said and atsushi just looked confused but atsushi did argue at all and he went home with kyouka because she wanted to make sure atsushi was alright. The agency definitely made some plans on getting atsushi some therapy because he really did needed it and now they're going to be a lot softer with him. The agency also made sure atsushi actually eat human food and atsushi didn't really notice them watching him and atsushi was actually a lot more happier after talking about his past and everything basically went back to normal but the agency was bit more overprotective of atsushi but that's necessarily not a bad thing and actually probably a good thing.

(😭 sorry if it's short, I really try!!)

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